If your country of residence is within the European Economic Area (“EEA”), Switzerland or the United Kingdom, the Payments Terms of Service for European Users apply to you.
If your country of residence is outside of Australia, the EEA, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, the Payments Terms of Service for Non-European Users apply to you.
If your country of residence or establishment is within Australia, the Payments Terms of Services for Australian Users apply to you.
本欧州、英国、オーストラリア以外のユーザー向け支払サービス利用規約(以下「支払規約」)は、Airbnbプラットフォームを通じて又はこれに関連して提供される支払いサービス(以下に定義)に適用される、お客様とAirbnb Paymentsとの間の法的拘束力を持つ契約となります。本支払規約の「Airbnb Payments」「当社」という表記は、Airbnb Payments法人を指し、本支払いサービスに関するお客様の契約相手となります。
Airbnb Paymentsは、宿泊施設、体験又はその他のホストサービスの公開、提供及び予約をするメンバー向けに支払いサービスを提供し、これにはオープンホームプログラムに関連するサービス及びAirbnbプラットフォームを通じて提供されるその他の現行及び今後のサービスも含まれます。これらの支払いサービスはホストの利益のために提供され、(利用可能な場合)以下が含まれます(以下総称して「支払いサービス」)。
- Airbnbアカウントに登録された支払い方法、たとえばクレジットカード、デビットカード、銀行口座、PayPalアカウント、デジタルウォレット、又は信用取引業者が提供する分割払いプランなど(以下「支払い方法」)への請求によるゲストからの支払いの回収(以下「支払い」)
- ホストのAirbnbアカウントに登録された金融商品、たとえばPayPalアカウント、銀行口座、プリペイドカード、デビットカードなど(以下「支払い受取方法」)を介してのホストへの支払い(以下「受取金」)
- ホストが指定する第三者支払い受取方法への支払い
- 慈善寄付の回収及び支払い
- ホストサービスに関連したその他の支払い関連サービス
お客様の居住国/地域 | 契約事業者 |
米国 | Airbnb Payments, Inc.(以下「Airbnb Payments US」) |
中国(本支払サービス利用規約においては香港、マカオ、及び台湾は含まないものとします)(以下「中国」) | Airbnb Payments UK Ltd.(以下「Airbnb Payments UK」) |
インド | Airbnb Payments India Pvt. Ltd.(以下「Airbnb Payments India」)。但し、以下の場合を除く。
ブラジル | Airbnb Plataforma Digital Ltda.(以下「Airbnb Brazil」)。 |
その他の国と地域 | Airbnb Payments UK |
お客様が居住国/地域を変更する場合、お客様の居住国/地域が変更された日以降は、お客様の新しい居住国/地域に応じて、契約事業者が決定されます。但し、居住国/地域の変更より前に確定した全予約については、居住国/地域の変更後も契約締結の相手方となるAirbnb Paymentsの法人は変わらない点にご留意ください。
1. お客様による支払いサービスの使用
1.1 Airbnbの支払いサービス
Airbnbの支払いサービスを使用することにより、お客様は、本支払規約を遵守することに同意するものとします。Airbnb Paymentsは、支払いサービスの適切な機能を確保するメンテナンス措置を講じるために、支払いサービス又はその機能へのアクセス又は利用を一時的に制限又は停止することがあります。Airbnb Paymentsは、随時、支払いサービスの改良、向上、及び修正を行い、新しい支払いサービスを導入することがあります。Airbnb Paymentsが支払いサービスを変更する場合、かかる変更により本支払規約に基づくメンバーの契約上の義務に実質的な増加がない又は権利に実質的な減少がない場合を除き、メンバーに通知します。
1.2 第三者サービス
支払いサービスには、第三者提供によるウェブサイト又はリソース(以下「第三者サービス」)へのリンクが含まれる場合があります。かかる第三者サービスには、異なるサービス利用規約及び個人情報保護ポリシーが適用され、メンバーはこれらを確認する必要があります。Airbnb Paymentsは、かかる第三者サービスの利用について責任は負わないものとします。第三者サービスへのリンクは、Airbnb Paymentsによるかかる第三者サービスに対する保証を意味するものではありません。
1.3 お客様のAirbnbアカウント
Airbnb Paymentsは、お客様がほかのメンバー又は第三者に対して、お客様のAirbnbアカウントに影響を及ぼす特定の行為を行う権限を付与できる機能を有効にすることができます。当該機能がお客様のAirbnbアカウントで有効な場合、お客様は、お客様のAirbnbアカウントを使用する権限を第三者に付与することができます。お客様は、お客様からお客様のAirbnbアカウントを使用する権限を与えられた者がお客様の代理で支払いサービスを利用できること、及びその者が行った一切の支払いについてお客様が責任を負うことを了承し、同意するものとします。
1.4 身分証明及び認証
お客様は、Airbnb Paymentsが、お客様の身元及びお客様から提供される情報を認証するために必要とされる照会を直接又は第三者を通じて行い、必要に応じて、代表者及び実質的支配者の身元確認を行うことを承認するものとします。かかる照会には、(i) お客様、並びに必要に応じて代表者及び実質的支配者の情報を第三者のデータベース又はその他の情報源と照合すること、(ii) サービス提供者からの報告を請求すること、(iii) 政府が発行する身分証明書(例:免許証、パスポート)の提供をお客様、並びに必要に応じて代表者及び実質的支配者に対して求め、氏名、出生地、生年月日、住所、国籍、及び/又は、適用法のもとで必要と思われるその他の情報を確認すること、又は (iv) お客様のメールアドレス、支払い方法、若しくは支払い受取方法がお客様のものであることを確認する手続きをお客様に求めることが含まれます。かかる情報のいずれかを取得又は認証できない場合、Airbnb Paymentsは、支払いサービスへのアクセスを拒否、停止、又は制限する権利を留保します。
1.5 その他の規約
2. ゲスト規約
2.1 支払い方法の追加
お客様がご利用のAirbnbアカウントに支払い方法を追加する場合、お客様は、請求に関する情報(お客様の氏名、請求先住所、決済方法の情報など)を、Airbnb Payments又はその支払い処理業者である第三者に提供することが求められます。お客様は、Airbnb PaymentsとAirbnb Paymentsの決済サービスプロバイダ(決済代行業者)がお客様の支払い方法に関する情報を収集し、保存することを承認するものとします。
2.2 支払い方法の認証
お客様が新しい支払い方法を追加又は使用する場合、Airbnb Paymentsは、(i) 決済サービスプロバイダを介して少額の信用照会を1回若しくは2回行い、お客様に当該金額の確認を求める、又は (ii) お客様に利用明細書のアップロードを要求することにより、当該支払い方法の認証を行うことができます。当社は、お客様の支払い方法から当該金額の返金を開始することができ、その権利を留保します。お客様がお支払い時に支払い方法を追加する場合には、以後の取引でご利用いただけるように、当該支払い方法をお客様のAirbnbアカウントに自動的に保存及び追加します。お客様は、予約日に開始し、チェックアウト日の14日後に終了する期間中、又は当該予約に関連する未払いの損害賠償請求の解決に必要な追加期間中、かかる予約に関連する支払い方法を削除することはできません。銀行口座を支払い方法(米国で利用可能な場合)として追加又は使用する場合、当該銀行口座は米ドル建ての引き落としに対応している必要があります。
2.3 支払いの承認
お客様は、Airbnb Paymentsに対し、規約及び第6条に基づく損害賠償請求額を含む、お客様のAirbnbアカウントに関連して支払われるべきすべての手数料(適用される税金を含む)を、直接的又は間接的にお客様の支払い方法に請求する(複数の支払い方法への請求を含む)ことを許可するものとします。お客様が銀行口座を使用して支払いを行う場合、お客様は、Airbnb Paymentsが支払い時に提示される支払いスケジュールに従い、お客様の銀行口座から引き落としを行うことを承認するものとします。また、お客様は、誤った引き落としを修正する、支払いに必要な調整を行う、又はお客様の銀行口座に返金することを目的に、Airbnb Paymentsがお客様の銀行口座に対してさらなる引き落とし又は入金を行うことを承認するものとします。
2.4 支払い方法の自動更新
再発行などによりお客様の支払い方法における口座情報(口座番号、ルーティングナンバー、有効期限など)に変更がある場合、Airbnb Paymentsは、Airbnb Paymentsと連携する金融サービス提供者又はお客様が利用する銀行からかかる情報を取得し、登録されている支払い方法に関する情報を自動的に更新することができます。
2.5 支払い時期
Airbnb Paymentsは通常、ホストが予約リクエストを承認した後に合計支払金額を請求します。但し、お客様がプッシュ型の支払い方法(Sofortなど)で支払いを行う場合、Airbnb Paymentsは、予約リクエストの時点、又はホストが予約リクエストを承認した後に合計金額を回収します。Airbnbは、支払いの時期及び方法について、別の選択肢を提案することができます。代わりの支払い方法の利用により生じる追加料金はAirbnbプラットフォーム上に表示され、合計金額に含まれます。お客様は、この選択肢を選ぶことにより、かかる料金の支払いに同意することになります。代わりの支払い方法を選択する場合、追加の利用規約が適用される場合があります。Airbnb Paymentsが予定どおりに合計金額を回収することができない場合、Airbnb Paymentsは、第5条第3項に従い、合計金額を後で回収します。お客様の予約リクエストの支払いが正常に完了すると、お客様は確認メールを受信することになります。
2.6 通貨
決済で利用できる支払通貨は、お客様が選択した支払い方法、居住国/地域、及び/又はAirbnb Paymentsにおける契約事業者などの要因をもとに、規制上又は運営上の理由により制限される場合があります。かかる制限がある場合は、Airbnbプラットフォーム経由で通知され、ご希望の通貨が利用できない場合、別の通貨又は支払い方法を選択するよう求められます。
お客様のAirbnb Paymentsにおける契約事業者の所在地とお客様の支払い方法におけるサービス提供者の国/地域が異なる場合、又はお客様が選択した通貨と支払い方法に適用される請求通貨が異なる場合、支払い手続きがお客様の居住国/地域外で処理されることがある点にご注意ください。その結果、支払い方法の金融機関により一定の手数料が適用される場合があり、お客様の支払い方法の明細書に記載される金額が、お支払いの際に提示された金額と異なることがあります。たとえば、お客様が、米国で発行されたカードを使用して予約を行い、通貨としてユーロを選択した場合、米国銀行外で支払い手続きが行われ、クレジットカード会社が国際取引手数料、及び外国為替手数料を科すことがあります。また、お客様が、お客様の支払い方法に登録されている請求通貨と異なる通貨で支払うことを選択した場合、ご利用の銀行又はクレジットカード会社は、当該銀行が単独で決定する為替レート、及び手数料額に基づき、お支払い金額をお客様の支払い方法に登録されている請求通貨に換算することがあります。Airbnb Paymentsは、かかる手数料につき責任を負わず、この点についていかなる責任も引き受けません。これらの手数料や適用される為替レートに関するご質問は、お客様の支払い方法の金融機関にお問い合わせください。
2.7 予約リクエストのステータス
予約リクエストがホストにより承認されなかった場合、お客様がホストの承認前に予約リクエストを撤回した場合、又はAirbnbが予約をキャンセルしたことにより、予約リクエストが取り消された場合、Airbnb Paymentsが回収した、第5条第5項に記載のポリシーに基づきお客様に支払われるべき一切の金額は、お客様に返金され、第5条第5項第2号に従い、(該当する場合)お客様の支払い方法に対する事前の信用照会は取り消されます。
2.8 支払いの制限
Airbnb Paymentsは、(i) Airbnb Paymentsのリスク管理ポリシー若しくは手順に違反する可能性がある、(ii) 本支払規約若しくは規約に違反する可能性がある、(iii) 許可されていない、不正若しくは違法である、又は (iv) お客様、Airbnb、Airbnb Payments、若しくはその他をAirbnb Paymentsで許可できないリスクにさらす疑いがある支払いを拒否又は制限する権利を留保します。
2.9 決済サービスプロバイダ
支払い方法には、第三者の決済サービスプロバイダの利用を伴う場合があります。かかる決済サービスプロバイダは、支払いサービスに関連する支払いを処理する際に、お客様に追加の手数料を請求する場合がありますが、Airbnb Paymentsは、かかる手数料につき責任を負わず、この点についていかなる責任も引き受けません。また、お客様の支払い方法には、追加の利用規約が適用される場合があります。支払い方法を利用する前に必ずご確認ください。
2.10 お客様の支払い方法、お客様の責任
Airbnb Paymentsは、お客様が提供した支払い方法に関する情報が不正確であったことによりお客様に生じる損失に対して一切責任を負いません。
2.11 その他の支払い方法
2.11.1 料金の一部即時払い及び残額後払い
お客様が、料金の一部即時払い及び残額後払いを選択した場合、支払い手続きの際にAirbnbプラットフォームから金額、通貨、及び各支払いの期日が通知されます。次回の支払い期日に、Airbnb Paymentsにより、予約時に使用した支払い方法に支払い金額が自動的に請求されます。
お客様が、料金の一部即時払い及び残額後払いを利用した予約に変更を加えた場合は、必要に応じ、支払いスケジュールの変更についてAirbnbからお客様宛に通知が届きます。また、Airbnb Paymentsにより、予約時に使用した支払い方法に対して、変更後の支払い期日に自動で請求が行われます。変更により支払いの合計金額が増える場合、変更時に新しい合計金額の一部を追加でお支払いいただくことがあります。
Airbnb Paymentsがお客様から支払いを回収できない場合、Airbnb Paymentsはかかる支払い拒否についてお客様に通知し、通知から72時間以内に別の支払い方法で支払いを完了するように要求します。支払いを完了できない場合、お客様は代わりに予約をキャンセルする権限をAirbnbに付与するものとします。予約がキャンセルされた場合、ホストが設定したキャンセルポリシーに従って返金が行われます。
2.11.2 定期払い
一部の予約(28泊以上の宿泊施設の予約など)について、Airbnb Paymentsは、支払うべき合計金額に達するまで、分割した額を定期的に支払うこと(以下「定期払い」)をゲストに対して要求する場合があります。予約に適用される場合、定期払いに関する詳しい情報(支払額や支払い頻度など)は、Airbnbプラットフォームを通じて確認することができます。
確定済みの予約に定期払いが適用される場合、ゲストは、Airbnb Paymentsに合計金額を回収する権限を付与するものとします。
ゲストは、遅くとも支払予定日の3営業日前までに口頭又は書面にてAirbnb Paymentsに対して通知することにより、定期払いを停止することができます。Airbnb Paymentsは、口頭による通知から14日以内に書面にて支払い停止要求に関する確認書類を提出するようお客様に要求することができます。お客様が、その14日以内に書面を提供できなかった場合、Airbnb Paymentsは、今後の定期払いの停止を求めるお客様のリクエストにお応えする義務を負いません。お客様に適用される定期払いに関するご質問は、Airbnb Paymentsまでお問い合わせください。
2.12 後払い
ゲストは、宿泊予約の支払い方法として、クレジットカードやその他の分割払いオプション、及び一定の期間をかけて支払うオプション(以下「後払い」)を選択できる場合があります。これらの支払い方法は、AirbnbではなくKlarna Bank AB(又はその関連会社)によって提供されるため、お支払い時に提示される追加利用規約が適用され、Klarnaがかかる支払いの債権者となります。支払い方法によっては、借り手であるお客様と貸し手であるKlarnaの間に別の関係も生じます。これらの支払い方法を利用する前に、適用される追加規約をご確認ください。
3. ホスト規約
3.1 支払いの回収
Airbnb Paymentsは通常、特に断りのない限り、ホストがゲストの予約リクエストを承認した時点で予約の合計金額を回収します。
3.2 有効な支払い受取方法
受取金を受領するためには、お客様は、ご自身のAirbnbアカウントと紐づいた有効な支払い受取方法を保有している必要があります。お客様がご自身のAirbnbアカウントに支払い受取方法を追加した場合、お客様は、請求に関する情報(お客様の氏名、政府発行の身分証明書、納税者番号、請求先住所、金融商品情報など)を、Airbnb Payments又は第三者の決済代行業者に提供する必要があります。選択した支払い受取方法に応じて、住所、口座に記載されている氏名、口座の種類、ルーティング番号、口座番号、メールアドレス、受取通貨、識別番号、特定の決済代行業者に関連付けられた口座情報など、追加情報が必要になる場合があります。支払い受取方法を有効にするには、必要な情報を提供する必要があります。Airbnb Paymentsが有効な支払い受取方法に必要とする情報は変更される場合があり、Airbnb Paymentsはいつでも追加情報を要求することができます。要求された情報を提供しない場合、Airbnb Paymentsは、情報が提供され、必要に応じて認証されるまで、一時的に受取金を保留、一時停止、又はキャンセルすることがあります。お客様は、Airbnb PaymentsがAirbnbの個人情報保護ポリシーに従い、お客様の支払い受取方法に関する情報を収集し、保存することを承認するものとします。更にAirbnb Paymentsは、適用法の要件に従い、政府当局と情報を共有することもできます。
3.3 受取金の支払い時期
ゲストから正常に支払いを受領した場合に限り、Airbnb Paymentsは通常、(i) 宿泊施設については、ゲストのチェックイン予定時刻から24時間後(又はチェックイン時刻が柔軟な場合や指定されていない場合は、現地時間午後3時(現地時間が不明な場合は協定世界時の午後3時)から24時間後)に、(ii) 体験については、体験の開始から24時間後に、(iii) その他すべてのホストサービスについては、Airbnbプラットフォーム上に明記された時点で、お客様が選択した支払い受取方法に対して支払いを開始します。28泊以上の宿泊予約に関しては、Airbnb Paymentsは通常の場合、ゲストのチェックイン予定時刻の24時間後に1回目の支払いを開始し、それ以降の支払いは、予約期間中、初回の支払い後30日ごとに開始します。
Airbnb Paymentsは、支払いが発生する時間、及び条件について別途提案することができます。これには、追加の利用規約が適用される場合があります。Airbnb Paymentsから送金された受取金を受領するまでに必要な期間は、お客様が選択した支払い受取方法により異なります。
3.4 受取金
予約の受取金は、Airbnbサービス料及び対象となる税金などの適用される手数料、並びに補助ホスト、宿泊施設の所有者、住宅所有者組合及び/又はその代理人(ビル運営者、宿泊施設の管理会社など)に分配することにお客様が同意した金額を合計金額から差し引いた額となります。確定済みの予約がキャンセルされた場合、Airbnb Paymentsは、規約及び適用されるキャンセルポリシーに基づき、お客様に支払われるべき金額(該当する場合)を送金します。
3.5 受取金の制限
Airbnb Paymentsは、違法行為や詐欺の防止、リスク評価、セキュリティ若しくは調査の完了の目的で、又はお客様の身元を確認できない場合や、必要な情報を取得若しくは認証できない場合には、一時的に受取金の支払いを保留、停止、又はキャンセルすることができます。更に、Airbnb Paymentsは、不可抗力事象(以下に定義されるとおり)に起因する大量の予約キャンセル又は予約変更を受けて、規約に基づいてお客様に支払われる受取金の発生又は処理を一時的に保留、停止、又は遅延させることがあります。
3.6 受取金の通貨
Airbnb Paymentsは、お客様がAirbnbプラットフォームを介して選択する通貨でお客様の受取金を送金します。決済で利用できる支払通貨は、お客様の支払い受取方法、居住国/地域、又はAirbnbにおける契約事業者などの要因をもとに、規制上又は運営上の理由により制限される場合があります。かかる制限がある場合は、Airbnbプラットフォーム経由で通知され、お客様は、別の通貨又は支払い受取方法を選択するよう求められます。なお、決済サービスプロバイダは、お客様が選択した通貨又は支払い受取方法に基づいて、取引、通貨換算又はその他の手数料を科す場合がありますが、Airbnb Paymentsは、かかる手数料について責任を引き受けず、この点についていかなる責任も引き受けません。
3.7 受取金の制限
コンプライアンス又は運用上の理由により、Airbnb Paymentsは受取金の額を制限することができます。お客様に支払われる金額がこの上限額を超えている場合、Airbnb Paymentsは、お客様への受取金全額を支払うために、受取金を数回に分けて支払うことがあります(複数日にわたって支払う可能性もあります)。
3.8 決済サービスプロバイダ
支払い受取方法には、第三者の決済サービスプロバイダの利用を伴う場合があります。かかる決済サービスプロバイダは、支払いサービスに関連する受取金を処理する際に、お客様に追加の手数料を請求する場合(受取金額から手数料を差し引く場合も含む)がありますが、Airbnb Paymentsは、かかる手数料につき責任を負わず、この点についていかなる責任も引き受けません。また、お客様の支払い受取方法は、かかる第三者の決済サービスプロバイダによる追加利用規約の対象となる場合があります。支払い方法を利用する前に必ずご確認ください。
3.9 資金の取り扱い
Airbnb Paymentsは、ゲストから回収した金額を組み合わせ、適用法で許可されている範囲内で投資することができます。Airbnb Paymentsは、これらの投資で得た利息を保持します。
3.10 お客様の支払い受取方法、お客様の責任
Airbnb Paymentsは、お客様が提供した支払い受取方法に関する情報が不正確であったことによりお客様に生じる損失に対して一切責任を負いません。
3.11 その他の支払い受取方法
3.11.1 受取金の分割
ホストサービスをチーム、企業、又は別の組織(以下「ホストチーム」)の一員としてほかのホストと共同で提供する場合、Airbnbはホストチームのメンバー間で予約のホスト受取金総額を割り振るオプションを提供することがあります。Airbnb Paymentsは、ホストチームの1人以上のメンバーの指示に従って支払いを実行し、かかる支払い指示を行う際にホストが招いたエラー又は不作為に関連するいかなる損失に対しても責任を負いません。
3.11.2 Airbnb Payments USと契約を締結するホスト用のバーチャルクレジットカード
特定のホストは、バーチャルクレジットカード(以下「VCC」)経由で受取金を受領できる場合があります。VCC経由でホストに受取金が支払われる場合、Airbnb Paymentsより各予約のVCC番号と承認された金額が提供されます。各VCCには、ゲストのチェックイン予定時刻の24時間前(又はチェックイン時刻が柔軟な場合や指定されていない場合は、現地時間午後3時(現地時間が不明な場合は協定世界時の午後3時)の24時間前)に請求できるようになり、ゲストのチェックイン予定時刻の180日後に失効されます。
Airbnb Paymentsがお客様に予約の受取金を支払う義務の前提条件として、お客様はかかる予約のチェックイン前日からチェックインの180日後までの間に各VCCに請求を行うことに同意するものとします。VCCへの請求が行われなかった場合、(ゲストによるキャンセルやその他の調整などが理由で)Airbnb Paymentsからお客様に対して支払うべき金額がないことをお客様が確認したものとし、Airbnb Paymentsはゲストから支払われた金額を、Airbnb Paymentsの運営費の追加対価として保持できるものとします。お客様は、Airbnb Paymentsが通常、予約期間中に発生する事象(ゲストの実際の到着日や出発日、又はお客様とゲストの間で取り決められたキャンセルやその他の調整など)について一切関知していないこと、及びその結果、Airbnb PaymentsがVCCにお客様が請求する金額を正確且つ決定的なものとして信頼し、受け入れる権利を有することを了承し、これに同意するものとします。
お客様によるVCCの不正利用若しくは過剰請求があった場合、お客様がVCCへの請求を行った後にゲストが予約をキャンセルした場合、及び/又は適用されるキャンセルポリシーに基づき返金が発生した場合、お客様は、Airbnb Paymentsからの要求に応じてVCCに返金を行うことに同意するものとします。お客様は、Airbnb Paymentsが、本支払規約で許可されているその他の方法により、及び/又はお客様への支払い取り消しを開始することにより、Airbnb Paymentsに対して支払われるべき金額を回収する権利を有することを了承するものとします。
お客様は、宿泊施設に到着したゲストからのリクエストにより発生した付帯料金やアップグレード料金について、ゲストから直接回収する責任を単独で負うものとします。お客様は、Airbnb Paymentsが合計金額の一部を返金する結果になりうるリクエストをゲストから受けた場合、Airbnb Paymentsにかかるリクエストの受け入れ可否を事前に確認することなく、それに応じないことに同意するものとします。
Airbnb Paymentsは、ゲストの予約に関してVCCに請求された日から1年間、VCCへの請求内容を監査し、請求額を裏付ける証拠書類の提出をお客様に要求する権利を有するものとします。Airbnb Paymentsがかかる期間内に当該権利を行使しない場合、VCCへの請求は正しいものとみなされます。お客様がVCCへの請求を裏付けるのに十分な証拠書類を提出できない場合、Airbnb Paymentsは、お客様に対する支払いの取り消し手続きを開始する権利、及び/又は本支払規約で許可されているその他の方法で、かかる金額を回収する権利を有するものとします。
3.12 後払い
4. 限定的な支払回収代理人としてのAirbnb Paymentsの任命
各ホストチームメンバーを含む各ホストは、ホストサービスを購入するゲストからの資金の受領と処理をホストに代わって行う限定的な目的のために、ホストの唯一の支払回収代理人としてAirbnb Paymentsを任命するものとします。
各ホストチームメンバーを含む各ホストは、ゲストがAirbnb Paymentsを通じて行う支払いを、ホストに対する直接の支払いと同じであるとみなすことに同意するものとし、ホストは当該ゲストから直接支払いを受領したかのように、事前合意した方法により当該ゲストが予約したホストサービスを提供するものとします。各ホストは、規約に従ってAirbnb Paymentsがゲストに返金する場合があることに同意するものとします。各ホストは、Airbnb Paymentsのホストへの支払い義務は、ゲストから関連する支払いを正常に受領したことを条件とすることを了承するものとします。Airbnb Paymentsは、本支払規約に従ってAirbnb Paymentsがゲストから正常に受領した金額に限り、ホストへの支払いを保証します。ホストの限定的支払回収代理人の任命を受諾するに当たって、Airbnb Paymentsはホストの行為又は不作為に対して一切の責任を負いません。
各ゲストは、Airbnb Paymentsが各ホストチームメンバーを含むホストとお客様の間の契約当事者ではないという事実にかかわらず、Airbnb Paymentsがホストに代わってお客様からの支払いを受領するという限定的な目的で、各ホストの支払回収代理人を務めることを了承し、これに同意するものとします。ゲストがAirbnb Paymentsに支払いを行った時点で、ゲストのホストに対する合意金額の支払義務は消滅し、Airbnb Paymentsは、本支払規約に記載された方法により、Airbnb Paymentsが正常に受領した支払いをホストに送金する責任を負います。Airbnb Paymentsが支払いサービスの提供を完了せずかかる金額を送金しない場合、ホストは支払いサービスの不履行についてAirbnb Paymentsのみに対して償還請求権を有するものとし、ゲストに対しては直接の償還請求権を有しません。
5. 一般利用規約
5.1 手数料
Airbnb Paymentsは特定の支払いサービスの利用にかかる手数料を請求することができ、適用される手数料は、規約又はAirbnbプラットフォームを通じてお客様に開示されます。
5.2 支払いの権限付与
お客様は、本支払規約及び/又は規約に従い、支払いが必要な金額をお客様から回収する権限をAirbnb Paymentsに付与するものとします。金額の回収は、(i) 関連する予約に伴う支払い方法、若しくはお客様がAirbnbアカウントに登録しているその他の支払い方法に対して請求若しくは引き落としを行う(但し、お客様が当該支払い方法に対する請求若しくは引き落としの許可を以前に取り消している場合を除く)、又は、(ii) 将来の受取金から控除することのいずれかの方法により行われます。具体的には下記項目をお客様から回収する権限を、Airbnb Paymentsに付与するものとします。
- Airbnb又はAirbnb Paymentsが代行して前払いした費用の返済を含む、Airbnb又はAirbnb Paymentsに支払われるべき代金(予約、予約変更、キャンセル、又はAirbnbプラットフォームのゲスト、ホスト又はユーザーとしてのその他の行為の結果により生じる代金)。Airbnb Paymentsが回収した代金はすべて、お客様がAirbnb又はAirbnb Paymentsに対して支払うべき金額から差し引かれ、お客様のAirbnb又はAirbnb Paymentsに対する債務は消滅します。
- ゲストがホストに支払うべき金額のうち、上記第4条に従い、Airbnbがホストの支払回収代理人として回収する代金。
- 適用される場合、規約に定める税金。
- お客様のAirbnbアカウントに関連して問題解決センター経由で支払う代金。
- 規約及び第6条に従って、Airbnb又はAirbnb Paymentsに支払われる損害賠償請求金。
- 規約に基づいて支払われるオーバーステイのペナルティ(オーバーステイのペナルティの徴収にかかる費用及び経費を含む)。
- 規約の規定により課されるサービス料又はキャンセル料(例:ホストとして確定済み予約をキャンセルした場合)。
- ゲストが確定済み予約をキャンセルするか、Airbnbが規約、再予約および返金ポリシー、体験ゲスト返金ポリシー、重大な影響を及ぼす事象ポリシー、Luxe再予約および返金ポリシー、又はその他の適用されるキャンセルポリシーに従って予約をキャンセルする必要があると判断したにもかかわらず、すでにホストであるお客様に支払われた金額。お客様は、すでに支払いを受けている場合、Airbnb Paymentsが当該ゲスト返金額をお客様から回収する権利(お客様へ支払われるべき今後の受取金から当該返金額を控除することを含む)を有することに同意するものとします。
お客様が予約後のいずれかの時点で、支払いプランや定期払い請求、予約の変更、問題解決センターでの支払い、損害賠償請求(以下「追加金額」)などの金額を負担する場合、お客様はAirbnb Paymentsが関連する予約の支払い方法に請求することにより、お客様自身がこれ以上の措置を講じることなく、当該追加金額の支払いを回収することを承認するものとします。Airbnb Paymentsは、追加金額が請求される前に書面でお客様に通知します。
関連する予約に伴うお客様の支払い方法が期限切れ、無効、又は何らかの理由(資金不足など)で請求できないと判断された場合、お客様は未回収の金額について引き続き責任を負うものとします。お客様は、Airbnb Paymentsが、お客様の予約に関連する支払い方法に対して再度請求若しくは引き落としを行うか、又は利用可能な場合は、お客様のAirbnbアカウントに登録されたほかの支払い方法を使用して、当該追加金額を回収することを承認するものとします。ご利用銀行より、各支払いエラーに対して貸越手数料又はその他の手数料が請求される場合があります。いかなる理由であれ、回収されなかった金額は、回収代行業者への委託、お客様に対する利用可能な訴訟原因の追求又は請求の追求を含むがこれらに限定されない、利用可能なあらゆる救済措置の対象となります。
お客様がホストとして過払い詐欺、予約詐欺、又はその他の詐欺行為に関与したとAirbnbが信じる理由があり、Airbnb Paymentsがかかる予約の受取金を送金済みの場合、Airbnb Paymentsはお客様に支払われる今後の受取金から当該金額を減額、控除、又は引き落とすことにより、お客様から当該金額を回収することができるものとします。
上記の支払われるべき代金に加え、お客様の支払い方法で延滞又は支払い拒否が発生した場合、かかる延滞又は支払い拒否分のAirbnb Payments代金回収に伴う手数料が請求される場合があります。このような手数料には、回収手数料、便宜手数料又はその他の第三者手数料などが含まれる場合があります。
5.3 回収
規約及び本支払規約に基づいてお客様が支払うべき金額をAirbnb Paymentsが回収できない場合、Airbnb Paymentsは当該金額をお客様から回収するための措置を講じることができます。
Airbnb Paymentsは、(a) 権限に基づく支払い請求の場合は、Airbnb Paymentsが最初にお客様の支払い方法に対して請求若しくは引き落としを試みた時点、又は関連するサービスが提供された時点のうち、遅いほうの時点から120日経過後、(b) ホストの今後の受取金から控除する場合は、ホストのAirbnbアカウントへの調整がなされた時点、又は関連するサービスが提供された時点のうち、遅いほうの時点から270日経過後に、未払い金額の支払い期限が過ぎたものとみなします。
Airbnb Paymentsは、(a) 権限に基づく支払い請求又は引き落としの場合は、Airbnb Paymentsが最初にお客様の支払い方法に対して請求若しくは引き落としを試みた時点、又は関連するサービスが提供された時点のうち、遅いほうの時点から、及び (b) ホストの今後の受取金から控除する場合は、ホストのAirbnbアカウントへの調整がなされた時点、又は関連するサービスが提供された時点のうち、遅いほうの時点から365日経過後に、支払い期限が過ぎている未回収の金額につき債務不履行とみなします。
お客様は、お客様が支払うべき金額に関するすべての連絡は、お客様がAirbnb及び/又はAirbnb Paymentsに提供した情報に基づき、電子メール又は電話により行われることについて、ここに明示的に同意するものとします。当該連絡は、Airbnb、Airbnb Payments、又はその代理人(第三者の支払回収代理人を含むが、これに限らない)のいずれかによって行われます。
5.4 支払処理エラー
Airbnb Paymentsは、支払い処理エラーを確認した場合、当該エラーを修正するために必要な措置を講じます。かかる修正措置には、お客様が最終的に正しい金額を受領又は支払いできるように、お客様が予約時に使用又は選択した支払い受取方法又は支払い方法に(適宜)返金又は追加引き落としを行うことなどが含まれます。かかる措置は、Airbnb Payments又はご利用の金融機関などの第三者によって行われます。また、Airbnb Paymentsは誤ってお客様に送られた資金(処理エラーによりお客様に支払われた二重支払いの場合も含むが、これに限定されない)を回収するために、当該資金の額をお客様に支払われる今後の受取金から減額、控除、及び/又は引き落としすることがあります。
お客様は、誤りによって資金を受け取った場合、かかる資金を直ちにAirbnb Paymentsに返金することに同意するものとします。
5.5 返金
規約、重大な影響を及ぼす事象ポリシー、再予約および返金ポリシー、及び体験ゲスト返金ポリシーのもと、メンバーが受け取るべき返金又は旅行クーポンは、Airbnb Paymentsが本支払規約に従って処理を開始し、送金するものとします。
本条(第5条第5項第2号)に従って、Airbnb Paymentsは直ちに返金処理を開始します。ホストによるキャンセルの場合、Airbnb Paymentsは、ゲストが返金を受けるか、又はゲストがその資金で別のホストのリスティングを再予約するようAirbnbに指示するまで、資金を最長72時間留保します。場合によって、返金処理には現金による返金の代わりに旅行クーポンを受け取るオプションが含まれることがあります。このオプションが利用可能な場合、返金のタイミングはAirbnbプラットフォームを介してお客様に通知されます。現金での返金の受け取りまでにかかる時間、又は返金先のお客様の支払い方法への事前信用照会の解除にかかる時間は、支払い方法及び適用される支払いシステム(例:Visa、Mastercardなど)の規則により異なります。返金の処理及び決済に影響を及ぼす可能性のある不可抗力が発生した場合は、Airbnb Paymentsは可及的速やかに返金を開始し、処理します。
6. 損害賠償請求及び損害賠償額
損害賠償請求額に対する責任がお客様にある場合、規約の第15条に従い、AirbnbはAirbnb Paymentsを介して、損害賠償請求額を回収するために、当該予約の際に用いられた支払い方法、当該損害賠償の請求時点でお客様のAirbnbアカウントに登録されていた支払い方法、又は請求後合理的な時期に登録されたその他の支払い方法に、規約の第15条に定める上限額まで請求することができます。この請求を円滑に行うため、お客様は宿泊先を予約する際、AirbnbがAirbnb Paymentsを介して損害賠償請求の金額を回収するために、宿泊先の予約時に使用される支払い方法に請求できることに同意するものとします。
お客様は、Airbnb Paymentsがお客様の保持する任意の保険契約から賠償を求める可能性があること、更にAirbnb Paymentsが、回収代行業者への委託、又はお客様に対する訴因若しくは請求の追求を含むがこれらに限定されない、利用可能なあらゆる救済措置をお客様に対して追求する可能性があることに同意するものとします。これには損害賠償請求、又はホスト損害保証に基づくホストによる支払い請求に関連するものが含まれます。
7. 放置された資産
Airbnb Paymentsがお客様に支払うべき資金を保持している場合(受取金や返金の支払い手続きができない場合など)、又はお客様が州(都道府県)、国又はその他の自治体が未請求資産法で定めた期間内にギフトカードやギフトクーポンを使用しない場合、当社はかかる支払いを当社の法的義務に従って処理することができます。かかる処理には、適用される未請求資産法の定めに従い、適切な自治体機関に当該資金を報告し、復帰(送金)することが含まれます。
8. 禁止される活動
- 適用される法令に違反又はこれを回避すること。
- あらゆる第三者との契約、第三者の権利、又は規約、追加の法的規約、ポリシー、又は基準に違反したり、これを回避したりすること。
- 本支払規約により明示的に許可されていない商業上又はその他の目的で支払いサービスを利用すること。
- ご自分のAirbnbアカウントにおいて、ご自身名義のものでない若しくは使用権限のない支払い方法又は支払い受取方法を登録又は使用すること。
- 支払いサービスを保護するためにAirbnb Payments若しくはAirbnb Paymentsのプロバイダ又はその他の第三者が実行する技術上の措置を回避、バイパス、除去、無効化、阻害、スクランブル解除又はその他の方法により迂回すること。
- 支払いサービスの遂行又は適切な機能を損なう若しくは悪影響を及ぼす、又はそれらの可能性のある行為を行うこと。
- 支払いサービスを提供するために使用されるソフトウェアの解読、逆コンパイル、逆アセンブル又はリバースエンジニアリングを試みること。
- 他者の権利に対する侵害若しくは違反、又はその他の方法により他者に害を及ぼすこと。
Airbnb Paymentsは、マネーロンダリング防止及び制裁の実施に関する社内のポリシー及びさまざまな法域が定める法律に従って行動する必要があります。このような制裁には、(i) 米国政府によって科される、管理される、若しくは執行される経済的制裁、金融的制裁若しくは禁輸措置(米国財務省外国資産管理局又は米国国務省によって管理されるものを含む)、又は (ii) 国連安全保障理事会、欧州連合若しくは英国財務省による制裁が含まれます。お客様は、ご自身及びご自身の法域に適用される金融制裁措置及び輸出管理に関する法律を遵守するものとします。
9. 不可抗力
Airbnb Paymentsは、天災、自然災害、戦争、テロ、暴動、通商禁止、民間若しくは軍事当局による行為、火災、洪水、事故、感染症の世界的大流行、疫病若しくは病気、ストライキ、又は輸送設備、燃料、エネルギー、労働力若しくは資材の不足を含むがこれらに限定されない、Airbnb又はAirbnb Paymentsの合理的な管理が及ばない異常又は予測不可能な事態(以下「不可抗力の事象」)に起因し、あらゆる努力によってもその影響が不可避であった場合、本支払規約に定められた義務に関するすべての遅延又は不履行について、責任を負わないものとします。
10. 免責条項
Airbnb Paymentsは第4条に従ってホストの限定的な支払回収代理人に任命されますが、かかる任命にかかわらず、Airbnb Paymentsは、メンバー又はその他第三者の行為及び不作為にかかるすべての責任を明示的に否認します。Airbnb Paymentsは本支払規約に明示されている範囲を超えて、各ホストの代理人としてのいかなる義務又は責務を負わず、また法律により黙示的に認められうるその他の義務又は責務についても、明示的に排除されるものとします。
11. 責任
お客様は、Airbnbに故意又は重大な過失がある場合及び第11条第2項にある例外の場合を除き、支払いサービスのお客様のアクセス、及び利用から生じるすべてのリスクをご自身が負担することについて了解し、同意するものとします。お客様がご自身のAirbnbアカウントの利用を、利用方法の如何を問わず他者に許可又は承認した場合、お客様は当該他者の行為について責任を負います。Airbnb Payments又は支払いサービスの制作、作成、若しくは提供に従事するその他一切の者は、(i) 本支払規約、(ii) 支払いサービスの利用若しくは利用の不能、又は(iii) 支払いサービスの利用の結果としてお客様が連絡、交流、取引、若しくは接触した他のメンバー又は他者との連絡、交流、若しくは接触に起因又は関連する一切の付随的、特別、懲罰的又は派生的な損害(逸失利益、データの喪失若しくは信用の喪失、サービスの中断、コンピュータの損害若しくはシステム障害若しくは代替の製品若しくはサービスの費用又は人身傷害若しくは肉体的傷害若しくは精神的苦痛に関する一切の損害を含む)について、保証、契約、不法行為(過失を含む)、製造物責任又はその他一切の法理に基づく場合を問わず、かつAirbnbがかかる損害の発生可能性について知らされていたか否かにかかわらず、本支払規約に規定される限定的な救済手段によっては本質的な目的を達成できないことが判明した場合であっても、責任を負わないものとします。本支払規約、若しくはホスト損害保証又は日本ホスト保険により承認済みの支払い請求に従って該当するホストに支払いを行うAirbnbの義務を除き、本支払規約及びお客様による支払いサービスの利用に起因又は関連して生じるAirbnb Paymentsの責任総額(本支払いサービスの利用又は利用不能から生じた責任を含むが、これらに限定しない)は、いかなる場合も、(i) 当該責任事由の発生に先立つ12か月間にお客様がゲストとしてAirbnbプラットフォーム経由の予約で支払った若しくは支払い義務を負った金額、又はお客様がホストである場合は、当該責任事由の発生に先立つ12か月間にAirbnb Paymentsがお客様に支払った金額、又は、(ii) かかる支払いが一切行われていない場合には100米ドルのうち、それぞれ該当する金額を超えないものとします。上記に規定されている損害賠償の制限は、Airbnb Paymentsとお客様との間の交渉の基礎となる基本的要素となります。一部の法域では、付随的損害又は派生的損害の除外又は制限を認めていないため、上記の制限がお客様に適用されない場合があります。お客様が米国以外に居住する場合、これは、Airbnb Paymentsの過失から生じる死亡若しくは人身傷害、詐欺的な虚偽表示、基本的事項に関する虚偽表示の責任、又は適用法により排除若しくは制限することができないその他責任に影響するものではありません
12. 補償
お客様は、(i) お客様による本支払規約の違反、(ii) お客様による本支払いサービスの不適切な利用、(iii) お客様の指示に基づくお客様又はAirbnb Paymentsによる税金の正確な報告、徴収、納付の不履行、又は、(iv) お客様による法令又は第三者の権利への侵害に起因して若しくは何らかの点においてこれらに関連して生じる一切の請求、責任、損害、損失、及び費用(合理的な法的費用及び会計費用を含むがこれに限定しない)について、Airbnb Payments、並びにその関連会社及び子会社、並びにその役員、取締役、従業員及び代理人を免除、(Airbnb Paymentsの選択により)防御、補償、免責することに同意します。
13. 変更、期間、解約、及びその他の措置
13.1 変更
適用法に別段の要件がある場合を除き、Airbnb Paymentsはいつでも本支払規約を変更することができます。本規約に大幅な変更を加える場合には、変更後の本規約をAirbnbプラットフォームに掲載し、本規約の冒頭の「最終更新日」を更新します。また、変更によりお客様が影響を受ける場合には、施行の30日前までに変更を通知します。お客様がAirbnb Payments UKと契約を締結する場合、少なくとも2か月前までに通知が届きます。変更後の本支払規約が有効となる日より前にお客様が本契約を解約しなかった場合において、お客様が支払いサービスの利用を継続したときは、お客様は変更後の本支払規約に同意したものとみなされます。
13.2 期間
本支払規約に反映されるお客様とAirbnb Payments間の本契約は、お客様がAirbnbアカウントを作成又は支払いサービスを利用した際に有効となり、お客様又はAirbnb Paymentsが第13条第3項に従って本契約を解約するまで有効となります。
13.3 解約
お客様は、Airbnb Payments宛にメールを送信するか、お客様のAirbnbアカウントを削除することでいつでも本契約を解約することができます。本契約を解約することにより、お客様は規約に基づいてお客様のAirbnbアカウントを削除する通知を行ったことになります。下記で定められるAirbnb Paymentsの権利を制限することなく、Airbnb Paymentsは、お客様の登録済みのメールアドレス宛に30日前(Airbnb Payments UKと契約を締結しているメンバーに対しては2か月前)までに通知メールを送付することにより、その都合上、本契約をいつでも解約することができます。Airbnb Paymentsは、次の場合には通知を行うことなく、本契約を直ちに解約することができます。(i) 本契約に基づくお客様の義務に対してお客様による重大な違反があった場合、(ii) お客様が不正確、詐欺的、最新でない若しくは不完全な情報を提供した場合、(iii) お客様が適用法、規則に違反するか、第三者の権利を侵害した場合、又は (iv) その他のメンバー、Airbnb、Airbnb Payments若しくは第三者を保護するために当該行為が合理的に必要であるとAirbnb Paymentsが誠実に判断した場合。
13.4 利用停止及びその他の措置
Airbnb Paymentsは、以下の場合にお客様による支払いサービスの利用又は支払いサービスへのアクセスを制限、又は一時的若しくは恒久的に停止することができます。(i) 適用法又は裁判所、法執行機関若しくはその他の行政機関や政府機関の命令若しくは要請を遵守する必要がある場合、(ii) お客様が本支払規約、規約、適用法、若しくは規制に違反した場合、又は第三者の権利を侵害した場合、(iii) お客様が支払い方法又は支払い受取方法に関して、不正確、詐欺的、最新でない、又は不完全な情報を提供した場合、(iv) 本支払規約に基づいてお客様が支払うべき金額につき、支払い期限が経過している又は債務不履行となっている場合、又は、(v) Airbnb、そのメンバー、Airbnb Payments若しくは第三者の身の安全若しくは財産を保護するため、又は、詐欺若しくはその他の不法行為を防止するために、当該措置が合理的に必要であるとAirbnb Paymentsが誠実に判断した場合。さらに、カードの有効期限満了、資金不足その他の理由により支払いエラーが生じた場合、有効な支払い方法に課金可能になるまで一時的にお客様の支払いサービスへのアクセスを一時停止することがあります。
13.5 異議申し立て
Airbnb Paymentsが第13条第3項及び第13条第4項に記載されたいずれかの措置を講じた場合、お客様はかかる決定につき、カスタマーサービスに連絡することにより、異議を申し立てることができます。
13.6 解約による影響
お客様がホストとしてAirbnbアカウントを解約した場合、又はAirbnb Paymentsが上記のいずれかの措置を講じた場合、Airbnb Paymentsは確定済みの予約があるゲストに全額を返金することができ、キャンセルされた保留中又は確定済みの予約について、お客様が支払いを受け取ることはできません。お客様がゲストとしてAirbnbアカウントを削除した場合、Airbnb Paymentsは、確定済みの予約について、リスティングのキャンセルポリシーに基づき返金を開始します。支払いサービスへのアクセス若しくは利用が一時停止又は制限された場合、又は本契約がAirbnbにより解約された場合、お客様は新たなAirbnbアカウントを登録することはできず、他のメンバーのAirbnbアカウントにより、支払いサービスへのアクセス若しくは利用を試みることもできません。
13.7 存続
14. 準拠法及び紛争解決
お客様がAirbnb Payments USと契約を締結する場合、本支払規約は、抵触法の規定にかかわらず、米国及びカリフォルニア州の法律に準拠して解釈されるものとします。第15条の仲裁合意から除外される訴訟手続(少額訴訟を除きます)は、お客様とAirbnb Paymentsの双方が他の裁判地にすることに合意する場合を除き、カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコの州裁判所又は連邦裁判所において提訴するものとします。お客様及びAirbnb Paymentsはいずれも、カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコを裁判地とし、その対人裁判管轄権に服することに同意します。
お客様がAirbnb Payments UKと契約を締結する場合、本支払規約は、イングランドの法律に準拠して解釈されるものとします。お客様が個人の消費者として行動している場合で、居住国/地域における消費者保護規則の強行法規にお客様にとってより有利な規定が含まれている場合、当該規定は英国法の選択にかかわらず適用されるものとします。お客様は個人の消費者として、本支払規約に関連するあらゆる裁判手続きを、お客様の居住地の正当な権限のある管轄裁判所又は英国の裁判所に提起することができます。消費者としてのお客様に対してAirbnbがその権利の行使を望む場合は、お客様が居住者となっている法域の各裁判所においてのみ当該権利を行使できます。お客様が事業として行動している場合、お客様は英国の各裁判所の専属管轄権に従うことに同意するものとします。
お客様がAirbnb Payments Indiaと契約を締結する場合、本支払規約はインドの法律に準拠して解釈されるものとします。本支払規約に起因又は関連する一切の紛争は、ニューデリーの国際商業会議所(以下「ICC」)に仲裁の申立てを行うものとし、仲裁地はニューデリーとなります。かかる仲裁は、仲裁の申立ての時点において有効なICCの仲裁規則に従って行われるものとします。但し、本条は、お客様に特定の行為の実施又はその禁止を義務づける命令、及びインドの法令又はお客様に適用されうるその他の法令に基づき認められるその他の暫定的な救済措置につき、管轄裁判所に申立てを行うAirbnb Paymentsの権利を制限するものと解釈されてはならないものとします。紛争の1又は2以上の当事者が非居住者の場合、当事者は、本条に基づく一切の仲裁について、1996年インド仲裁調停法第1編(同法第9条、第27条、第37条(1)(a)及び第37条(3)を除きます)の規定の適用を(一切の疑義を避けるため)排除することに合意するものとします。仲裁手続きは英語で行われるものとします。仲裁判断は最終的なものであり、当事者双方に対し拘束力があります。各当事者は、仲裁に関連する自己の費用を負担するものとします。
お客様がAirbnb Brazilと契約を締結する場合、本支払規約はブラジルの法律に準拠して解釈されるものとします。お客様が消費者として行動する場合、お客様が本支払規約に起因又は関連しAirbnb Paymentsに対して提起する訴訟手続きは、ブラジルのサンパウロ州サンパウロ市に所在する裁判所又はお客様の居住地に法域を有する裁判所にのみ提起できます。お客様が事業として行動している場合、お客様は、ブラジルのサンパウロ州サンパウロ市にある裁判所の専属管轄権に服することに同意するものとします。
15. 米国仲裁合意
以下の条項は、お客様とAirbnb Paymentsが、拘束力のある個別の仲裁を通じて両者間のあらゆる紛争を解決することに合意することを定め、また、集団訴訟の放棄と陪審審理の権利の放棄についても記載しているため、よくお読みください。本仲裁合意は、以前のすべての版に優先します。
15.1 適用
本仲裁合意は、お客様がAirbnb Payments USと契約する場合にのみ適用されます。Airbnb Payments USと契約していない場合でも、米国内でAirbnb Paymentsに対する法的請求を行おうとした場合、本仲裁合意は、本第15条がお客様に適用されるかどうかの閾値問題の判断、並びに居住性、仲裁可能性、裁判地、及び適用法を含むその他すべての閾値の決定に適用されます。
15.2 紛争解決手続の概要
Airbnb Paymentsは、消費者が利用しやすい紛争解決手続に参加することを約束します。そのため、本支払規約では、第15条が適用される個人に対して、(1) Airbnbのカスタマーサービスチームと直接行う非公式の交渉(第15条第3項に説明)、及び必要な場合、(2) 本仲裁合意の条項に基づく拘束力のある仲裁、の2段階の手続を規定しています。お客様とAirbnb Paymentsはそれぞれ、仲裁の代替として小額訴訟による紛争解決を求める権利を有します。
15.3 仲裁前紛争解決及び通知の義務
お客様とAirbnb Paymentsはそれぞれ、仲裁を開始する30日前までに、相手方当事者に書面による個別の紛争通知書(以下「紛争前通知書」)を送達し、個別の請求を非公式に解決するための交渉に誠意をもって努めることに同意するものとします。お客様は、Airbnb Paymentsへの紛争前通知書を、Airbnb Paymentsの代理人宛に次の住所まで郵送する必要があります。CSC Lawyers Incorporating Service, 2710 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 150N, Sacramento, California 95833。Airbnb Paymentsは、お客様のAirbnbアカウントの登録メールアドレス宛に紛争前通知書を送付します。紛争前通知書には、日付、お客様の氏名、郵送先住所、Airbnbユーザー名、Airbnbアカウントの設定に使用したメールアドレス、署名、紛争の簡単な説明、及び求める救済内容が記載されている必要があります。当事者同士で30日以内に紛争を解決できない場合に限り、いずれかの当事者は、以下の第15条第6項に従って指定された仲裁人に仲裁請求書を提出することで仲裁を開始することができます。申立人の紛争前通知書の要件は仲裁の前提条件であり、仲裁請求書には、紛争前通知書の写しと、本条の要求に従って送付されたことの証拠を添付する必要があります。
15.4 仲裁の合意
お客様とAirbnb Paymentsは、本支払規約、その適用性、違反、解約、有効性、執行若しくは解釈、又は支払いサービスの利用に起因若しくは関連するあらゆる紛争、請求又は論争(以下、総称して「紛争」)が、拘束力のある個別の仲裁によって個別に解決されることに相互に合意するものとします(以下「本仲裁合意」)。本仲裁合意が執行可能であるか否か、又は本仲裁合意が紛争に適用されるか否かについて紛争が生じた場合、お客様とAirbnb Paymentsは、仲裁人がかかる問題を判断することに合意します。疑義を避けるため、お客様とAirbnbは、仲裁可能性、及び本第15条の全部又は一部の成立、執行可能性、有効性、範囲、若しくは解釈に関する疑問(紛争前通知書の要件の遵守及び当事者の仲裁手数料の支払い責任に関する紛争を含む)は、仲裁人が解決することに合意します。
15.5 仲裁合意の例外
お客様とAirbnb Paymentsはそれぞれ、次の訴因及び/又は救済請求については本仲裁合意の例外であり、(第15条に定義されるとおり)管轄裁判所において訴訟手続を行うことに同意するものとします。(i) 緊急事態(犯罪、ハッキング、若しくはサイバー攻撃の危険、又はその実行が差し迫っている場合など)を根拠に緊急の差し止めによる救済を求める請求若しくは訴因、(ii) 公的な差し止めによる救済措置の要請、(iii) 濫訴のための請求若しくは訴因、又は (iv) お客様によるAirbnbプラットフォーム若しくはホストサービスの利用に起因する、性的暴行若しくは性的嫌がらせに関するあらゆる個別の苦情。お客様とAirbnb Paymentsは、公的な差し止めによる救済措置の要請が、すべての仲裁可能な請求、救済措置、又は訴因の仲裁後に進行し、米国連邦仲裁法第3条に基づく仲裁の結果が出るまで保留されることに同意するものとします。
15.6 仲裁裁判所、規則及び準拠法
本仲裁合意は、州際通商取引が存在することを根拠づけるものであり、本仲裁合意のすべての実体的及び手続的な解釈及び執行は、州法ではなく米国連邦仲裁法に準拠して行われます。仲裁は、連邦民事訴訟規則の第1条、第6~7条、第8~9条、第11~12条、第45条、第54条、及び第56条(以下「選択された連邦規則」)(https://www.uscourts.gov/rules-policies/current-rules-practice-procedure/federal-rules-civil-procedure)、並びにその時点で有効なADRの仲裁規則(以下「ADR規則」)に従って、ADR Services, Inc.(以下「ADR」)(www.adrservices.com)により行われます。但し、選択された連邦規則若しくはADR規則が本仲裁合意により変更された場合、又は本仲裁合意と矛盾する場合は、この限りではありません。ADR規則は、www.adrservices.comより確認できます。仲裁請求書が本合意及びADR規則に従ってADR Servicesに提出され、ADR Servicesが仲裁を管理できない若しくはしない場合、仲裁は、本条項で修正される場合を除き、米国仲裁協会(以下「AAA」)により、その時点で有効な選択された連邦規則、AAAの消費者仲裁規則(Consumer Arbitration Rules)、及び/又は仲裁人が適用可能と判断するその他のAAA仲裁規則(以下「AAA規則」)に従って行われます。AAA規則は、www.adr.orgより確認できます。AAAが仲裁を管理できない及びしない場合、お客様とAirbnb Paymentsは協議の上、代替の仲裁裁判所を選択するものとし、合意できない場合、お客様又はAirbnb Paymentsは、9 U.S.C. § 5に従って裁判所に仲裁人の任命を求めることができます。その場合、仲裁は、本仲裁合意の規定と矛盾しない限り、指定された仲裁裁判所の規則に従って行われます。
15.7 仲裁規則の変更 - 仲裁審問/仲裁地
15.8 仲裁規則の変更 - 仲裁手数料及び費用
お客様の仲裁手数料及び仲裁人報酬の負担割合は、ADR規則及びADRサービス手数料表(www.adrservices.comで入手可能)に準拠します。お客様の月収が連邦貧困ガイドラインの300%未満の場合、お客様には仲裁手数料及び費用(仲裁人手数料を除く)の免除を受ける権利があります。手数料の免除は、お客様の月収及び世帯人数を記載した宣誓供述書を仲裁人に提出することによって申請できます。仲裁人によって手数料の免除が認められ、且つ、月収が連邦貧困ガイドラインの300%未満であることの証明に必要な書類をAirbnb Paymentsに提出した場合、Airbnb Paymentsは仲裁人手数料のお客様負担分を支払うものとします。
15.9 仲裁規則の変更 - 不適切な目的で又は本仲裁合意に違反して行われた請求
15.10 仲裁人の判断
15.11 陪審審理の権利の放棄
お客様とAirbnb Paymentsは、仲裁可能なすべての紛争について、両当事者がそれぞれ、陪審審理を受ける権利を放棄することを了承し、これに合意するものとします。
15.12 集団訴訟又は代表訴訟に参加する権利の放棄
お客様とAirbnb Paymentsは、法律により認められる最大限の範囲で、お客様及びAirbnb Paymentsがそれぞれ、集団訴訟、集団仲裁、民間司法長官訴訟、又はその他の代表訴訟若しくは連結訴訟といわれるものに原告又は集団の一員として参加する権利を放棄することを了承し、これに合意するものとします。お客様とAirbnb Paymentsの双方が書面により、又は本仲裁合意に定められたとおりに合意する場合を除き、仲裁人は複数の当事者の請求を併合することはできず、その他の方法によって何らかの形式による集団訴訟又は代表訴訟を統轄することもできません。適用法により、請求、訴因、又は要求された救済に関して本項に記載されている放棄の執行が禁止されているとの最終的な司法判断があった場合は、その請求、訴因又は要求された救済、及びその請求、訴因又は要求された救済のみが本契約から切り離され、管轄裁判所に提起されます。本項に従って請求、訴因又は要求された救済が分離された場合、お客様とAirbnb Paymentsは、すべての仲裁可能な請求、訴因及び要求された救済が仲裁人によって解決されるまで、仲裁の対象とならない請求、訴因又は要求された救済が保留されることに同意します。
15.13 集団訴訟の放棄
お客様とAirbnb Paymentsは、(1) 同一又は類似の立場にある当事者が関与し、(2) 同一又は実質的に同一の取引、インシデント、申し立てられた違反又は事象から生じ、同一又は実質的に同一の法律上の問題又は事実上の問題の判断を必要とする同一又は類似の請求に基づき、且つ (3) 当事者に同一又は協調する弁護士が関与する、100件以上の仲裁請求が180日以内に提起された場合(以下「集団訴訟」)、仲裁の相対的な利益及び効率が損なわれる可能性があることを了承し、これに合意するものとします。すなわち、お客様とAirbnb Paymentsは、紛争を集団訴訟の一環として管理、仲裁、又は解決する権利を放棄することに同意するものとします(但し、本規約の第15条及び第15条第12項は引き続き当該紛争に適用されます)。紛争が発生した場合、いずれかの当事者が特定した一連の請求の中で提起された最初の事項に対して任命された仲裁人が、それらの請求が集団訴訟の一環であるかどうかを決定するものとします。仲裁人がまだ任命されていない場合、仲裁人は、いずれかの当事者が特定した請求が集団訴訟の一環であるかどうかを決定するためにのみ任命されるものとします。本規定のいかなる規定も、お客様又はAirbnb Paymentsが請求の集団調停に参加することを妨げるものではありません。
15.14 仲裁規則の変更 - 集団訴訟の組分け要件
15.15 仲裁規則の変更 - 判決の提示(Offer of Judgment)
お客様又はAirbnb Paymentsは、仲裁審問期日の10日前までに、指定された条件に基づく判決を可能にする判決の提示(Offer of Judgment)を書面で相手方に送達することができます。当該提示が受諾された場合、受諾の証明付きの提示が仲裁人に提出され、仲裁人はそれに応じて裁定を下すものとします。当該提示が仲裁審問の前又は提示から30日以内(いずれか早いほう)に受諾されなかった場合、当該提示は取り下げられたものとみなされ、費用(仲裁人に支払われるすべての手数料を含む)に関して以外、仲裁において証拠として提出することはできません。一方の当事者の提示を相手方当事者が受諾せず、且つ相手方当事者がより有利な裁定を得られなかった場合、相手方当事者は提示後の費用を回収せず、提示の時点からの提示側当事者の費用(仲裁人に支払われたすべての手数料を含む)を支払うものとします。
15.16 可分性
15.17 仲裁合意の修正
お客様が本支払規約を最後に承諾した日以降(又は本支払規約に対するその後の変更を承諾した日以降)にAirbnb Paymentsが本第15条に修正を加える場合、お客様は、変更の発効日から30日以内にAirbnb Paymentsに書面で通知することにより当該変更を拒否することができます。通知には、お客様の氏名、郵送先住所、通知の日付、Airbnbユーザー名、Airbnbアカウントの設定に使用したメールアドレス、署名、及び変更後の第15条からのオプトアウトを希望する旨の明確な声明が記載されている必要があります。お客様からの通知は、郵送(888 Brannan St, San Francisco, CA 94103, Attn: Arbitration Opt-Out宛)又はメール(arbitration.opt.out@airbnb.com宛)で送付する必要があります。但し、お客様が変更を拒否したとしても、それ以前に得られたお客様とAirbnb Paymentsの間の一切の紛争を仲裁により解決する旨のお客様の事前の同意(又はその後の一切の変更に対するお客様の事前の同意)が取り消される、又は変更されることはなく、かかる同意は、お客様とAirbnb Paymentsの間の一切の紛争に関する有効且つ執行可能な同意として存続します。
15.18 存続
16. 雑則
16.1 本支払規約の解釈
追加の利用規約、ポリシー、ガイドライン又は基準によって補足される場合を除き、本支払規約は、本支払規約の主題事項に係るAirbnb Paymentsとお客様の間における完全な合意を構成するものであり、支払いサービスに関するAirbnb Paymentsとお客様との間の従前のあらゆる口頭又は書面による了解又は合意に優先するものとします。本支払規約のいずれかの規定が無効又は強制執行不能と判断された場合、当該規定は削除されるものとし、本支払規約の残りの規定の有効性、及び執行可能性に影響を与えないものとします。
16.2 権利不放棄
Airbnb Paymentsが本支払規約の権利又は規定を強制執行しない場合であっても、Airbnb Paymentsが書面により了承し且つ同意した場合を除き、かかる権利又は規定を放棄することにはならないものとします。本支払規約に明示的に規定されている場合を除き、本支払規約に基づきいずれかの当事者がそのいずれかの救済手段を行使した場合であっても、本支払規約又はその他法令により認められた当該当事者のその他の救済手段には不利益を及ぼさないものとします。
16.3 譲渡
お客様は、Airbnb Paymentsの事前の書面による同意なしに、本契約又は本契約に基づくお客様の権利及び義務を譲渡、移転又は委任することはできません。Airbnb Paymentsは、30日前(Airbnb Payments UKと契約を締結するメンバーに対しては2か月前)までに通知した上で、その単独の裁量により、制限なく、本契約、並びに本契約に基づく権利及び義務を譲渡、移転又は委任することができます。
16.4 通知
別段の記載がない限り、本契約に基づき許容又は要求される一切の通知又はその他の通信は、書面によるものとし、Airbnb Paymentsからメール又はAirbnbプラットフォームの通知、及びお客様の通知設定によってはメッセージ送受信サービス(SMS及びWeChatを含む)により送達されます。Airbnb Paymentsが通知を送信した日が受領日とみなされます。
17. Airbnb Payments UKと契約を締結するユーザーのための追加条項
お客様が、Airbnb Payments UKとの間で契約を締結される場合、下記の規定が適用されます。本第17条と本支払規約のその他の規定との間に相違がある場合は、本第17条の規定が適用されるものとします。
17.1 支払サービスのユーザー
支払いサービスには、Airbnb Payments UKと契約を締結するホストに提供される支払回収サービスが含まれます。支払回収サービスは、支払サービス規則(Payment Services Regulations)において規制されている「支払いサービス」に該当するものとし、当該規則との関係では、Airbnb Payments UKは、ホストを「支払いサービスのユーザー」として取り扱います。
ホストであるお客様は、本支払規約に同意することにより、Airbnb Payments UKが各受取金をお客様が選択された支払い受取方法に対して支払うことに同意したことになります。ホストは支払い受取方法を、第3条第3項に規定された合意による受取金の支払い日の前日まで変更することができます。Airbnb Payments UKは、Airbnb Payments UKが第3条第3項に従い受取金の支払いを開始することに同意した日に、ホストから支払い指示を受けたものとみなされます。
Airbnb Payments UKは、Airbnb Payments UKが行う受取金の支払い開始の翌営業日終了時までに、英国を拠点とするホストに各受取金を確実にお受け取りいただけるよう努めるものとします。
コミニケーション Airbnb Paymentsは、各受取金の支払い開始時に、メールによりホストに通知を行います。また、受取金がエラーによりAirbnb Paymentsに払い戻された場合にも、ホストの登録されたメールアドレス宛に通知を行います。ホストは、最新の正確且つ有効なメールアドレスをAirbnb Paymentsに提供する責任を負います。
17.2 流出受取金と苦情
ホストであるお客様が、お客様のパスワード又はお客様のAirbnbアカウントにログインするためのその他の認証情報(以下「認証情報」)の紛失、盗難、又は悪用によって、お客様に支払われるべき受取金がお客様の許可なく流出した若しくは流出した可能性があると考える、又はそれを認識した場合(以下「流出受取金」)、お客様は、認証情報の紛失、盗難、若しくは悪用、又はお客様の認証情報の不正使用若しくはAirbnbアカウントへの不正アクセスを認識した時点で不当な遅滞なくAirbnb Payments UKに通知を行わなければなりません(方法の詳細は第20条を参照)。
ホストであるお客様が、お客様の選択した支払い受取方法(流出受取金が発生した支払い受取方法を含む)を介してお客様に適切に支払われるべき受取金を受領していないと主張する場合、Airbnb Payments UKは(不正な又は誤って送金された受取金について認識した時点で不当な遅延なく、いずれの場合も発生から13か月以内に、お客様から要請があれば)、かかる支払いを追跡し、その結果をお客様に通知すべく、迅速な対応に努めます。第17条第2項3に従い、(i) お客様が選択した支払い受取方法を介して受取金を受領済みであること、又は (ii) Airbnb Paymentsがお客様から提供された支払い受取方法の情報を使用して正常に受取金を送金したものの、お客様から提供された情報に誤りがあったこと、をAirbnb Paymentsが証明できる場合を除き、Airbnb Paymentsはお客様にかかる金額を返金するものとします。お客様から誤った情報が提供されていた場合、Airbnb Paymentsは受取金の送金の不備又は不執行について責任を負いませんが、受取金の回収のために合理的な努力を払います。
お客様は、本支払規約に従って認証情報を使用し、認証情報を保護するためにあらゆる合理的な措置を講じる必要があります。お客様はホストとして、紛失し、盗まれ、若しくは悪用された認証情報の使用(アプリケーションをインストールした携帯電話を紛失した場合を含む)、又はお客様が認証情報を安全に保管しなかったことから生じる流出受取金に関する損失につき、最大35ポンドの責任を負う場合があります。お客様の認証情報の紛失、盗難、若しくは悪用が、受取金の送金前にお客様によって検出不可能であった場合(但し、お客様が詐欺的な行為を行った場合を除く)、又は紛失がAirbnb社員若しくはサービス提供者の行為若しくは不作為によって引き起こされた場合は、この限りではありません。但し、お客様が詐欺的な行為を行ったことをAirbnb Paymentsが証明できる場合、又はお客様が故意若しくは重大な過失により、Airbnbプラットフォーム及び/又は支払いサービスを規約若しくは本支払規約(お客様の認証情報を保護する義務を含みます)に従って利用しなかった場合、お客様は流出受取金に関連するすべての損失について責任を負う場合があります。お客様が詐欺的な行為を行った場合を除き、お客様の認証情報の紛失、盗難、若しくは悪用、又はお客様の認証情報の不正使用をお客様が通知した後に発生した流出受取金に関連し生じた損失について、Airbnb Paymentsがかかる通知を受けて適切な手段を提供できなかった場合、又は必要に応じて強力な顧客認証を要求していない場合には、お客様は責任を負いません。
支払いサービスに関する一切の苦情は、Airbnb Payments UKまでお寄せください(方法の詳細は第20条を参照)。苦情の結果にご納得いただけず、且つ、ホストであるお客様がAirbnb Payments, UKから規制対象の支払いサービスを受けている場合、苦情を金融オンブズマンに付託することもできます。金融オンブズマンサービスへのすべての苦情には、利用条件に関するものを含め、金融オンブズマンサービスの規則が適用されます。英国金融オンブズマンは、個人、小規模企業、小規模慈善団体及び小規模信託受託者に、苦情解決サービスを、無償で提供しています。金融オンブズマンサービスの詳細及び連絡先については、http://www.financial-ombudsmanをご確認ください。
お客様の居住国がメキシコの場合、(i) ホストがゲストの予約リクエストを承認し、Airbnb Paymentsがゲストから支払いを受領した際は、第3条第3項第1号に従ってホストに送金されるまで、ホストに対する支払いは一時的にAirbnb Paymentが保管し、(ii) ホストへの支払いは、ホストのサービス開始時及び第3条第3項第1号に従ってのみ有効になります。Airbnbは、適用される現地法に従って源泉徴収を義務付けられる場合があり、当該税金は、Airbnb Paymentsがホストの受取金を送金した時点で納税される必要があります。
ホストは、Airbnb Paymentsがホストに代わって、ホストサービスを購入するゲストからの支払いを受領及び処理し、メキシコで適用される税金(VAT(付加価値税)を含む)を納付するためのみの限定的な支払回収代理人となることを了承するものとします。
18. Airbnb Brazilと契約を締結するユーザーのための追加条項
お客様が、Airbnb Brazilとの間で契約を締結される場合、下記の規定が適用されます。
18.1 ブラジルを居住国とするユーザーのための分割払い機能
第2条、「ゲスト規約」の条項は、次項を追加することにより改定されるものとします。「お客様は、居住国がブラジルであり、クレジットカードで支払う場合、ブラジル国内で発行された分割払い対応のクレジットカードに限り、複数回の分割払いで予約の支払いができることを了承するものとします。分割回数は変動する場合がありますが、予約の支払いを完了する前にお客様に表示されます。お客様は、クレジットカード及び/又はその他の分割払いプランの利用に関連する費用(以下「分割払い手数料」)の結果として、予約の支払いに分割払いを選択した場合、合計金額が増える可能性があることを了承します。お客様は、お客様が分割払い手数料の支払いを行う責任を単独で負うことに同意するものとし、Airbnb Brazilは、当該金額を回収して該当する第三者の決済サービスプロバイダに送金する責任のみを負うものとします。お客様は、該当する第三者の決済サービスプロバイダに対して、お客様が予約時に使用した支払い方法に自動的に請求することを承認します。お客様による分割払い機能のご利用には、該当する第三者の決済サービスプロバイダが課す追加の利用規約が適用される場合があります。何らかの理由で予約がキャンセルされた場合、分割払い手数料は、お客様が予約時に使用した支払い方法に返金されます。お客様が分割払いの予約に変更を加え、この予約の変更により合計金額が下がった場合、分割払い手数料は一切返金されません。返金は、Airbnb Paymentsが本支払規約に従って開始し、送金するものとします」
ブラジルに居住し、ブラジル国外に居住するホストに対して現地通貨を使用して予約を行う場合、お客様は支払いサービスを利用することにより、Airbnb Brazilがブラジル国外に居住するホストの支払回収代理人を務めることを了承し、これに同意するものとみなされます。また、Airbnb Brazilは、規約に記載されているとおり、お客様がAirbnbプラットフォームの利用に関して契約する団体でもあります。
お客様は、Airbnb Brazilが、お客様の身元を認証するために必要と考える照会を直接又は第三者を通じて行うことを了承するものとします。かかる照会には、(i) お客様の情報を第三者のデータベース又はその他の情報源と照合すること、(ii) サービス提供者からの報告を請求すること、(iii) 政府が発行する身分証明書(例:免許証、パスポート)、納税者証、生年月日、住所、及びその他の情報の提供をお客様に求めること、又は(iv) お客様のメールアドレス、支払い方法、若しくは支払い受取方法がお客様のものであることを確認する手続きをお客様に求めることが含まれます。かかる情報のいずれかを取得又は認証できない場合、Airbnb Brazilは、支払いサービスへのアクセスを拒否、停止、又は制限する権利を留保します。
メンバーからの支払いを処理する際、Airbnb Brazil(及び/又はお客様若しくはお客様に代わってAirbnb Brazilが契約した第三者)は、適用法及び特定の規制管理の遵守、並びにマネーロンダリング活動の防止のために、メンバー及び/又は各取引に関する情報を保持及び/又は管轄当局に報告(該当する場合)することができます。
ゲスト及びホストがAirbnb Brazilと契約を締結する場合、本支払規約における「Airbnb」「Airbnb Payments」又は「Airbnbプラットフォーム」とは、いずれもAirbnb Brazilを指すものとみなされます。
19. 事業者であるユーザーのための追加条項
お客様及びお客様の代表者は、第2条第1項及び第3条第2項に記載されている情報を提供する権限がお客様にあり、お客様の代表者にはお客様に本支払規約の拘束力を及ぼす権限があることを、それぞれ承認しているものとします。Airbnb Paymentsは、お客様に、お客様の代表者の権限を示す追加情報又は証拠書類の提出をお願いする場合があります。
お客様は、(i) お客様が適法に設立され有効に存続する、設立国/地域の法律に基づき有効な設立状態を維持している事業者であり、且つ支払いサービスの利用登録をしていること、及び (ii) お客様が本契約を締結し、お客様の義務を履行し、且つ本契約に基づく権利、許可及び権限を付与するために必要な一切の権利、権能、及び権限を有していることをAirbnb Paymentsに表明し、保証するものとします。
お客様が、お客様のアカウントで許可されたとおりに、Airbnbビジネスプログラムに関連して、従業員又はその他の権限を有する第三者のためにお客様の支払い方法を使用する場合、お客様は、貴社の従業員又はその他の権限を有する第三者がリクエストする予約について、Airbnb Paymentsがお客様の支払い方法に請求することを承認するものとします。
お客様は、お客様のAirbnbアカウントと紐づいた支払い受取方法について、Airbnb Paymentsが、当該支払い受取方法を保管すること、お客様のAirbnbアカウントと関連付けられた予約について当該支払い受取方法を用いて支払いを送金すること、及び当該支払い受取方法に関して本支払規約により許可されているその他のあらゆる行為を行うことを承認するものとします。
20. Airbnb Paymentsへのお問い合わせ
支払いサービスに関するAirbnb Paymentsへのご連絡は、下記の連絡先までお願いいたします。
事業者 | お問い合わせ先情報 |
Airbnb Payments, Inc. | 888 Brannan Street San Francisco, CA 94103 United States of America +1 (844) 234-2500 |
Airbnb Payments UK Ltd. | 個人情報や事業者情報の変更に関してサポートが必要な場合や、Airbnb Paymentsのサービスに関して苦情の申し立てを希望される場合は、Airbnbカスタマーサービスにご連絡ください。 Airbnb Payments UK Limitedは、英国金融行為規制機構(FCA)により電子マネー機関として認可され、その監督のもと運営されています。照会番号は900596で、所在地は280 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M, United Kingdomで登録されています。 |
Airbnb Payments India Pvt. Ltd. | Level 9, Spaze i-Tech Park A1 Tower, Sector-49, Sohna Road Gurugram INDIA 122018 個人情報や事業者情報の変更に関してサポートが必要な場合や、Airbnb Paymentsのサービスに関して苦情の申し立てを希望される場合は、Airbnbカスタマーサービスにご連絡ください。 |
Airbnb Plataforma Digital Ltda. | Rua Aspicuelta 422 conjunto 51 CEP: 05433-010 Sao Paulo - SP - Brazil +0800 047-5060 |
Airbnb Paymentsに要請いただければ、本支払規約の写しを提供いたします。本支払規約に関するご質問がありましたらメールでお問い合わせください。
Payments Terms of Service for European Users
If you reside in, or the organization you are acting for is established in, the United States, the arbitration agreement and class actions waiver in Section 15 apply to you. Please read them carefully.
As a consumer you can access the European Commission’s online dispute resolution platform here: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. Please note that Airbnb Payments is not committed or obliged to use an alternative dispute resolution entity to resolve disputes with consumers.
Last Updated: 2023年1月25日
These Payments Terms of Service for European Users (“Payments Terms”) are a binding legal agreement between you and Airbnb Payments that govern the Payment Services (defined below) conducted through or in connection with the Airbnb Platform. When these Payments Terms mention “Airbnb Payments,” “we,” “us,” or “our,” it refers to:
- Airbnb Payments Luxembourg S.A. (“Airbnb Payment Luxembourg”) if your country of residence is in the EEA.
- Airbnb Payments UK Ltd. (“Airbnb Payments UK”) if your country of residence is in the United Kingdom or Switzerland.
Airbnb Payments provides payments services to Members publishing, offering and booking Accommodations, Experiences or other Host Services, including services in connection with the Open Homes Program and other current and future services provided via the Airbnb Platform. These payment services may include (if available) the following (collectively, “Payment Services”):
- Collecting payments from Guests (“Payin”), by charging the payment method associated with their Airbnb account, such as credit card, debit card, bank account or PayPal account (“Payment Method”);
- Effecting payments to Hosts (“Payout”) to a financial instrument associated with their Airbnb account, such as a PayPal account, bank account, direct deposit, a prepaid card, or a debit card (“Payout Method”);
- Effecting payments to a third-party Payout Method designated by a Host;
- Collection and payment of charitable donations;
- Payment collection services; and
- Other payment related services in connection with Host Services.
In order to use the Payment Services, you must be at least 18 years old, must have an Airbnb account in good standing in accordance with the Airbnb Terms of Service (“Terms”), and must keep your payment and personal information accurate and complete.
If you change your country of residence, the Airbnb company you contract with and the applicable version of the Payment Terms will be determined by your new country of residence from the date on which your country of residence changes. Please note, however, that the Airbnb Payments company with whom you contract will stay the same for all bookings made prior to your change of residence.
The Terms separately govern your use of the Airbnb Platform. If you see an undefined term in these Payment Terms, it has the same definition as in the Terms.
Table of Contents
- Your use of the Payment Services
- Guest Terms
- Host Terms
- Appointment of Airbnb Payments as Limited Payment Collection Agent
- General Terms
- Damage Claims and Security Deposits
- Abandoned Property
- Prohibited Activities
- Force Majeure
- Disclaimers
- Liability
- Indemnification
- Modification, Term, Termination, and other Measures
- Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
- United States Arbitration Agreement
- Miscellaneous
- Additional Clauses for Users Contracting with Airbnb Payments UK
- Additional Clauses for Users Contracting with Airbnb Payments Luxembourg
- Additional Clauses for Users that are Businesses
- Contacting Airbnb Payments
1. Your use of the Payment Services
1.1 Airbnb Payment Services. By using the Payments Services, you agree to comply with these Payment Terms. Airbnb Payments may temporarily limit or suspend your access to or use of the Payment Services, or its features, to carry out maintenance measures that ensure the proper functioning of the Payment Services. Airbnb Payments may improve, enhance and modify the Payment Services and introduce new Payment Services from time to time. Airbnb Payments will provide notice to Members of any changes to the Payment Services, unless such changes do not materially increase the Members’ contractual obligations or decrease the Members’ rights under these Payments Terms.
1.2 Third Party Services. The Payment Services may contain links to third-party websites or resources (“Third-Party Services”). Such Third-Party Services are subject to different terms of service and privacy policies, and Members should review them. Airbnb Payments is not responsible or liable for the use of such Third-Party Services. Links to any Third-Party Services are not an endorsement by Airbnb Payments of those Third-Party Services.
1.3 Your Airbnb Account. Airbnb Payments may enable features that allow you to authorize other Members or third parties to take certain actions that affect your Airbnb account. You may authorize a third party to use your Airbnb account if the feature is enabled for your Airbnb account. You acknowledge and agree that anyone you authorize to use your Airbnb account may use the Payment Services on your behalf and that you will be responsible for any payments made by such person. If you reside in the EEA and contract with Airbnb Payments Luxembourg, this Section 1.3 does not apply to you.
1.4 Verification. You authorize Airbnb Payments, directly or through third parties, to make any inquiries we consider necessary to verify your identity. This may include (i) screening you against third-party databases or other sources, (ii) requesting reports from service providers, (iii) asking you to provide a form of government identification (e.g., driver’s license or passport), your date of birth, your address, and other information; or (iv) requiring you to take steps to confirm ownership of your email address, Payment Method(s) or Payout Method(s). Airbnb Payments reserves the right to terminate, suspend, or limit access to the Payment Services in the event we are unable to obtain or verify any of this information.
1.5 Additional Terms. Your access to or use of certain Payment Services may be subject to, or require you to accept, additional terms and conditions. If there is a conflict between these Payments Terms and terms and conditions applicable to a specific Payment Service, the latter terms and conditions will take precedence with respect to your use of or access to that Payment Service, unless specified otherwise.
2. Guest Terms
2.1 Adding a Payment Method. When you add a Payment Method to your Airbnb account, you will be asked to provide billing information such as name, billing address, and financial instrument information either to Airbnb Payments or its third-party payment processor(s). You authorize Airbnb Payments and its payment service providers to collect and store your Payment Method information.
2.2 Payment Method Verification. When you add or use a new Payment Method, Airbnb Payments may verify the Payment Method by (i) authorizing your Payment Method for one or two nominal amounts via a payment service provider, and asking you to confirm those amounts, or (ii) requiring you to upload a billing statement. We may, and retain the right to, initiate refunds of these amounts from your Payment Method. When you add a Payment Method during checkout, we will automatically save and add that Payment Method to your Airbnb account so it can be used for a future transaction. You can remove the Payment Method from your Airbnb account as long as it is not associated with an active or future reservation.
2.3 Payment Authorization. You allow Airbnb Payments to charge your Payment Method (including charging more than one payment method), either directly or indirectly, for all fees due (including any applicable taxes) in connection with your Airbnb account.
2.4 Automatic Update of Payment Method. If your Payment Method’s account information changes (e.g., account number, routing number, expiration date) as a result of re-issuance or otherwise, we may acquire that information from our financial services partners or your bank and automatically update your Payment Method on file.
2.5 Timing of Payment. Airbnb Payments generally charges the Total Price due after the Host accepts your booking request. However, if you pay with a push Payment Method (such as Sofort), Airbnb Payments will collect the Total Price due at the time of your booking request or after the Host accepts your booking request. Airbnb Payments may offer alternative options for the timing and manner of payment. Any additional fees for using those alternative payment options will be displayed via the Airbnb Platform and included in the Total Price, and you agree to pay such fees by selecting the payment option. Additional terms and conditions may apply for the use of an alternative payment option. If Airbnb Payments is unable to collect the Total Price due, as scheduled, Airbnb Payments will collect the Total Price due at a later point in accordance with Section 5.3. Once the payment for your requested booking is successfully completed, you will receive a confirmation email.
2.6 Currency. Airbnb Payments will process each transaction in the currency you select via the Airbnb Platform. The currencies available to make payments may be limited for regulatory or operational reasons based on factors such as your selected Payment Method, your country of residence and/or your Airbnb Payments contracting entity(ies). Any such limitations will be communicated via the Airbnb Platform, and you will be prompted to select a different currency or Payment Method. Note that if your Airbnb Payments contracting entity’s location is different than the country of your Payment Method or your selected currency is different than your Payment Method's billing currency, your payment may be processed outside of your country of residence. As a result, certain fees may apply and the amount listed on your card statement may be different from the amount shown at checkout. For example, if you make a booking using a U.S. issued card, but select Euro as your currency, your payment may be processed outside the U.S., and banks and credit card companies may impose international transaction fees and foreign exchange fees. In addition, if you select to pay with a currency that is different than your Payment Method's billing currency, your bank or credit card company may convert the payment amount to your billing currency associated with your Payment Method, based on an exchange rate and fee amount determined solely by your bank. Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any such fees and disclaims all liability in this regard. Please contact your bank or credit card company if you have any questions about these fees or the applicable exchange rate.
2.7 Booking Request Status. If a requested booking is declined either because it is not accepted by the Host or you cancel the booking request before it is accepted by the Host, any amounts collected by Airbnb Payments will be refunded to you, and any pre-authorization of your Payment Method will be released (if applicable). The timing to receive the refund or for the pre-authorization to be released will vary based on the Payment Method and any applicable payment system (e.g., Visa, MasterCard, etc.) rules.
2.8 Payment Restrictions. Airbnb Payments reserves the right to decline or limit payments that we believe (i) may violate Airbnb Payments’ risk management policies or procedures, (ii) may violate these Payments Terms or the Terms, (iii) are unauthorized, fraudulent or illegal; or (iv) expose you, Airbnb, Airbnb Payments, or others to risks unacceptable to Airbnb Payments.
2.9 Payment Service Providers. Payment Methods may involve the use of third-party payment service providers. These payment service providers may charge you additional fees when processing payments in connection with the Payment Services, and Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any such fees and disclaims all liability in this regard. Your Payment Method may also be subject to additional terms of use. Please review them before using your Payment Method.
2.10 Your Payment Method, Your Responsibility. Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any loss suffered by you as a result of incorrect Payment Method information provided by you.
2.11 Different Ways to Pay
2.11.1 Payment Plan Airbnb Payments may make available to Guests the option to pay a portion of the booking’s Total Price at the time of booking and pay the remainder of the Total Price at a later time prior to check-in (“Payment Plan”). Availability of this option may depend on the Listing and/or Payment Method. If you choose a Payment Plan, the Airbnb Platform will notify you during check out of the amount, currency and schedule of each payment due. On the following payments due date, Airbnb Payments will automatically charge the original Payment Method you used to make the booking. If you make a modification to a booking made with a Payment Plan, Airbnb Payments will notify you of the revised payment schedule, as applicable. If the modification increases your Total Price, you may be required to make an additional partial payment of the new Total Price at the time of the modification. You agree that by selecting a Payment Plan, you may not be able to pay for the booking with a different Payment Method or pursuant to a different payment schedule. If Airbnb Payments is unable to collect your payment, Airbnb Payments will notify you of such declined payment, and require you to complete the payment using an alternative Payment Method within 72 hours of the notice. If you fail to complete the payment, you authorize Airbnb to cancel the booking on your behalf. If the booking is canceled, you will be refunded based on the Host’s cancellation policy. You acknowledge that you may incur fees for cancellations pursuant to the Host’s cancellation policy.
2.11.2 Recurring Payments For certain bookings (such as for Accommodation bookings of twenty-eight (28) nights or more), Airbnb Payments may require a Guest to make recurring, incremental payments toward the Total Price owed (“Recurring Payments”). More information on Recurring Payments (including the amount and the frequency of payments) will be made available via the Airbnb Platform if applicable to a booking. If Recurring Payments apply to a confirmed booking, then the Guest authorizes Airbnb Payments to collect the Total Price due. Guests may stop a Recurring Payment by notifying Airbnb Payments orally or in writing at least three (3) business days before the scheduled date of the payment. Airbnb Payments may require you to give written confirmation of a stop-payment order within fourteen (14) days of an oral notification. If you fail to provide written confirmation within those fourteen (14) days, Airbnb Payments is not obligated to honor your request to stop any future Recurring Payments. If you have any questions regarding your Recurring Payments, please contact Airbnb Payments.
3. Host Terms
3.1 Payment Collection. Airbnb Payments generally collects the Total Price of a booking at the time the Guest’s booking request is accepted by the Host, unless noted otherwise.
3.2 Adding a Payout Method. In order to receive a Payout you must have a valid Payout Method linked to your Airbnb account. When you add a Payout Method to your Airbnb account, you will be asked to provide billing information such as name, billing address, and financial instrument information either to Airbnb Payments or its third-party payment processor(s). Depending on the Payout Method selected additional information may be required, such as: residential address, name on the account, account type, routing number, account number, email address, payout currency, identification number and account information associated with a particular payment processor. You authorize Airbnb Payments to collect and store your billing information and financial instrument information. Airbnb Payments may also share your information with governmental authorities as required by applicable law.
3.3 Timing of Payout
3.3.1 Subject to and conditional upon successful receipt of the payments from Guest, Airbnb Payments will generally initiate Payouts to your selected Payout Method: (i) for Accommodations, 24 hours after the Guest’s scheduled check-in time (or 24 hours after 3:00 pm local time - or 3:00 pm UTC if local time is unknown - if the check-in time is flexible or not specified); (ii) for Experiences, 24 hours after the start of the Experience; and (iii) for all other Host Services, at the time specified via the Airbnb Platform. For Accommodation bookings of twenty-eight (28) nights or more, Airbnb Payments will generally initiate the first payout 24 hours after the Guest’s scheduled check-in time, and will initiate future payouts every 30 days after the initial payout, for the duration of the reservation.
3.3.2 Airbnb Payments may offer you a different Payout time or trigger for payment, which may be subject to additional terms and conditions.The time it takes to receive Payouts once released by Airbnb Payments may depend upon the Payout Method you select.
3.4 Payout. Your Payout for a booking will be the Total Price less applicable fees like Airbnb service fees and applicable taxes. In the event of cancellation of a confirmed booking, Airbnb Payments will remit the amount you are due (if any) as provided in the Terms and applicable cancellation policy.
3.5 Payout Restrictions. Airbnb Payments may temporarily place a hold, suspend, or cancel any Payout for purposes of preventing unlawful activity or fraud, risk assessment, security, or completing an investigation; or if we are unable to verify your identity. Furthermore, Airbnb Payments may temporarily place a hold on, suspend, or delay initiating or processing any Payout due to you under the Terms as a result of high volume Booking cancellations or modifications arising from a Force Majeure Event (as defined below).
3.6 Currency Conversion. Airbnb Payments will remit your Payouts in the currency you select via the Airbnb Platform. The currencies available may be limited for regulatory or operational reasons based on factors such as your selected Payout Method, your country of residence, and/or your Airbnb contracting entity(ies). Any such limitations will be communicated via the Airbnb Platform, and you will be prompted to select a different currency or Payout Method. Note that payment service providers may impose transaction, currency conversion or other fees based on the currency or Payout Method you select, and Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any such fees and disclaims all liability in this regard.
3.7 Limits on Payouts. For compliance or operational reasons, Airbnb Payments may limit the amount of a Payout. If you are due an amount above that limit, Airbnb Payments may make a series of Payouts (potentially over multiple days) in order to provide your full Payout amount.
3.8 Payment Service Providers. Payout Methods may involve the use of third-party payment service providers. These service providers may charge you additional fees when processing Payouts in connection with the Payment Services (including deducting charges from the Payout amount), and Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any such fees and disclaims all liability in this regard. Your Payout Method may also be subject to additional terms of use. Please review them before using your Payout Method.
3.9 Your Payout Method, Your Responsibility. Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any loss suffered by you as a result of incorrect Payout Method information provided by you.
3.10 Different ways to get paid
3.10.1 Split Payouts
If you provide Host Services jointly with one or more other Hosts as part of a team, business or other organization (“Host Team”), Airbnb may make available to such Hosts the option to allocate between the members of the Host Team the total Host Payout for a booking. Airbnb Payments will execute such payments at the instruction of one or more members of the Host Team and is not responsible for any losses related to errors or omissions made by the Hosts in providing such payment instructions.
4. Appointment of Airbnb Payments as Limited Payment Collection Agent
4.1 Each Host, including each Host Team member, hereby appoints Airbnb Payments as the Host’s payment collection agent solely for the limited purpose of accepting and processing funds from Guests purchasing Host Services on the Host’s behalf.
4.2 Each Host, including each Host Team member, agrees that payment made by a Guest through Airbnb Payments, shall be considered the same as a payment made directly to the Host, and the Host will provide the Host Service booked by the Guest in the agreed-upon manner as if the Host has received the payment directly from the Guest. Each Host agrees that Airbnb Payments may refund the Guest in accordance with the Terms. Each Host understands that Airbnb Payments’ obligation to pay the Host is subject to and conditional upon successful receipt of the associated payments from Guest. Airbnb Payments guarantees payments to Host(s) only for such amounts that have been successfully received by Airbnb Payments from Guests in accordance with these Payments Terms. In accepting appointment as the limited payment collection agent of the Host, Airbnb Payments assumes no liability for any acts or omissions of the Host.
4.3 Each Guest acknowledges and agrees that, notwithstanding the fact that Airbnb Payments is not a party to the agreement between you and the Host(s), including each Host Team member, Airbnb Payments acts as each Host’s payment collection agent for the limited purpose of accepting payments from you on behalf of the Host(s). Upon a Guest’s payment of the funds to Airbnb Payments, the Guest’s payment obligation to the Host(s) for the agreed upon amount is extinguished, and Airbnb Payments is responsible for remitting the funds successfully received by Airbnb Payments to the Host(s) in the manner described in these Payments Terms. In the event that Airbnb Payments does not remit any such amounts, the Host(s) will have recourse only against Airbnb Payments and not the Guest directly.
5. General Terms
5.1 Fees. Airbnb Payments may charge fees for use of certain Payment Services and any applicable fees will be disclosed to you in the Terms or via the Airbnb Platform.
5.2 Payment Authorizations. You authorize Airbnb Payments to collect from you amounts due pursuant to these Payment Terms and/or the Terms by either (i) charging the Payment Method associated with the relevant booking, or any other Payment Method on file that you authorize in your Airbnb account (unless you have previously removed the authorization to charge such Payment Method(s)), or (ii) by withholding the amount from your future Payout. Specifically, you authorize Airbnb Payments to collect from you:
- Any amount due to Airbnb or Airbnb Payments (e.g., as a result of your bookings, Booking Modifications, cancellations, or other actions as a Guest, Host or user of the Airbnb Platform), including reimbursement for costs prepaid by Airbnb or Airbnb Payments on your behalf. Any funds collected by Airbnb Payments will set off the amount owed by you to Airbnb or Airbnb Payments and extinguish your obligation to Airbnb or Airbnb Payments.
- Any amount due to a Host from a Guest which Airbnb collects as the Host’s payment collection agent as further set out in Section 4 above.
- Taxes, where applicable and as set out in the Terms.
- Any amount you pay through the Resolution Center in connection with your Airbnb account.
- Overstay penalties payable under the Terms, including any cost and expenses incurred in collecting the overstay penalty.
- Any service fees or cancellation fees imposed pursuant to the Terms (e.g., if, as a Host, you cancel a confirmed booking).
- Any amounts already paid to you as a Host despite a Guest cancelling a confirmed booking or Airbnb deciding that it is necessary to cancel a booking in accordance with the Terms, Guest Refund Policy, Experiences Guest Refund Policy, Extenuating Circumstances Policy, or other applicable cancellation policy. You agree that in the event you have already been paid, Airbnb Payments will be entitled to recover the amount of any such guest refund from you, including by subtracting such refund amount out from any future Payouts due to you.
In addition to any amount due as outlined above, if there are delinquent amounts or chargebacks associated with your Payment Method, you may be charged fees that are incidental to Airbnb Payments collection of these delinquent amounts and chargebacks. Such fees or charges may include collection fees, convenience fees or other third-party charges.
5.3 Collections
5.3.1 If Airbnb Payments is unable to collect any amounts you owe under these Payments Terms, Airbnb Payments may engage in collection efforts to recover such amounts from you.
5.3.2 Airbnb Payments will deem any owed amounts overdue when: (a) for authorized charges, one hundred and twenty (120) days have elapsed after Airbnb Payments first attempts to charge your Payment Method or the associated services have been provided, whichever is later; and (b) for withholdings from a Host’s future Payouts, two hundred and seventy (270) days have elapsed after the adjustment is made to the Host’s Airbnb account or the associated services have been provided, whichever is later.
5.3.3 Airbnb Payments will deem any overdue amounts not collected to be in default when three hundred and sixty five (365) days have elapsed: (a) for authorized charges, after Airbnb Payments first attempts to charge your Payment Method or the associated services have been provided, whichever is later; and (b) for withholdings from a Host’s future Payouts, after the adjustment is made to the Host’s Airbnb account or the associated services have been provided, whichever is later.
5.3.4 You hereby explicitly agree that all communications in relation to amounts owed will be made by electronic mail or by phone, as provided to Airbnb and/or Airbnb Payments by you. Such communications may be made by Airbnb, Airbnb Payments, or by anyone on their behalf, including but not limited to a third-party collection agent.
5.4 Payment Processing Errors
5.4.1 Airbnb Payments will take the necessary steps to rectify any payment processing errors that we become aware of. These steps may include crediting or debiting (as appropriate) the original Payout Method or Payment Method used or selected by you, so that you end up receiving or paying the correct amount. This may be performed by Airbnb Payments or a third party such as your financial institution. We may also take steps to recover funds sent to you in error (including but not limited to an event of duplicate payments made to you due to a processing error), by reducing, setting off and/or debiting the amount of such funds from any future Payouts owed to you.
5.4.2 To the extent you receive any funds in error, you agree to immediately return such funds to Airbnb Payments.
5.5 Refunds
5.5.1 Any refunds or credits due to a Member pursuant to the Terms, Extenuating Circumstances Policy, Guest Refund Policy, and Experiences Guest Refund Policy, will be initiated and remitted by Airbnb Payments in accordance with these Payments Terms.
5.5.2 Subject to this Section 5.5.2, Airbnb Payments will process refunds immediately, however, the timing to receive any refund will depend on the Payment Method and any applicable payment system (e.g., Visa, Mastercard, etc.) rules. In the event of a Force Majeure Event that may affect the processing and settlement of refunds, Airbnb Payments will initiate and process the refund as soon as is practicable.
6. Damage Claims and Security Deposits
6.1 If you as a Guest (i) agree to pay the Host in connection with a Damage Claim, or (ii) Airbnb determines that you are responsible for damaging any real or personal property at a Listing pursuant to the Terms, you authorize Airbnb Payments to charge the Payment Method used to make the booking in order to collect any security deposit associated with the Listing, as well as any fees, costs and/or expenses associated with the Damage Claim. If Airbnb Payments is unable to collect from the Payment Method used to make the booking, you agree that Airbnb Payments may charge any other Payment Method on file in your Airbnb account at the time of the Damage Claim (unless you have previously removed the authorization to charge such Payment Method(s))
6.2 You agree that Airbnb Payments may seek to recover from you under any insurance policies you maintain and that Airbnb Payments may also pursue against you any remedies it may have available, including, but not limited to, in relation to any payment requests made by Hosts under the Airbnb Host Guarantee.
7. Abandoned Property
If Airbnb Payments holds funds due to you (e.g., because we are unable to issue you a Payout or refund) or you do not use a gift card or gift credit for the relevant period of time set forth by your state, country, or other governing body in its unclaimed property laws, we may process the funds due to you in accordance with our legal obligations, including by reporting and escheating (sending) such funds to the appropriate governing body as required by applicable unclaimed property laws.
8. Prohibited Activities
8.1 You are solely responsible for compliance with any and all laws, rules, regulations, and tax obligations that may apply to your use of the Payment Services. In connection with your use of the Payment Services, you may not and you agree that you will not and will not assist or enable others to:
- breach or circumvent any applicable laws or regulations;
- breach or circumvent any agreements with third parties, third-party rights, or the Terms, Policies, or Standards;
- use the Payment Services for any commercial or other purposes that are not expressly permitted by these Payments Terms;
- register or use any Payment Method or Payout Method with your Airbnb account that is not yours or you do not have authorization to use;
- avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, impair, descramble, or otherwise circumvent any technological measure implemented by Airbnb Payments or any of Airbnb Payments’ providers or any other third party to protect the Payment Services;
- take any action that damages or adversely affects, or could damage or adversely affect, the performance or proper functioning of the Payment Services;
- attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any of the software used to provide the Payment Services; or
- violate or infringe anyone else’s rights or otherwise cause harm to anyone.
8.2 You may not use or assist others to use the Payment Services to send or receive funds: (i) into any United States embargoed countries; or (ii) to anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Denied Persons List or Entity List. You represent and warrant that: (i) neither you nor your Host Services are located or take place in a country that is subject to a U.S. Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government as a “terrorist supporting” country; and (ii) you are not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties. In addition to complying with the above, you must also comply with any relevant export control laws in your local jurisdiction.
9. Force Majeure
Airbnb Payments shall not be liable for any delay or failure to fulfill any obligation under these Payments Terms resulting from causes outside the reasonable control of Airbnb or Airbnb Payments, including, but not limited to, acts of God, natural disasters, war, terrorism, riots, embargos, acts of civil or military authorities, fire, floods, accidents, pandemics, epidemics or disease, strikes or shortages of transportation facilities, fuel, energy, labor or materials (“Force Majeure Event”).
10. Disclaimers
10.1 If you choose to use the Payment Services, you do so voluntarily and at your sole risk. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Payment Services are provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.
10.2 Notwithstanding Airbnb Payments’ appointment as the limited payment collection agent of Hosts pursuant to Section 4, Airbnb Payments explicitly disclaims all liability for any act or omission of any Member or other third party. Airbnb Payments does not have any duties or obligations as agent for each Host except to the extent expressly set forth in these Payments Terms, and any additional duties or obligations as may be implied by law are, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, expressly excluded.
10.3 If we choose to conduct identity verification on any Member, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim warranties of any kind, either express or implied, that such checks will identify prior misconduct by a Member or guarantee that a Member will not engage in misconduct in the future.
10.4 The foregoing disclaimers apply to the maximum extent permitted by law. You may have other statutory rights or warranties which cannot lawfully be excluded. However, the duration of any statutorily required warranties shall be limited to the maximum extent (if any) permitted by law.
11. Liability
11.1 If you reside in the UK or Switzerland and contract with Airbnb Payments UK you acknowledge and agree that, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the entire risk arising out of your access to and use of the Payment Services remains with you. If you permit or authorize another person to use your Airbnb account in any way, you are responsible for the actions taken by that person. Neither Airbnb Payments nor any other party involved in creating, producing, or delivering the Payment Services will be liable for any incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages, including lost profits, loss of data or loss of goodwill, service interruption, computer damage or system failure or the cost of substitute products or services, or for any damages for personal or bodily injury or emotional distress arising out of or in connection with (i) these Payments Terms, (ii) from the use of or inability to use the Payment Services, or (iii) from any communications, interactions, or meetings with other Members or other persons with whom you communicate, interact, transact, or meet with as a result of your use of the Payment Services, whether based on warranty, contract, tort (including negligence), product liability, or any other legal theory, and whether or not Airbnb Payments has been informed of the possibility of such damage, even if a limited remedy set forth herein is found to have failed of its essential purpose. Except for our obligations to pay amounts to applicable Hosts pursuant to these Payments Terms or an approved payment request under the Airbnb Host Guarantee, in no event will Airbnb Payments’ aggregate liability arising out of or in connection with these Payments Terms and your use of the Payment Services including, but not limited to, from your use of or inability to use the Payment Services, exceed (i) the amounts you have paid or owe for bookings via the Airbnb Platform as a Guest in the twelve (12) month period prior to the event giving rise to the liability, or if you are a Host, the amounts paid by Airbnb Payments to you in the twelve (12) month period prior to the event giving rise to the liability, or (ii) one hundred U.S. dollars (US$100), if no such payments have been made, as applicable. The limitations of damages set forth above are fundamental elements of the basis of the bargain between Airbnb Payments and you. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you. If you reside outside of the U.S., this does not affect Airbnb Payments’ liability for death or personal injury arising from its negligence, nor for fraudulent misrepresentation, misrepresentation as to a fundamental matter, or any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.
11.2 If you reside in the EEA and contract with Airbnb Payments Luxembourg, Section 11.1 does not apply, and Airbnb Payments is liable under statutory provisions for intent and gross negligence by us, our legal representatives, directors, or other vicarious agents. The same applies to the assumption of guarantees or any other strict liability, or in case of a culpable injury to life, limb, or health. Airbnb Payments is liable for any negligent breaches of essential contractual obligations by us, our legal representatives, directors, or other vicarious agents; such liability is limited to the typically occurring foreseeable damages. Essential contractual obligations are such duties of Airbnb Payments in whose proper fulfillment you regularly trust and must trust for the proper execution of the contract. Any additional liability of Airbnb Payments is excluded to the maximum extent allowed by applicable law.
12. Indemnification
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to release, defend (at Airbnb Payments’ option), indemnify, and hold Airbnb Payments and its affiliates and subsidiaries, and their officers, directors, employees, and agents, harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees, arising out of or in any way connected with (i) your breach of these Payments Terms; (ii) your improper use of the Payment Services; (iii) your failure, or our failure at your direction, to accurately report, collect or remit taxes; or (iv) your breach of any laws, regulations, or third-party rights. If your country of residence is in the EEA, the indemnification obligation according to this Section 12 only applies if and to the extent that the claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses have been adequately caused by your culpable breach of a contractual obligation.
13. Modification, Term, Termination, and other Measures
13.1 Modification. Except as otherwise required by applicable law, Airbnb Payments may modify these Payments Terms at any time. If we make material changes to these Payments Terms, we will post the revised Payments Terms on the Airbnb Platform and update the “Last Updated” date at the top of these Payments Terms. If you are affected by the modification, we will also provide you with notice of the modification at least two (2) months before the date they become effective. If you do not terminate your agreement before the date the revised Payments Terms become effective, your continued use of the Payment Services will constitute acceptance of any changes to the revised Payments Terms.
13.2 Term. This agreement between you and Airbnb Payments reflected by these Payments Terms is effective when you create an Airbnb account or use the Payment Services and remains in effect until either you or we terminate this agreement in accordance with Section 13.3.
13.3 Termination. You may terminate this agreement at any time by sending us an email or by deleting your Airbnb account. Terminating this agreement will also serve as notice to cancel your Airbnb account pursuant to the Terms. Without limiting our rights specified below, Airbnb Payments may terminate this agreement for convenience at any time by giving you two (2) months’ prior notice. Airbnb Payments may also terminate this agreement immediately without notice if (i) you have materially breached your obligations under this agreement; (ii) you have provided inaccurate, fraudulent, outdated, or incomplete information; (iii) you have violated applicable laws, regulations, or third-party rights; or (iv) Airbnb Payments believes in good faith that such action is reasonably necessary to protect other Members, Airbnb, Airbnb Payments, or third parties.
13.4 Suspension and Other Measures. Airbnb Payments may limit or temporarily or permanently suspend your use of or access to the Payment Services (i) to comply with applicable law, or the order or request of a court, law enforcement, or other administrative agency or governmental body, (ii) if you have breached these Payments Terms, the Terms, applicable laws, regulations or third-party rights, (iii) if you have provided inaccurate, fraudulent, outdated, or incomplete information regarding a Payment Method or Payout Method, (iv) for any amounts you owe under these Payments Term that are overdue or in default, or (v) if Airbnb Payments believes in good faith that such action is reasonably necessary to protect the personal safety or property of Airbnb, its Members, Airbnb Payments, or third parties, or to prevent fraud or other illegal activity. Further, for unsuccessful payment due to card expiration, insufficient funds, or otherwise, we may temporarily suspend your access to the Payment Services until we can charge a valid Payment Method.
13.5 Appeal. If Airbnb Payments takes any of the measures described in Section 13.3 and 13.4 you may appeal such a decision by contacting customer service.
13.6 Effect of Termination. If you cancel your Airbnb account as a Host or Airbnb Payments takes any of the measures described above, Airbnb Payments may provide a full refund to any Guests with confirmed booking(s), and you will not be entitled to any compensation for pending or confirmed bookings that were cancelled. If you cancel your Airbnb account as a Guest, Airbnb Payments will initiate a refund for any confirmed booking(s) based on the Listing’s cancellation policy. If your access to or use of the Payment Services has been suspended or limited or this agreement has been terminated by us, you may not register a new Airbnb account or attempt to access and use the Payment Services through an Airbnb account of another Member.
13.7 Survival. Unless your country of residence is in the EEA, Sections 5 through 20 of these Payments Terms shall survive any termination or expiration of this agreement.
14. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
14.1 If you are contracting with Airbnb Payments UK, these Payments Terms will be interpreted in accordance with English law. If you are acting as a consumer and if mandatory statutory consumer protection regulations in your country of residence contain provisions that are more beneficial for you, such provisions shall apply irrespective of the choice of English law. As a consumer, you may bring any judicial proceedings relating to these Payments Terms before the competent court of your place of residence or a court in England. If Airbnb wishes to enforce any of its rights against you as a consumer, we may do so only in the courts of the jurisdiction in which you are a resident. If you are acting as a business, you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
14.2 If you are contracting with Airbnb Payments Luxembourg, these Payments Terms will be interpreted in accordance with Luxembourg law. If you are acting as a consumer and if mandatory statutory consumer protection regulations in your country of residence contain provisions that are more beneficial for you, such provisions shall apply irrespective of the choice of Luxembourg law. As a consumer, you may bring any judicial proceedings relating to these Payments Terms before the competent court of your place of residence or a court in Luxembourg. If Airbnb wishes to enforce any of its rights against you as a consumer, we may do so only in the courts of the jurisdiction in which you are a resident. If you are acting as a business, you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Luxembourg courts.
15. United States Arbitration Agreement
15.1 Application. This Arbitration Agreement only applies to you if you are contracting with Airbnb Payment US. If you are not contracting with Airbnb Payments US, and you nevertheless attempt to bring any legal claim against Airbnb Payments in the United States, this Arbitration Agreement will apply for determination of the threshold issue of whether this Section 15 applies to you, and all other threshold determinations, including residency, arbitrability, venue, and applicable law.
15.2 Overview of Dispute Resolution Process. Airbnb Payments is committed to participating in a consumer-friendly dispute resolution process. To that end, these Payments Terms provide for a two-part process for individuals to whom this Section 15 applies: (1) an informal negotiation directly with Airbnb’s customer service team (described in paragraph 15.3, below), and if necessary (2) a binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”). You and Airbnb Payments each retain the right to seek relief in small claims court as an alternative to arbitration.
15.3 Mandatory Pre-Arbitration Dispute Resolution and Notification. At least 30 days prior to initiating an arbitration, you and Airbnb Payments each agree to notify the other party of the dispute in writing and attempt in good faith to negotiate an informal resolution. You must send your notice of dispute to Airbnb Payments by mailing it to Airbnb Payments’ agent for service: CSC Lawyers Incorporating Service, 2710 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 150N, Sacramento, California 95833. Airbnb Payments will send its notice of dispute to the email address associated with your Airbnb account. A notice of dispute must include: the party’s name and preferred contact information, a brief description of the dispute, and the relief sought. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within the 30-day period, only then may either party commence arbitration by filing a written Demand for Arbitration (available at www.adr.org) with the AAA and providing a copy to the other party as specified in the AAA Rules (available at www.adr.org).
15.4 Agreement to Arbitrate. You and Airbnb Payments mutually agree that any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to these Payments Terms or the applicability, breach, termination, validity, enforcement or interpretation thereof, or any use of the Payment Services (collectively, “Disputes”) will be settled by binding individual arbitration (the “Arbitration Agreement”). If there is a dispute about whether this Arbitration Agreement can be enforced or applies to our Dispute, you and Airbnb Payments agree that the arbitrator will decide that issue.
15.5 Exceptions to Arbitration Agreement. You and Airbnb Payments each agree that the following causes of action and/or claims for relief are exceptions to the Arbitration Agreement and will be brought in a judicial proceeding in a court of competent jurisdiction (as defined by Section 15): (i) any claim or cause of action seeking emergency injunctive relief based on exigent circumstances (e.g., imminent danger or commission of a crime, hacking, cyber-attack); or (ii) a request for the remedy of public injunctive relief. You and Airbnb Payments agree that the remedy of public injunctive relief will proceed after the arbitration of all arbitrable claims, remedies, or causes of action, and will be stayed pending the outcome of the arbitration pursuant to section 3 of the Federal Arbitration Act.
15.6 Arbitration Rules and Governing Law. This Arbitration Agreement evidences a transaction in interstate commerce and the Federal Arbitration Act governs all substantive and procedural interpretation and enforcement of this provision. The arbitration will be administered by AAA in accordance with the Consumer Arbitration Rules and/or other AAA arbitration rules determined to be applicable by the AAA (the “AAA Rules”) then in effect, except as modified here. The AAA Rules are available at www.adr.org. In order to initiate arbitration, a completed written demand (available at www.adr.org) must be filed with the AAA and provided to the other party, as specified in the AAA rules.
15.7 Modification to AAA Rules - Arbitration Hearing/Location. In order to make the arbitration most convenient to you, Airbnb Payments agrees that any required arbitration hearing may be conducted, at your option: (a) in the U.S county where you reside; (b) in San Francisco County; (c) via phone or video conference; or (d) if all parties agree, by solely the submission of documents to the arbitrator.
15.8 Modification of AAA Rules - Attorney’s Fees and Costs. Your arbitration fees and your share of arbitrator compensation shall be governed by the AAA Rules and, where appropriate, limited by the AAA Consumer Rules. If such costs are determined by the arbitrator to be excessive, Airbnb Payments will pay all arbitration fees and expenses. Either party may make a request that the arbitrator award attorneys’ fees and costs upon proving that the other party has asserted a claim, cross-claim or defense that is groundless in fact or law, brought in bad faith or for the purpose of harassment, or is otherwise frivolous, as allowed by applicable law and the AAA Rules.
15.9 Arbitrator’s Decision. The arbitrator’s decision will include the essential findings and conclusions upon which the arbitrator based the award. Judgment on the arbitration award may be entered in any court with proper jurisdiction. The arbitrator may award any relief allowed by law or the AAA Rules, but declaratory or injunctive relief may be awarded only on an individual basis and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by the claimant’s individual claim.
15.10 Jury Trial Waiver. You and Airbnb Payments acknowledge and agree that we are each waiving the right to a trial by jury as to all arbitrable Disputes.
15.11 No Class Actions or Representative Proceedings. You and Airbnb Payments acknowledge and agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, we are each waiving the right to participate as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class action lawsuit, class-wide arbitration, private attorney general action, or any other representative or consolidated proceeding. Unless we agree in writing, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one party’s claims and may not otherwise preside over any form of any class or representative proceeding. If there is a final judicial determination that applicable law precludes enforcement of the waiver contained in this paragraph as to any claim, cause of action or requested remedy, then that claim, cause of action or requested remedy, and only that claim, cause of action or requested remedy, will be severed from this agreement to arbitrate and will be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction. In the event that a claim, cause of action or requested remedy is severed pursuant to this paragraph, then you and we agree that the claims, causes of action or requested remedies that are not subject to arbitration will be stayed until all arbitrable claims, causes of action and requested remedies are resolved by the arbitrator.
15.12 Severability. Except as provided in Section 15.11, in the event that any portion of this Arbitration Agreement is deemed illegal or unenforceable, such provision shall be severed and the remainder of the Arbitration Agreement will be given full force and effect.
15.13 Changes to Agreement to Arbitrate. If Airbnb Payments changes this Section 15 after the date you last accepted these Payments Terms (or accepted any subsequent changes to these Payments Terms), you may reject that change by sending us written notice (including by email) within thirty (30) days of the date the change is effective. Rejecting a new change, however, does not revoke or alter your prior consent to any earlier agreements to arbitrate any Dispute between you and Airbnb Payments (or your prior consent to any subsequent changes thereto), which will remain in effect and enforceable as to any Dispute between you and Airbnb Payments.
15.14 Survival. Except as provided in Section 15.12 and subject to Section 13.7, this Section 15 will survive any termination of these Payments Terms and will continue to apply even if you stop using the Payment Services or terminate your Airbnb account.
16. Miscellaneous
16.1 Interpreting these Payments Terms. Except as they may be supplemented by additional terms and conditions, policies, guidelines, or standards, these Payments Terms constitute the entire agreement between Airbnb Payments and you regarding the subject matter hereof, and supersede any and all prior oral or written understandings or agreements between Airbnb Payments and you regarding the Payment Services. If any provision of these Payments Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision will be struck and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.
16.2 No Waiver. Airbnb Payments’ failure to enforce any right or provision in these Payments Terms will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed to by us in writing. Except as expressly set forth in these Payments Terms, the exercise by either party of any of its remedies under these Payments Terms will be without prejudice to its other remedies under these Payments Terms or otherwise permitted under law.
16.3 Assignment. You may not assign, transfer, or delegate this agreement or your rights and obligations hereunder without Airbnb Payments’ prior written consent. Airbnb Payments may without restriction assign, transfer, or delegate this agreement and any rights and obligations, at its sole discretion, with two (2) months’ prior notice.
16.4 Notices. Unless specified otherwise, any notices or other communications permitted or required under this agreement, will be in writing and given by Airbnb Payments via email or Airbnb Platform notification, and depending on your notification setting, messaging service (including SMS and WeChat). The date of receipt will be deemed the date on which Airbnb Payments transmits the notice.
16.5 Language. If you are contracting with Airbnb Payments Luxembourg, this agreement is concluded in the language as applied by the Terms and all communication undertaken during this contractual relationship shall be made in that language.
17. Additional Clauses for Users Contracting with Airbnb Payments UK
The following paragraphs will apply if you are contracting with Airbnb Payments UK:
17.1 Payment Service User
17.1.1 The Payment Services include the payment collection service provided to Hosts contracting with Airbnb Payments UK. The payment collection service constitutes a “payment service” regulated under the Payment Services Regulations and for these purposes Airbnb Payments UK treats Hosts as the “payment service user.”
17.1.2 By agreeing to these Payments Terms you as a Host have consented to Airbnb Payments UK’s payment of each Payout to your chosen Payout Method. Hosts may change a Payout Method up to one (1) day before the time agreed for the Payout as set out in Section 3.3. Airbnb Payments UK will be deemed to have received the Host's payment order to the Host on the same date Airbnb Payments UK agrees to initiate the Payout in accordance with Section 3.3
17.1.3 Airbnb Payments UK will endeavor to ensure that Hosts based in the UK will receive each Payout by the end of the business day following Airbnb Payments UK’s initiation of the Payout.
17.1.4 Communication. Airbnb Payments will provide the Host notice via email when we initiate each Payout. We will also provide notice to a Host’s registered email address if the Payout is returned to us because of an error. It is your responsibility as a Host to ensure that you provide us with a current, accurate, and valid email address.
17.2 Resolution Procedures for Diverted Payouts
17.2.1 If you as a Host believe that a Payout properly due to you has been or may be diverted without your permission (“Diverted Payout”) because your password or other credentials to log into your Airbnb account (“Credentials”) are lost or stolen, you should notify Airbnb Payments UK pursuant to Section 20 immediately. As a Host you may be liable for losses relating to any Diverted Payout arising from the use of lost, stolen, or misappropriated Credentials (including the loss of a mobile phone on which you have installed the Application) or where you have failed to keep your Credentials safe, up to a maximum of £50. Provided that you notify us of any Diverted Payout without delay and at the very latest within 13 months of the date of the payment, you may be entitled to a refund of that payment.
17.2.2 We will not be liable for any loss arising from: (i) Diverted Payouts where you acted fraudulently or where, with intent or gross negligence, you failed to use the Airbnb Platform and/or Payment Services in accordance with the Terms or these Payments Terms (including the obligation to keep your Credentials safe); (ii) or any payout transaction which we facilitated in accordance with information provided by you where the information you provided was incorrect.
17.2.3 If you as Host claim not to have received a Payout properly due to you via your chosen Payout Method, Airbnb Payments UK will (if requested) make immediate efforts to trace the payment and will notify you of the outcome. Unless we can prove that the payment was received by you via your chosen Payout Method, we will refund the amount.
17.2.4 Any complaints about the Payment Services should be made to Airbnb Payments UK pursuant to Section 20. Complaints that are made in accordance with this section that relate to the provision of Payment Services by Airbnb Payments UK will be eligible for referral to the Financial Ombudsman and will be subject to the Rules of the Financial Ombudsman Service. The UK Financial Ombudsman Service offers a free complaints resolution service to individuals, micro-enterprises, small charities, and trustees of small trusts. You can contact the UK Financial Ombudsman by (i) telephone from inside the UK: 0300 123 9123 or 0800 023 4567; from other countries: +44 20 7964 0500, on Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm and on Saturday 9am to 1pm; (ii) post: South Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall, London E14 9SR; or (iii) email: enquiries@financial-ombudsman.org.uk. The UK Financial Ombudsman Service is also available in a number of different languages and if you need it you will be put in touch with a translator when you contact the UK Financial Ombudsman Service.
18. Additional Clauses for Users Contracting with Airbnb Payments Luxembourg
The following paragraphs will apply if you are contracting with Airbnb Payments Luxembourg:
18.1 Payment Service User
18.1.1 The Payment Services include the payment service provided to Hosts contracting with Airbnb Payments Luxembourg. The Payment Services constitute “payment services” regulated under the modified Law of 10 November 2009 on payment services (“Law of 2009”) and for these purposes Airbnb Payments Luxembourg treats Hosts as the “payment service user” according to the Law of 2009.
18.1.2 By agreeing to these Payments Terms you as Host have consented to Airbnb Payments Luxembourg’s payment of each Payout to your chosen Payout Method. Hosts may change a Payout Method up to one (1) day before the time agreed for the Payout as set out in Section 3.3. Airbnb Payments Luxembourg will be deemed to have received the Host's payment order to the Host on the same date Airbnb Payments Luxembourg agrees to initiate the Payout in accordance with Section 3.3.
18.1.3 In the relation between you and Airbnb Payments Luxembourg, the legal provisions relating to the form of and procedure for giving consent to the initiation of a payment order or the execution of a payment transaction and the withdrawal of such consent such as Articles 81 and 93 of the Law 2009 on payment services shall apply at any time.
18.1.4 Airbnb Payments Luxembourg will endeavor to ensure that Hosts based in the EEA will receive each Payout by the end of the business day following Airbnb Payments Luxembourg’s initiation of the Payout.
18.1.5 Communication. Airbnb Payments will provide the Host notice via email when we initiate each Payout. We will also provide notice to a Host’s registered email address if the Payout is returned to us because of an error. It is your responsibility as a Host to ensure that you provide us with a current, accurate, and valid email address.
18.2 Resolution Procedures for Diverted Payouts
18.2.1 If you as a Host believe that a Payout is a Diverted Payout because your Credentials are lost or stolen or in case of an unauthorized, incorrectly initiated or incorrectly executed payment transaction, you should notify Airbnb Payments Luxembourg pursuant to Section 20 immediately. As a Host you may be liable for losses relating to any Diverted Payout arising from the use of lost, stolen, or misappropriated Credentials (including the loss of a mobile phone on which you have installed the Application) or where you have failed to keep your Credentials safe, up to a maximum of 50€. Provided that you notify us of any Diverted Payout without delay and at the very latest within 13 months following the debit date, you may be entitled to a refund of that payment.
18.2.2 We will not be liable for any loss arising from: (i) Diverted Payouts where you acted fraudulently or where, with intent or gross negligence, you failed to use the Airbnb Platform and/or Payment Services in accordance with the Terms or these Payments Terms (including the obligation to keep your Credentials safe); (ii) or any payout transaction which we facilitated in accordance with information provided by you where the information you provided was incorrect.
18.2.3 If you as Host claim not to have received a Payout properly due to you via your chosen Payout Method, Airbnb Payments Luxembourg will (if requested) make immediate efforts to trace the payment and will notify you of the outcome. Unless we can prove that the payment was received by you via your chosen Payout Method, we will refund the amount.
18.3 Out-of-court complaints
Any complaint, namely relating to any loss, theft, misappropriation or unauthorized use in connection with the Payment Services, or unauthorized or erroneous transactions should be made in writing to Airbnb Payments Luxembourg pursuant to Section 20.
In case you did not receive an answer or a satisfactory answer from Airbnb Payments Luxembourg within one month from the date the complaint was sent, you may file your request with the supervisory authority of Airbnb Payments Luxembourg, the CSSF (as defined in Section 20) within one year after you filed your complaint with Airbnb Payments Luxembourg. The CSSF will act as an out-of-court complaint resolution body. The request must be filed with the CSSF in writing, by post or by fax to the CSSF or by email to the address/number available on the CSSF website, or online on the CSSF website. The request shall be filed in English, French, German or Luxembourgish. The request shall be supported by a statement of the reasons on which it is based together with the following documents:
- a detailed and chronological statement of the facts underlying the complaint and the steps already taken by you;
- a copy of the prior complaint made to Airbnb Payments Luxembourg;
- a copy of the answer to the prior complaint or the confirmation that you did not receive an answer one month after you sent your prior complaint;
- the statement that you did not refer the matter to a court, an arbitrator or another out-of-court complaint resolution body in Luxembourg or abroad;
- your agreement with the request handling conditions of the CSSF as body responsible for the out-of-court resolution of your complaint;
- your express authorization so that the CSSF can transmit its request (including the attachments) as well as any future correspondence or information to Airbnb Payments Luxembourg;
- in the case where a person acts on your behalf, a document showing that the person is legally entitled to act so; and
- a copy of your valid ID document.
18.4. For Guests with France As Country of Residence.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Payments Terms, for the avoidance of any doubt, in connection with Guests who reside in France, the Total Price, installments or periodic payments, including Recurring Payments, collected by Airbnb Payments from such Guest are down payments (“acomptes”) within the meaning of French law.
18.5 Outsourcing.
We use a variety of service providers (some belonging to the Airbnb group and some being third party service providers) in the context of outsourcing arrangements to help us provide our services in an efficient and qualitative manner. The use of such service providers requires that we transfer or make available some data to them. You agree to such outsourcing arrangements and instruct us to transfer or make accessible data (as further defined below) concerning you and, where relevant, concerning persons linked to you (provided in connection with your Airbnb account) such as your beneficial owners and representatives, to a number of service providers in the context of outsourcing arrangements regarding technical (including IT), operational, payment processing, internal control, customer due diligence (including background or police checks), fraud prevention, risk assessment, product development, maintenance and debugging, advertising, processing of insurance claims, customer support and other services. The data to be transferred or made available includes, if you are an individual, your surname, first name, address, date and place of birth and nationality, and if you are a legal entity your corporate name, registered office, legal form, registration number for legal entities, as well as the aforementioned data on individuals for your beneficial owners and representatives. The data to be transferred or made available includes also for any person its contact details such as phone numbers and e-mail addresses as well as financial data and usage data in relation to our services (including payment method, payout method, payment transaction). The recipients of the data are located in the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, India, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Germany and Spain, as well as other countries in Europe, Asia Pacific and North and South America. Such data transfers will take place throughout the term of the business relationship between us and you as well as for an additional period as permitted by law after the end of the business relationship. You acknowledge that the transferred data is no longer protected by Luxembourg professional secrecy after its transfer.
19. Additional Clauses for Users that are Businesses
The following paragraphs also apply if you are using the Payment Services as a representative (“Representative”) acting on behalf a business, company or other legal entity (in such event, for purposes of the Payments Terms, “you” and “your” will refer and apply to that business, company or other legal entity).
19.1 You accept the Payments Terms and you will be responsible for any act or omission of employees or third-party agents using the Payment Service on your behalf.
19.2 You and your Representative individually affirm that you are authorized to provide the information described in Section 2.1 and Section 3.2 and your Representative has the authority to bind you to these Payments Terms. We may require you to provide additional information or documentation demonstrating your Representative’s authority.
19.3 You represent and warrant to us that: (i) you are duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the country in which your business is registered and that you are registering for receiving the Payment Services; and (ii) you have all requisite right, power, and authority to enter into this agreement, perform your obligations, and grant the rights, licenses, and authorizations in this agreement.
19.4 If you are using your Payment Method for the benefit of your employees or other authorized third-party in connection with Airbnb for Work, as permitted by your account, you authorize Airbnb Payments to charge your Payment Method for bookings requested by employees at your company or other permitted third-party.
19.5 For any Payout Method linked to your Airbnb account, you authorize Airbnb Payments to store the Payout Method, remit payments using the Payout Method for bookings associated with your Airbnb account and take any other action as permitted in the Payments Terms in respect of the Payout Method.
19.6 If you handle, store or otherwise process payment card information on behalf of anyone or any third-party, you agree to comply on an ongoing basis with applicable data privacy and security requirements under the current Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard with regards to the use, access, and storage of such credit card information. For additional information, including tools to help you assess your compliance, see https://www.visa.com/cisp and https://www.mastercard.com/sdp.
20. Contacting Airbnb Payments
You may contact Airbnb Payments regarding the Payment Services using the information below:
Entity | Contact Information |
Airbnb Payments UK Ltd. | 100 New Bridge Street London, EC4V 6JA United Kingdom +44 203 318 1111 complaints.payments@airbnb.com Company Number: 09392688 Airbnb Payments UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as an Electronic Money Institution with reference number 900596. |
Airbnb Payments Luxembourg S.A. | 4, rue Henri Schnadt L-2530 Luxembourg Airbnb Payments Luxembourg S.A. is authorised and regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (“CSSF”) with reference number Z21, established at 283, route d’Arlon, L-1150 Luxembourg (Tel.: (+352) 26 25 1 – 1). You can find more information about the CSSF on its website at https://www.cssf.lu. |
Airbnb Payments will provide a copy of these Payments Terms on request. If you have any questions about these Payments Terms, please email us.
Payments Terms of Service for Australian Users
If your country of residence or establishment is within Australia, these Payments Terms for Australian Users (“Payments Terms”) are subject to the Australian Consumer Law. Our services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law and other Australian laws. These Payments Terms (including clauses 10.1, 10.2, 11 and 12) apply to the maximum extent permitted by Australian law, including the Australian Consumer Law.
If you attempt to bring any legal claim against Airbnb Payments in the United States, the arbitration agreement and class actions waiver in Section 15 apply to you. Please read them carefully.
The Airbnb Terms of Service (“Terms”) govern your use of the Airbnb Platform. Capitalized terms not defined in these Payments Terms have the meaning ascribed to them in the Terms
Last Updated: 25 January 2024
These Payments Terms and the documents, policies and standards referred within them, form a binding legal agreement between you and Airbnb Payments that govern the Payment Services (defined below) conducted through or in connection with the Airbnb Platform.
Documents referred to within these Payments Terms include but are not limited to our:
- Terms of Service, which govern your right to use the websites, applications, and other offerings from Airbnb (collectively, the “Airbnb Platform”).
- Re-booking and Refund Policy, which explains how Airbnb will assist with rebooking a reservation and how Airbnb handles refunds when a Host cancels a reservation or another Travel Issue disrupts a stay.
- Experiences Guest Refund Policy, which explains how refunds are handled for Experiences when a Host cancels or a Travel Issue occurs.
- Major Disruptive Events Policy, which explains how cancellations are handled when unforeseen events beyond your control arise after booking and make it impractical or illegal to complete your Reservation.
- Host Damage Protection Policy, which explains the terms, exclusions and limitations under which Airbnb will agree to pay a Host to repair or replace Covered Property as a result of a Covered Loss.
- Community Policies, which sets out expectations of Members of the Airbnb Community.
- Content Policy, which governs the posting by Members of content on the Airbnb Platform.
For convenience, we have set out above several terms and policies that are referred to in these Payments Terms. However, it is important to note that there are other supplemental policies and terms linked from our Additional Legal Terms page, which apply to your use of the Airbnb Platform, and are incorporated by reference, and also form part of the binding legal agreement between you and Airbnb.
Our terms and policies are organized based on the topic(s) to which they relate so as to make it easy for you to find the terms or policy relevant to your query or event.
When these Payments Terms mention “Airbnb Payments,” “we,” “us,” or “our,” it refers to:
Airbnb Payments UK Ltd. (“Airbnb Payments UK”), except when you book a Host Service, in which case you are contracting with Airbnb Payments Australia Pty Ltd (“Airbnb Payments Australia”).
Airbnb Payments provides payments services to Members publishing, offering and booking Accommodations, Experiences or other Host Services, including services in connection with the Open Homes Program and other current and future services provided via the Airbnb Platform. These payment services are provided for the benefit of Hosts and may include (if available) the following (collectively, “Payment Services”):
- Collecting payments from Guests (“Payin”), by charging the payment method provided by the Guest or associated with their Airbnb account, such as credit card, debit card, bank account, PayPal account, digital wallet or installments product provided by a credit provider (“Payment Method”);
- Effecting payments to Hosts (“Payout”) to a financial instrument associated with their Airbnb account, such as a PayPal account, bank account, a prepaid card, or a debit card (“Payout Method”);
- Effecting payments to a third-party Payout Method designated by a Host;
- Collection and payment of charitable donations;
- Payment collection services; and
- Other payment related services in connection with Host Services.
Airbnb Payments provides regulated Payment Services only to Hosts as the Host’s limited payment collection agent by accepting and processing funds from Guests purchasing Host Services on the Host’s behalf.
In order to use the Payment Services, you must be at least 18 years old, must have an Airbnb account in good standing in accordance with the Terms, and must keep your payment and personal information accurate and complete and provide us with identity and other information as requested by us.
If you change your country of residence, the Airbnb company you contract with and the applicable version of the Payments Terms will be determined by your new country of residence from the date on which your country of residence changes. By continuing to use the Payment Services after your change of country of residence, you agree to such change of contracting party and terms. Please note, however, that the Airbnb Payments company with whom you contract will stay the same for all bookings made prior to your change of residence.
Table of Contents for Australian Users
- Your use of the Payment Services
- Guest Terms
- Host Terms
- Appointment of Airbnb Payments as Limited Payment Collection Agent
- General Terms
- Damage Claims and Damage Amounts
- Abandoned Property
- Prohibited Activities
- Force Majeure
- Disclaimers
- Liability
- Indemnification
- Modification, Term, Termination, and other Measures
- Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
- United States Arbitration Agreement
- Miscellaneous
- Additional Clauses for Users Contracting with Airbnb Payments UK
- Additional Clauses for Users that are Businesses
- Contacting Airbnb Payments
1. Your use of the Payment Services
1.1 Airbnb Payment Services.
By using the Payments Services, you agree to comply with these Payments Terms. Airbnb Payments may temporarily limit or suspend your access to or use of the Payment Services, or its features, to carry out maintenance measures that ensure the proper functioning of the Payment Services.
1.2 Third Party Services.
The Payment Services may contain links to third-party websites or resources (“Third-Party Services”). Such Third-Party Services are subject to different terms of service and privacy policies, and Members should review them. Airbnb Payments is not responsible or liable for the use of such Third-Party Services. Links to any Third-Party Services are not an endorsement by Airbnb Payments of those Third-Party Services.
1.3 Your Airbnb Account.
Airbnb Payments may enable features that allow you to authorize other Members or third parties to take certain actions that affect your Airbnb account. You may authorize a third party to use your Airbnb account if the feature is enabled for your Airbnb account. You acknowledge and agree that anyone you authorize to use your Airbnb account may use the Payment Services on your behalf and that you will be responsible for any payments made by such person.
1.4 Identification and Verification.
You authorize Airbnb Payments, directly or through third parties, to make any inquiries we consider necessary to verify your identity and information you provide, and if applicable, verifying the identity of the representative(s) and beneficial owner(s). This may include (i) screening you and, if applicable, your representative(s) and beneficial owner(s) against third-party databases or other sources, (ii) requesting reports from service providers, (iii) asking you and, if applicable, your representative(s) and beneficial owner(s) to provide a form of government identification (e.g., driver’s license or passport) to check your name, place and date of birth, your address, nationality and/or other information which we deem necessary under applicable laws. If you are providing information for identification and verification about your representative(s) and/or beneficial owner(s) on their behalf, by providing such information, you are confirming that you have the authority and requisite rights to provide their information (including consent, where applicable) to Airbnb Payments for Airbnb Payments to carry out the purposes set out in this Section 1.4; or (iv) requiring you to take steps to confirm ownership of your email address, Payment Method(s) or Payout Method(s). Airbnb Payments reserves the right to terminate, suspend, or limit access to the Payment Services in the event we are unable to obtain or verify any of this information.
1.5 Additional Terms.
Your access to or use of certain Payment Services may be subject to you first having to agree to or to accept (expressly or by conduct) additional terms and conditions, including those of third party providers of Payment Services. If there is a conflict between these Payments Terms and terms and conditions applicable to a specific Payment Service, the terms and conditions applicable to the specific Payment Service will take precedence with respect to your use of or access to that Payment Service, unless specified otherwise in the terms and conditions applicable to the specific Payment Service.
2. Guest Terms
2.1 Adding a Payment Method.
When you add a Payment Method to your Airbnb account, you will be asked to provide billing information such as name, billing address, and financial instrument information either to Airbnb Payments or its third-party payment processor(s). You authorize Airbnb Payments and its payment processor(s) to collect and store your Payment Method information in accordance with Airbnb’s privacy policy.
2.2 Payment Method Verification.
When you add or use a new Payment Method, Airbnb Payments may verify the Payment Method by (i) authorizing your Payment Method for one or two nominal amounts via a payment service provider, and asking you to confirm those amounts, or (ii) requiring you to upload a billing statement. We may, and retain the right to, initiate refunds of these amounts from your Payment Method. When you add a Payment Method during checkout, we will automatically save and add that Payment Method to your Airbnb account so it can be used for a future transaction. You may not remove the Payment Method associated with a reservation, during the period commencing from the date of your booking and ending fourteen (14) days following your check-out date, nor during any additional period of time needed to resolve any outstanding Damage Claim associated with such booking.
2.3 Payment Authorization.
You allow Airbnb Payments to charge your Payment Method (including charging more than one Payment Method), either directly or indirectly, for all fees and other amounts due (including any applicable taxes) in connection with your Airbnb account, including Damage Claim amounts in accordance with the Terms and with Sections 5 and 6.
2.4 Automatic Update of Payment Method.
If your Payment Method’s account information changes (e.g., account number, routing number, expiration date or CVV or CVC number) as a result of re-issuance or otherwise, we may acquire that information from our financial services partners or your bank and automatically update your Payment Method on file.
2.5 Timing of Payment.
Airbnb Payments generally charges the Total Price due after the Host accepts your booking request. However, if you pay with a push Payment Method (such as Sofort), Airbnb Payments will collect the Total Price due at the time of your booking request or after the Host accepts your booking request. Airbnb may offer alternative options for the timing and manner of payment. Any additional fees for using those alternative payment options will be displayed via the Airbnb Platform and included in the Total Price, and you agree to pay such fees by selecting the payment option. Additional terms and conditions may apply for the use of an alternative payment option. If Airbnb Payments is unable to collect the Total Price due, as scheduled, Airbnb Payments will collect the Total Price due at a later point in accordance with Section 5.3. Once the payment for your requested booking is successfully completed, you will receive a confirmation email.
2.6 Currency.
You are able to select your currency in your settings. The currencies available to make payments may be limited for regulatory or operational reasons based on factors such as your selected Payment Method, your country of residence and/or your Airbnb Payments contracting entity(ies). Any such limitations will be communicated via the Airbnb Platform, and you will be prompted to select a different currency or Payment Method if your preferred currency is not available.
Note that if the country in which your Airbnb Payments contracting entity is located is different from the country of your Payment Method provider or the preferred currency in your settings is different than your Payment Method's billing currency, your payment may be processed outside of your country of residence. As a result, your Payment Method provider may impose certain fees and the amount listed on your Payment Method statement may be different from the amount shown at checkout. For example, if you make a booking using an Australian issued card, but the preferred currency in your settings is set to US dollars, your payment may be processed outside Australia, and banks and credit card companies may impose international transaction fees and foreign exchange fees. In addition, if the preferred currency in your settings is different from your Payment Method's billing currency, your bank or credit card company may convert the payment amount to your billing currency associated with your Payment Method, based on an exchange rate and fee amount determined solely by your bank. Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any such fees and disclaims all liability in this regard. Please contact your Payment Method provider if you have any questions about these fees or any exchange rate imposed by your Payment Method provider.
2.7 Booking Request Status.
If a requested booking is declined because it is not accepted by the Host, you cancel the booking request before it is accepted by the Host, or Airbnb cancels the booking, any amounts collected by Airbnb Payments and due to you pursuant to the policies described in Section 5.5 will be refunded to you, and any pre-authorization of your Payment Method will be released (if applicable) in accordance with Section 5.5.2.
2.8 Payment Restrictions.
Airbnb Payments reserves the right to decline or limit payments that we reasonably believe (i) may violate Airbnb Payments’ risk management policies or procedures, (ii) may violate these Payments Terms or the Terms, (iii) are unauthorized, fraudulent or illegal; or (iv) expose you, Airbnb, Airbnb Payments, or others to risks reasonably unacceptable to Airbnb Payments.
2.9 Payment Service Providers.
Payment Methods may involve the use of third-party payment service providers. These payment service providers may charge you additional fees when processing payments in connection with the Payment Services, and Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any such fees and disclaims all liability in this regard. Your Payment Method may also be subject to additional terms of use. Please review them before using your Payment Method.
2.10 Your Payment Method, Your Responsibility.
Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any loss suffered by you as a result of incorrect Payment Method information provided by you. Airbnb Payments does not provide any regulated Payment Services to you.
2.11 Different Ways to Pay
2.11.1 Pay Part Now, Part Later
Airbnb may make available to Guests the option to pay a portion of the booking’s Total Price at the time of booking and pay the remainder of the Total Price at a later time prior to check-in (“Pay Part Now, Part Later”). Availability of this option may depend on the Listing and/or Payment Method.
If you choose Pay Part Now, Part Later, the Airbnb Platform will notify you during checkout of the amount, currency and schedule of each payment due. On the following payments due date, Airbnb Payments will automatically charge the original Payment Method you used to make the booking.
If you make a modification to a booking made with Pay Part Now, Part Later, Airbnb Payments will notify you of the revised payment schedule, as applicable, and Airbnb Payments will automatically charge the original Payment Method you used to make the booking on the revised payment due dates. If the modification increases your Total Price, you may be required to make an additional partial payment of the new Total Price at the time of the modification.
You agree that by selecting Pay Part Now, Part Later, you may not be able to pay for the booking with a different Payment Method or pursuant to a different payment schedule.
If Airbnb Payments is unable to collect your payment, Airbnb Payments will notify you of such declined payment, and require you to complete the payment using an alternative Payment Method within 72 hours of the notice. If you fail to complete the payment, you authorize Airbnb to cancel the booking on your behalf. If the booking is canceled, you will be refunded based on the Host’s cancellation policy.
2.11.2 Recurring Payments
For certain bookings (such as for Accommodation bookings of twenty-eight (28) nights or more), Airbnb Payments may require a Guest to make recurring, incremental payments toward the Total Price owed (“Recurring Payments”). More information on Recurring Payments (including the amount and the frequency of payments) will be made available via the Airbnb Platform if applicable to a booking.
If Recurring Payments apply to a confirmed booking, then the Guest authorizes Airbnb Payments to collect the Total Price due.
Guests may stop a Recurring Payment by notifying Airbnb Payments orally or in writing at least three (3) business days before the scheduled date of the payment. Airbnb Payments may require you to give written confirmation of a stop-payment order within fourteen (14) days of an oral notification. If you fail to provide written confirmation within those fourteen (14) days, Airbnb Payments is not obligated to honor your request to stop any future Recurring Payments. If you have any questions regarding your Recurring Payments, please contact Airbnb Payments.
2.12 Buy now, pay later.
Guests may from time to time be offered the possibility to pay for an Accommodation Reservation on credit or other installment options, and pay for them over time ('buy now, pay later'). These Payment Methods will be provided by Klarna Australia Pty Ltd (or its affiliate), not Airbnb, subject to additional terms of use provided at checkout, and Klarna will become your creditor for the payment. Depending on the Payment Method, this may also create a separate relationship between you as the borrower and Klarna as the lender. Please review any applicable additional terms before using these Payment Methods.
3. Host Terms
3.1 Payment Collection.
Airbnb Payments generally collects the Total Price of a booking at the time the Guest’s booking request is accepted by the Host, unless noted otherwise.
3.2 Valid Payout Method.
In order to receive a Payout you must have a valid Payout Method linked to your Airbnb account. When you add a Payout Method to your Airbnb account, you will be asked to provide information, which may include name, government identification, tax identification, billing address, and financial instrument information either to Airbnb Payments or its third-party payment processor(s). Depending on the Payout Method selected additional information may be required, such as: residential address, name on the account, account type, routing number, account number, email address, payout currency, identification number and account information associated with a particular payment processor. Providing requested information is required for a Payout Method to be valid. The information Airbnb Payments requires for a valid Payout Method may change, and Airbnb Payments may request additional information at any time; failing to provide requested information may result in Airbnb Payments temporarily placing a hold, suspending, or canceling any Payout until the information is provided and, if necessary, validated.
You authorize Airbnb Payments to collect and store your Payout Method information in accordance with Airbnb’s Privacy Policy. Airbnb Payments may also share your information with governmental authorities as required by applicable law.
3.3 Timing of Payout
Subject to and conditional upon successful receipt of the associated payments from Guests, Airbnb Payments will generally initiate Payouts to your selected Payout Method: (i) for Accommodations, 24 hours after the Guest’s scheduled check-in time (or 24 hours after 3:00 pm local time - or 3:00 pm UTC if local time is unknown - if the check-in time is flexible or not specified); (ii) for Experiences, 24 hours after the start of the Experience; and (iii) for all other Host Services, at the time specified via the Airbnb Platform. For Accommodation bookings of twenty-eight (28) nights or more, Airbnb Payments will generally initiate the first payout 24 hours after the Guest’s scheduled check-in time, and will initiate future payouts every 30 days after the initial payout, for the duration of the reservation.
Airbnb Payments may offer you a different Payout time or trigger for payment via the Airbnb Platform. The time it takes to receive Payouts once released by Airbnb Payments may depend upon the Payout Method you select.
3.4 Payout.
Your Payout for a booking will be the Total Price less applicable fees like Airbnb service fees and applicable taxes and any amounts you agree to allocate to any co-host, or the owner(s) of an Accommodation, a homeowners’ association, and/or their agent (such as a building operator or property management company). In the event of cancellation of a confirmed booking, Airbnb Payments will remit the amount you are due (if any) as provided in the Terms and applicable cancellation policy.
3.5 Payout Restrictions.
Airbnb Payments may temporarily place a hold, suspend, or cancel any Payout for the purposes of preventing unlawful activity or fraud, risk assessment, security, or completing an investigation; or if we are unable to verify your identity or where applicable the identity of your representative(s) or beneficial owner(s), or to obtain or verify requested information. Furthermore, Airbnb Payments may temporarily place a hold on, suspend, or delay initiating or processing any Payout due to you under the Terms as a result of high volume booking cancellations or modifications arising from a Force Majeure Event (as defined below).
3.6 Payout Currency.
Airbnb Payments will remit your Payouts in the currency you select via the Airbnb Platform. The currencies available may be limited for regulatory or operational reasons based on factors such as your selected Payout Method, your country of residence, and/or your Airbnb contracting entity(ies). Any such limitations will be communicated via the Airbnb Platform, and you will be prompted to select a different currency or Payout Method. Note that payment service providers may impose transaction, currency conversion or other fees based on the currency or Payout Method you select, and Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any such fees and disclaims all liability in this regard.
3.7 Limits on Payouts.
For compliance or operational reasons, Airbnb Payments may limit the amount of a Payout. If you are due an amount above that limit, Airbnb Payments may make a series of Payouts (potentially over multiple days) in order to provide your full Payout amount.
3.8 Payment Service Providers.
Payout Methods may involve the use of third-party payment service providers. These payment service providers may charge you additional fees when processing Payouts in connection with the Payment Services (including deducting charges from the Payout amount), and Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any such fees and disclaims all liability in this regard. Your Payout Method may also be subject to additional terms of use from such third-party payment service providers. Please review them before using your Payout Method.
3.9 Handling of Funds.
Airbnb Payments may combine amounts that it collects from Guests and invest them as permitted under applicable laws. Airbnb Payments will retain any interest it earns on those investments.
3.10 Your Payout Method, Your Responsibility.
Subject to Section 17, Airbnb Payments is not responsible for any loss suffered by you as a result of incorrect Payout Method information provided by you.
3.11 Different ways to get paid
3.11.1 Split Payouts
If you provide Host Services jointly with one or more other Hosts as part of a team, business or other organization (“Host Team”), Airbnb may make available to such Hosts the option to allocate between the members of the Host Team the total Host Payout for a booking. Airbnb Payments will execute such payments at the instruction of one or more members of the Host Team, and Hosts are responsible for the accuracy of their instructions.
3.12 Buy now, pay later.
If a Guest in Germany chooses to pay for an Accommodation Reservation using a Klarna "buy now, pay later" option (other than a Pay-in-3 option), these additional Host terms apply.
4. Appointment of Airbnb Payments as Limited Payment Collection Agent
Each Host, including each Host Team member, hereby appoints Airbnb Payments as the Host’s payment collection agent solely for the limited purpose of accepting and processing funds from Guests purchasing Host Services on the Host’s behalf.
Each Host, including each Host Team member, agrees that payment made by a Guest through Airbnb Payments, shall be considered the same as a payment made directly to the Host, and the Host will provide the Host Service booked by the Guest in the agreed-upon manner as if the Host has received the payment directly from the Guest. Each Host agrees that Airbnb Payments may refund the Guest in accordance with the Terms. Each Host understands that Airbnb Payments’ obligation to pay the Host is subject to and conditional upon successful receipt of the associated payments from Guests. Airbnb Payments guarantees payments to Host(s) only for such amounts that have been successfully received by Airbnb Payments from Guests in accordance with these Payments Terms. In accepting appointment as the limited payment collection agent of the Host, Airbnb Payments assumes no liability for any acts or omissions of the Host, except for acts or omissions the Host is directed to engage in by Airbnb Payments.
Each Guest acknowledges and agrees that, notwithstanding the fact that Airbnb Payments is not a party to the agreement between you and the Host(s), including each Host Team member, Airbnb Payments acts as each Host’s payment collection agent for the limited purpose of accepting payments from you on behalf of the Host(s). Upon a Guest’s payment of the funds to Airbnb Payments, the Guest’s payment obligation to the Host(s) for the agreed upon amount is extinguished, and Airbnb Payments is responsible for remitting the funds successfully received by Airbnb Payments to the Host(s) in the manner described in these Payments Terms. In the event that Airbnb Payments does not remit any such amounts, the Host(s) will have recourse only against Airbnb Payments and not the Guest directly.
At no point in time is Airbnb Payments holding funds on behalf of the Guest or providing the Guest a payment service.
5. General Terms
5.1 Fees.
Airbnb Payments may charge fees for use of certain Payment Services and any applicable fees will be disclosed to you in the Terms or via the Airbnb Platform prior to being charged.
5.2 Payment Authorizations.
You authorize Airbnb Payments to collect from you amounts due pursuant to these Payments Terms and/or the Terms by either (i) charging the Payment Method associated with the relevant booking, or any other Payment Method on file that you authorize in your Airbnb account (unless you have previously removed the authorization to charge such Payment Method(s)), or (ii) by withholding the amount from your future Payout. Specifically, you authorize Airbnb Payments to collect from you:
- Any amount due to Airbnb or Airbnb Payments (e.g., as a result of your bookings, Booking Modifications, cancellations, or other actions as a Guest, Host or user of the Airbnb Platform), including reimbursement for costs prepaid by Airbnb or Airbnb Payments on your behalf. Any funds collected by Airbnb Payments will set off the amount owed by you to Airbnb or Airbnb Payments and extinguish your obligation to Airbnb or Airbnb Payments.
- Any amount due to a Host from a Guest which Airbnb collects as the Host’s payment collection agent as further set out in Section 4 above.
- Taxes, where applicable and as set out in the Terms.
- Any amount you pay through the Resolution Center in connection with your Airbnb account.
- Any Damage Claim amounts owed to Airbnb or Airbnb Payments in accordance with the Terms and Section 6.
- Overstay penalties payable under the Terms, including any cost and expenses incurred in collecting the overstay penalty.
- Any service fees or cancellation fees imposed pursuant to the Terms (e.g., if, as a Host, you cancel a confirmed booking).
- Any amounts already paid to you as a Host despite a Guest canceling a confirmed booking or Airbnb deciding that it is necessary to cancel a booking in accordance with the Terms, Rebooking and Refund Policy, Experiences Guest Refund Policy, Major Disruptive Events Policy, or other applicable cancellation policy. You agree that in the event you have already been paid, Airbnb Payments will be entitled to recover the amount of any such Guest refund from you, including by subtracting such refund amount out from any future Payouts due to you.
If you owe an amount at any time after a booking, such as with Payment Plan or Recurring Payment charges, Booking Modifications, Resolution Center payments or Damage Claims (“Additional Amounts”), you authorize Airbnb Payments to collect payments for such Additional Amounts by charging your Payment Method associated with the relevant booking without any further action on your part. Airbnb Payments will notify you in writing before any Additional Amounts are charged.
If your Payment Method associated with the relevant booking is expired, invalid or otherwise not able to be charged for any reason (such as insufficient funds), you remain responsible for any uncollected amounts and Airbnb Payments may charge the Payment Method related to your booking again or use any other Payment Method on file associated with your Airbnb account, if available, to collect such Additional Amounts. Any amount not collected for any reason will be subject to any remedies that may be available, including, but not limited to, referral to a collections agency, or pursuit of available causes of action or claims against you.
If Airbnb has reason to believe that you as a Host participated in fraudulent activity, such as an overpayment scam, booking fraud or other fraud, and Airbnb Payments released the payout for such stay, Airbnb Payments may recoup from you such amount by reducing, setting off or debiting the amount from any future Payouts owed to you.
In addition to any amount due as outlined above, if there are amounts which you owe us but are unpaid or chargebacks associated with your Payment Method, you may be charged fees or costs for reasonable steps taken by Airbnb and/or Airbnb Payments to collect, recover or process these amounts and chargebacks (“Collection Fees”). The Collection Fees will be limited to: (a) reasonable costs directly incurred by Airbnb Payments and/or Airbnb (such as costs associated with the time our personnel spend collecting, recovering or processing the relevant amounts); and (b) collection fees, convenience fees or other fees or costs that are charged to Airbnb Payments and/or Airbnb by third parties.
5.3 Collections from Guests and Hosts
If Airbnb Payments is unable to collect any amounts you owe, as a Guest or as a Host, under the Terms and these Payments Terms, Airbnb Payments may engage in collection efforts to recover such amounts from you.
Airbnb Payments will deem any owed amounts overdue when: (a) for authorized charges, one hundred and twenty (120) days have elapsed after Airbnb Payments first attempts to charge your Payment Method or the associated services have been provided, whichever is later; and (b) for withholdings from a Host’s future Payouts, two hundred and seventy (270) days have elapsed after the adjustment is made to the Host’s Airbnb account or the associated services have been provided, whichever is later.
Airbnb Payments will deem any overdue amounts not collected to be in default when three hundred and sixty five (365) days have elapsed: (a) for authorized charges to your Payment Method with respect to a Guest transaction, after Airbnb Payments first attempts to charge your Payment Method or the associated services have been provided, whichever is later; and (b) for withholdings from a Host’s future Payouts, after the adjustment is made to the Host’s Airbnb account or the associated services have been provided, whichever is later.
You hereby explicitly agree that all communications in relation to amounts owed will be made by electronic mail or by phone, as provided to Airbnb and/or Airbnb Payments by you. Such communications may be made by Airbnb, Airbnb Payments, or by anyone on their behalf, including but not limited to a third-party collection agent.
5.4 Payment Processing Errors
Airbnb Payments will take the necessary steps to rectify any payment processing errors that we become aware of. These steps may include crediting or debiting (as appropriate) the original Payout Method or Payment Method used or selected by you, so that you end up receiving or paying the correct amount. This may be performed by Airbnb Payments or a third party such as your financial institution. We may also take steps to recover funds sent to you in error (including but not limited to an event of duplicate payments made to you due to a processing error). For Hosts, this may include, by reducing, setting off and/or debiting the amount of such funds from any future Payouts owed to you.
To the extent you receive any funds in error, you agree to promptly return such funds to Airbnb Payments after you become aware that you have received such funds in error.
5.5 Refunds
Any refunds or credits due to a Member pursuant to the Terms, Major Disruptive Events Policy, Rebooking and Refund Policy, and Experiences Guest Refund Policy, will be initiated and remitted by Airbnb Payments in accordance with these Payments Terms.
Subject to this Section 5.5.2, Airbnb Payments will initiate the refund process immediately. In the case of a cancellation by a Host, Airbnb Payments will hold the funds for up to 72 hours until the Guest is either refunded or the funds are used to rebook with another Host. In certain instances, the refund process may include the option to receive credit in lieu of a cash refund; if this option is made available to you, the timing of your refund will be communicated via the Airbnb Platform. The time it takes to receive any cash refund or for any pre-authorization of your Payment Method to be released will vary based on the Payment Method and any applicable payment system (e.g., Visa, Mastercard, etc.) rules. In the event of a Force Majeure Event that may affect the processing and settlement of refunds, Airbnb Payments will initiate and process the refund as soon as is practicable.
6. Damage Claims and Damage Amounts
If you are responsible for Damage Claim amounts, pursuant to Section 14 of the Terms, Airbnb via Airbnb Payments may, on reasonable notice to you, charge the Payment Method used to make the booking or any other Payment Method associated with your Airbnb account at the time of the Damage Claim or within a reasonable period thereafter in order to collect the Damage Claim amounts, up to a maximum amount as defined in Section 14 of the Terms. To facilitate this charge, when you book a Listing, you are agreeing that Airbnb via Airbnb Payments may charge the Payment Method used to book the Listing in order to collect Damage Claim amounts.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree that Airbnb Payments may seek to recover from you under any insurance policies you maintain and that Airbnb Payments may also pursue against you any remedies it may have available, including, but not limited to, referral to a collections agency, or pursuit of causes of action or claims against you, including in relation to a Damage Claim, or payment requests made by Hosts under the Host Damage Protection.
7. Abandoned Property
If Airbnb Payments holds funds due to you (e.g., because we are unable to issue you a Payout or refund) or you do not use a gift card or gift credit for the relevant period of time set forth by your state, country, or other governing body in its unclaimed property laws, we may process the funds due to you in accordance with our legal obligations, including by reporting and escheating (sending) such funds to the appropriate governing body as required by applicable unclaimed property laws.
8. Prohibited Activities
You are solely responsible for compliance with any and all laws, rules, regulations, and tax obligations that may apply to your use of the Payment Services. In connection with your use of the Payment Services, you may not and you agree that you will not and will not assist or enable others to:
- breach or circumvent any applicable laws or regulations, including to facilitate anyone else to breach or circumvent any applicable laws or regulations;
- breach or circumvent any agreements with third parties, third-party rights, or the Terms, Additional Legal Terms, Policies, or Standards;
- use the Payment Services for any commercial or other purposes that are not expressly permitted by these Payments Terms;
- register or use any Payment Method or Payout Method with your Airbnb account that is not yours or you do not have authorization to use;
- avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, impair, descramble, or otherwise circumvent any technological measure implemented by Airbnb Payments or any of Airbnb Payments’ service providers or any other third party to protect the Payment Services;
- take any action that damages or adversely affects, or could damage or adversely affect, the performance or proper functioning of the Payment Services;
- attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any of the software used to provide the Payment Services; or
- violate or infringe anyone else’s rights or otherwise cause harm to anyone.
We are required to act in accordance with our internal policies and the laws of various jurisdictions relating to the prevention of money laundering and the implementation of sanctions including: (i) economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by the U.S. government, including those administered by the Office of Foreign Asset Control or the U.S. Department of State; or (ii) by the United Nations Security Council, the European Union or His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom. You will comply with any relevant financial sanctions and any relevant export control laws applicable to you and to your local jurisdiction.
9. Force Majeure
As between Airbnb and a Member, neither shall be liable to the other for any delay or failure to perform resulting from causes outside their reasonable control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, war, terrorism, riots, embargoes, acts of civil or military authorities, fire, floods, accidents, epidemics or disease, strikes or shortages of transportation facilities, fuel, energy, labor or materials (“Force Majeure Event”). For the avoidance of doubt, this clause does not: (i) apply to a Reservation, which is subject to the Host’s cancellation policy and the Major Disruptive Events Policy; or (ii) operate to extend deadlines applicable to a Resolution Centre Request, a Host Damage Protection claim, an Aircover for guests claim, a Travel Issue under the Rebooking and Refund Policy or an Experiences Issue under the Experiences Guest Refund Policy, or other requests, claims or reporting under similar policies that are incorporated by reference into these Terms.
10. Disclaimers
If you choose to use the Payment Services, you do so voluntarily and at your sole risk.
Notwithstanding Airbnb Payments’ appointment as the limited payment collection agent of Hosts pursuant to Section 4 and subject to Section 11, Airbnb Payments explicitly disclaims all liability for any act or omission by you, any Member or other third party. Airbnb Payments does not have any duties or obligations as agent for each Host except to the extent expressly set forth in these Payments Terms, and any additional duties or obligations as may be implied by law are, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, expressly excluded.
If we choose or are required to conduct identity verification on any Member, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim warranties of any kind, either express or implied, that such checks will identify prior misconduct by a Member or guarantee that a Member will not engage in misconduct in the future. We are not responsible for prior misconduct by a Member where such misconduct was unknown by us.
The foregoing disclaimers apply to the maximum extent permitted by law. You may have other statutory rights or warranties which cannot lawfully be excluded. However, the duration of any statutorily required warranties shall be limited to the maximum extent (if any) permitted by law.
11. Liability
You acknowledge and agree that, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the risk arising out of your access to and use of the Payment Services remains with you. If you permit or authorize another person to use your Airbnb account in any way, you are responsible for the actions taken by that person. To the maximum extent permitted by law, no party, including Airbnb’s affiliates and personnel, or any other party involved in or delivering the Payment Services will be liable for any incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages. Incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages, include, to the maximum extent permitted by law, lost profits, loss of data or loss of goodwill, service interruption, computer damage or system failure or the cost of substitute products or services. Neither is Airbnb Payments liable nor any other party liable, to the extent permitted by law, for any damages for personal or bodily injury or emotional distress arising out of or in connection with (i) these Payments Terms, (ii) from the use of or inability to use the Payment Services, or (iii) from any communications, interactions, or meetings with other Members or other persons with whom you communicate, interact, transact, or meet with as a result of your use of the Payment Services, whether based on warranty, contract, tort (including negligence), product liability, or any other legal theory, and whether or not Airbnb Payments has been informed of the possibility of such damage, even if a limited remedy set forth herein is found to have failed of its essential purpose.
Except for: (i) Airbnb’s obligation to pay amounts to applicable Hosts pursuant to these Payments Terms; (ii) Airbnb’s obligation to make payments under the Airbnb Host Damage Protection, which contains its own limitation of liability; and/or (iii) Airbnb Payments’ wilful breach of these Terms, to the maximum extent permitted by law, in no event shall Airbnb Payments’ aggregate liability arising out of or in connection with these Payments Terms and your use of the Payment Services including, but not limited to, from your use of or inability to use the Payment Services, exceed (A) to Guests, three (3) times the amount you paid for the relevant Reservation(s) giving rise to the liability, or (B) to Hosts, three (3) times the amount paid to you for the relevant Reservation(s) giving rise to the liability. The limitations of damages set forth above are fundamental elements of the basis of the bargain between Airbnb Payments and you.
Except in the case of a Member’s wilful breach of these Terms, to the maximum extent permitted by law, in no event shall a Member’s liability to Airbnb or any other party involved in creating, producing, or delivering the Airbnb Platform or any Content for any claim or dispute arising out of or in connection with these Payments Terms, interaction with any Member, or your use of or inability to use the Airbnb Platform, any Content, or any Host Service exceed: (A) in the case of Guests, three (3) times the amount you paid for the relevant Reservation(s) giving rise to the liability, or (B) in the case of Hosts, three (3) times the amount paid to you for the relevant Reservation(s) giving rise to the liability.
12. Indemnification
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to release, defend (at Airbnb Payments’ option), indemnify, and hold Airbnb (including Airbnb Payments, other affiliates and subsidiaries, and their officers, directors, employees, and agents) harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees, arising out of (i) your breach of these Payments Terms (including any supplemental or additional terms that apply to a product or feature) or our Additional Legal Terms, Policies, or Standards; (ii) your improper use of the Payment Services; (iii) your failure, or our failure at your direction, to accurately report, collect or remit Taxes; or (iv) your breach of any laws, regulations, or third-party rights, such as intellectual property or privacy rights. The indemnification obligation only applies if and to the extent that the claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses have been adequately caused by your negligence or breach of a contractual obligation.
13. Modification, Term, Termination, and other Measures
13.1 Modification.
Airbnb Payments may modify these Payments Terms at any time. If we make material changes to these Payments Terms, we will post the revised Payments Terms on the Airbnb Platform and update the “Last Updated” date at the top of these Payments Terms. If you are affected by the modification, we will also provide you with notice of the modifications at least two (2) months before the date they become effective. If you do not terminate your agreement before the date the revised Payments Terms become effective, your continued use of the Payment Services will constitute acceptance of any changes to the revised Payments Terms.
13.2 Term.
This agreement between you and Airbnb Payments is effective (i) if you are a Guest, from when you make your first booking; or (ii) if you are a Host, from when a Guest first books a Listing made available by you and you use the Payment Services and remains in effect until either you or we terminate this agreement in accordance with Section 13.3.
13.3 Termination.
You may terminate this agreement at any time by sending us an email or by deleting your Airbnb account. Without limiting our rights specified below, Airbnb Payments may terminate this agreement for convenience at any time by giving you thirty (30) days' notice via email to your registered email address (or two (2) months’ prior notice for Members contracting with Airbnb Payments UK). Airbnb Payments may also terminate this agreement immediately without notice if (i) you have materially breached your obligations under this agreement; (ii) you have provided inaccurate, fraudulent, outdated, or incomplete information; (iii) you have violated applicable laws, regulations, or third-party rights; or (iv) Airbnb Payments believes in good faith that such action is reasonably necessary to protect other Members, Airbnb, Airbnb Payments, or third parties. In case of non-material breaches or where otherwise reasonable, you will be given reasonable notice of any actions that Airbnb proposes to take and an opportunity to remedy the non-material breach (if it is capable of remedy) unless such notification would (i) prevent or impede the detection or prevention of fraud or other illegal activities, (ii) harm the legitimate interests of other Members or third parties, or (iii) contravene applicable laws. Terminating this agreement will also serve as notice to cancel your Airbnb account pursuant to the Terms.
13.4 Suspension and Other Measures.
Airbnb Payments may limit or temporarily or permanently suspend your use of or access to the Payment Services (i) to comply with applicable law, or the order or request of a court, law enforcement, or other administrative agency or governmental body, (ii) if you have materially breached these Payments Terms, the Terms, applicable laws, regulations or third-party rights, (iii) if you have provided inaccurate, fraudulent, outdated, or incomplete information regarding a Payment Method or Payout Method, (iv) for any amounts you owe under these Payments Term that are overdue or in default, or (v) if Airbnb Payments believes in good faith that such action is reasonably necessary to protect the personal safety or property of Airbnb, its Members, Airbnb Payments, or third parties, or to prevent fraud or other illegal activity. Further, for unsuccessful payment due to card expiration, insufficient funds, or otherwise, we may temporarily suspend your access to the Payment Services until we can charge a valid Payment Method.
13.5 Appeal.
If Airbnb Payments takes any of the measures described in Section 13.3 you may appeal such a decision by contacting customer service.
13.6 Effect of Termination.
If you cancel your Airbnb account as a Host or Airbnb Payments takes any of the measures described above, Airbnb Payments may provide a full refund to any Guests with confirmed booking(s), and you will not be entitled to any compensation for pending or confirmed bookings that were cancelled. If you cancel your Airbnb account as a Guest, Airbnb Payments will initiate a refund for any confirmed booking(s) based on the Listing’s cancellation policy. If your access to or use of the Payment Services has been suspended or limited or this agreement has been terminated by us, you may not register a new Airbnb account or attempt to access and use the Payment Services through an Airbnb account of another Member.
13.7 Survival.
Sections 1.2, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 19, survive expiry or termination, together with any other terms that, by reasonable implication or to give them efficacy are, or are intended, to be performed in whole or in part after the expiry or termination of this agreement.
14. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
If you are contracting with Airbnb Payments UK, these Payments Terms will be interpreted in accordance with English law. If you are acting as a consumer and if mandatory statutory consumer protection regulations in your country of residence contain provisions that are more beneficial for you, such provisions shall apply irrespective of the choice of English law. As a consumer, you may only bring proceedings relating to these Payments Terms before the competent court of your place of residence or a court in England. If Airbnb wishes to enforce any of its rights against you as a consumer, we may do so only in the courts of the jurisdiction in which you are a resident. If you are acting as a business, you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
If you are contracting with Airbnb Payments Australia, these Payments Terms will be governed by the laws of the State of New South Wales, Australia. The parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State and courts of appeal of that State in respect of any proceedings arising out of or in connection with this agreement.
15. United States Arbitration Agreement
15.1 Application.
This Arbitration Agreement only applies to you if you are contracting with Airbnb Payment US. If you are not contracting with Airbnb Payments US, and you nevertheless attempt to bring any legal claim against Airbnb Payments in the United States, this Arbitration Agreement will apply for determination of the threshold issue of whether this Section 15 applies to you, and all other threshold determinations, including residency, arbitrability, venue, and applicable law.
15.2 Overview of Dispute Resolution Process.
Airbnb Payments is committed to participating in a consumer-friendly dispute resolution process. To that end, these Payments Terms provide for a two-part process for individuals to whom this Section 15 applies: (1) an informal negotiation directly with Airbnb’s customer service team (described in Section 15.3), and if necessary (2) a binding arbitration in accordance with the terms of this Arbitration Agreement. You and Airbnb Payments each retain the right to seek resolution of the dispute in small claims court as an alternative to arbitration.
15.3 Mandatory Pre-Arbitration Dispute Resolution and Notification.
At least 30 days prior to initiating an arbitration, you and Airbnb Payments each agree to send the other party an individualized notice of the dispute in writing (“Pre-Dispute Notice”) and attempt in good faith to negotiate an informal resolution of an individual claim. You must send your Pre-Dispute Notice to Airbnb Payments by mailing it to Airbnb Payments’ agent for service: CSC Lawyers Incorporating Service, 2710 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 150N, Sacramento, California 95833. Airbnb Payments will send its Pre-Dispute Notice to the email address associated with your Airbnb account. A notice of dispute must include: the date, your name, mailing address, your Airbnb username, the email address you used to set up your Airbnb account, your signature, a brief description of the dispute, and the relief sought. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within the 30-day period, only then may either party commence arbitration by filing a written demand for arbitration with the arbitration provider designated pursuant to Section 15.6, below. A claimant’s Pre-Dispute Notice requirement is a prerequisite to any arbitration, and a copy of the Pre-Dispute Notice and evidence that it was sent as required by this Section must be attached to any arbitration demand.
15.4 Agreement to Arbitrate.
You and Airbnb Payments mutually agree that any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to these Payments Terms or the applicability, breach, termination, validity, enforcement or interpretation thereof, or any use of the Payment Services (collectively, “Disputes”) will be settled by binding arbitration on an individual basis (the “Arbitration Agreement”). If there is a dispute about whether this Arbitration Agreement can be enforced or applies to our Dispute, you and Airbnb Payments agree that the arbitrator will decide that issue. For the avoidance of doubt, you and Airbnb agree that any question regarding arbitrability and the formation, enforceability, validity, scope, or interpretation of all or part of this Section 15, including any dispute over compliance with the Pre-Dispute Notice requirement and a party’s responsibility to pay arbitration fees, shall be resolved by an arbitrator.
15.5 Exceptions to Arbitration Agreement.
You and Airbnb Payments each agree that the following causes of action and/or claims for relief are exceptions to the Arbitration Agreement and will be brought in and will be brought in a judicial proceeding in state or federal court in San Francisco, California, unless we both agree to some other location: (i) any claim or cause of action seeking emergency injunctive relief based on exigent circumstances (e.g., imminent danger or commission of a crime, hacking, cyber-attack); (ii) a request for the remedy of public injunctive relief; (iii) any claim or cause of action for vexatious litigation; or (iv) any individual claim of sexual assault or sexual harassment arising from your use of the Airbnb Platform or Host Services. You and Airbnb Payments agree that any request for the remedy of public injunctive relief will proceed after the arbitration of all arbitrable claims, remedies, or causes of action, and will be stayed pending the outcome of the arbitration pursuant to section 3 of the Federal Arbitration Act.
15.6 Arbitration Forum, Rules and Governing Law.
This Arbitration Agreement evidences a transaction in interstate commerce and the Federal Arbitration Act governs all substantive and procedural interpretation and enforcement of this Arbitration Agreement, and not state law. The arbitration will be administered by ADR Services, Inc. (“ADR”) (www.adrservices.com) in accordance with Rules 1, 6–7, 8–9, and 11–12, 45, 54, and 56 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (“Selected Federal Rules") (https://www.uscourts.gov/rules-policies/current-rules-practice-procedure/federal-rules-civil-procedure) and ADR’s Arbitration Rules then in effect (the “ADR Rules”), except as the Selected Federal Rules or ADR Rules are modified by or conflict with this Arbitration Agreement. The ADR Rules are available at www.adrservices.com. If an arbitration demand is submitted to ADR Services in accordance with this agreement and the ADR Rules, and ADR Services cannot or will not administer the arbitration, the arbitration will be administered by the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) in accordance with the Selected Federal Rules and the AAA’s Consumer Arbitration Rules and/or other AAA arbitration rules determined to be applicable by the arbitrator (the “AAA Rules”) then in effect, except as modified here. The AAA Rules are available at www.adr.org. If the AAA cannot and will not administer the arbitration, you and Airbnb Payments shall confer and select an alternative arbitral forum, and if we are unable to agree, either you or Airbnb Payments may ask a court to appoint an arbitrator pursuant to 9 U.S.C. § 5. In that event, the arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the rules of the appointed arbitral forum, unless those rules are inconsistent with the provisions of this Arbitration Agreement.
15.7 Modification of Arbitration Rules - Arbitration Hearing/Location.
In order to make the arbitration most cost-effective, efficient, and convenient to you, any required arbitration hearing in an arbitration wherein the amount in controversy does not exceed US $1,000,000, shall be conducted remotely via video conference except as otherwise agreed by the parties or instructed by the arbitrator. Any required arbitration hearing in an arbitration wherein the amount in controversy exceeds US $1,000,000 shall be conducted in San Francisco County except as otherwise agreed by the parties or instructed by the arbitrator. If the amount in controversy is US $10,000 or less, the parties agree to proceed solely on the submission of documents to the arbitrator.
15.8 Modification of Arbitration Rules - Arbitration Fees and Costs.
Your arbitration fees and your share of arbitrator compensation shall be governed by the ADR Rules and the ADR Services fee schedule (available at www.adrservices.com). If you have a gross monthly income of less than 300% of the federal poverty guidelines, you are entitled to a waiver of arbitration fees and costs, exclusive of arbitrator fees. You may request a fee waiver by providing the arbitration provider with a declaration under oath stating your monthly income and the number of persons in your household. If a fee waiver is granted by the arbitration provider and you provide Airbnb Payments with documents necessary to prove that your gross monthly income is less than 300% of the federal poverty guidelines, Airbnb Payments will pay your share of any arbitrator fees.
15.9 Modification of Arbitration Rules - Claims Brought for an improper Purpose or in Violation of This Arbitration Agreement.
Either party may make a request that the arbitrator impose sanctions upon proving that the other party or its attorney(s) has asserted a claim, or defense that is groundless in fact or law, brought in bad faith or for the purpose of harassment, or is otherwise frivolous. As allowed by applicable law and the AAA Rules the arbitrator shall impose sanctions equal to the requesting party’s reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs upon finding that a claim or defense is groundless in fact or law, brought in bad faith or for the purpose of harassment, asserted in violation of Fed. R. Civ. P. 11(b) (treating the arbitrator as “the court”), or is otherwise frivolous. Either party may seek dismissal of any arbitration filed in violation of any provision of this Arbitration Agreement. Either party may assert in arbitration a counterclaim for the other party’s initiation of proceedings concerning an arbitrable Dispute without complying with or otherwise in violation of the requirements of this Arbitration Agreement. Upon finding that a party has initiated proceedings concerning an arbitrable Dispute without complying with or otherwise in violation of the requirements of this Arbitration Agreement, the arbitrator shall award the other party its actual damages, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.
15.10 Arbitrator’s Decision.
The arbitrator will issue a written decision which shall include the essential findings and conclusions upon which the arbitrator based the award. Judgment on the arbitration award may be entered in any court with proper jurisdiction. The arbitrator may award any relief allowed by law or the AAA Rules, but declaratory or injunctive relief may be awarded only on an individual basis and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by the claimant’s individual claim.
15.11 Jury Trial Waiver.
You and Airbnb Payments acknowledge and agree that both parties are each waiving the right to a trial by jury as to all arbitrable Disputes.
15.12 No Class Actions or Representative Proceedings.
You and Airbnb Payments acknowledge and agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, we are each waiving the right to participate as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class action lawsuit, class- wide arbitration, private attorney general action, or any other representative or consolidated proceeding. Unless we agree in writing or as provided in this agreement, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one party’s claims and may not otherwise preside over any form of any class or representative proceeding. If there is a final judicial determination that applicable law precludes enforcement of the waiver contained in this paragraph as to any claim, cause of action or requested remedy, then that claim, cause of action or requested remedy, and only that claim, cause of action or requested remedy, will be severed from this agreement to arbitrate and will be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction. In the event that a claim, cause of action or requested remedy is severed pursuant to this paragraph, then you and we agree that the claims, causes of action or requested remedies that are not subject to arbitration will be stayed until all arbitrable claims, causes of action and requested remedies are resolved by the arbitrator.
15.13 Mass Action Waiver.
You and Airbnb Payments acknowledge and agree that the relative benefits and efficiencies of arbitration may be lost when 100 or more arbitration claims are filed within 180 days which (1) involve the same or similarly situated parties; (2) are based on the same or similar claims which arise from the same or substantially identical transactions, incidents, alleged violations or events requiring the determination of the same or substantially identical questions of law or fact; and (3) involve the same or coordinated counsel for the parties (“Mass Action”). Accordingly, you and Airbnb Payments agree to waive the right to have any Dispute administered, arbitrated, or resolved as part of a Mass Action (though Sections 15 and 15.12 will continue to apply to the Dispute). In case of a dispute, the appointed arbitrator for the first matter instituted within a set of claims identified by either party shall decide whether those claims are part of a Mass Action. If no arbitrator has yet been appointed, an arbitrator shall be appointed solely to determine whether claims identified by either party are part of a Mass Action. Nothing in this provision prevents you or Airbnb Payments from participating in a mass settlement of claims.
15.14 Modification of Arbitration Rules – Mass Action Batching Requirements.
If for any reason, notwithstanding Section 15.13, an arbitration proceeds as part of a Mass Action, the parties shall group the arbitration demands into batches of no more than 200. The batches shall be determined by listing the claimants’ alphabetically (by last name or business name, as applicable)—for example, the first 200 claimants listed will be the first batch, the next 200 claimants listed will be the second batch, and so forth. The parties shall randomly assign each batch a sequential number and arbitrate the batches one at a time, in sequential order. While one batch is being arbitrated, the arbitration provider shall hold the remainder in abeyance unless otherwise agreed by the parties or instructed by the arbitration provider. Each batch shall be resolved within 240 days of the pre-hearing conference for that batch. Notwithstanding the forgoing, if any claimant’s demand has not been the subject of a pre-hearing conference within 2 years of the latest-filed demand in the Mass Action, such claimant may elect to pursue the claims asserted in the claimant’s demand in court subject to Sections 14 and 15.12.
15.15 Modifications of Arbitration Rules - Offers of Judgment.
At least 10 days before the date set for the arbitration hearing, you or Airbnb Payments may serve a written offer of judgment on the other party to allow judgment on specified terms. If the offer is accepted, the offer with proof of acceptance shall be submitted to the arbitration provider, who shall issue an award accordingly. If the offer is not accepted prior to the arbitration hearing or within 30 days after it is made, whichever occurs first, it shall be deemed withdrawn and cannot be given as evidence in the arbitration, other than with respect to costs (including all fees paid to the arbitration provider). If an offer made by one party is not accepted by the other party, and the other party fails to obtain a more favorable award, the other party shall not recover their post-offer costs and shall pay the offering party’s costs (including all fees paid to the arbitration provider) from the time of the offer.
15.16 Severability.
Except as provided in Section 15.12, in the event that any portion of this Arbitration Agreement is deemed illegal or unenforceable, such provision shall be severed and the remainder of the Arbitration Agreement will be given full force and effect.
15.17 Amendment to Agreement to Arbitrate.
If Airbnb Payments amends this Section 15 after the date you last accepted these Payments Terms (or accepted any subsequent changes to these Payments Terms), you may reject the change by sending us written notice no later than thirty (30) days of the date the change is effective. Your notice must include your name, mailing address, the date of the notice, your Airbnb username, the email address you used to set up your Airbnb account, your signature, and an unequivocal statement that you want to opt out of the amended Section 15. You must either mail your notice to this address: 888 Brannan St, San Francisco, CA 94103, Attn: Arbitration Opt-Out, or email the opt-out notice to arbitration.opt.out@airbnb.com. Rejecting a new change, however, does not revoke or alter your prior consent to any earlier agreements to arbitrate any Dispute between you and Airbnb Payments (or your prior consent to any subsequent changes thereto), which will remain in effect and enforceable as to any Dispute between you and Airbnb Payments.
15.18 Survival.
Except as provided in Section 15.12 and subject to Section 13.7, this Section 15 will survive any termination of these Payments Terms and will continue to apply even if you stop using the Payment Services or terminate your Airbnb account.
16. Miscellaneous
16.1 Interpreting these Payments Terms.
Except as they may be supplemented by additional terms and conditions, policies, guidelines, or standards, these Payments Terms constitute the entire agreement between Airbnb Payments and you regarding the subject matter hereof, and supersede any and all prior oral or written understandings or agreements between Airbnb Payments and you regarding the Payment Services. This clause does not exclude a party’s liability for prior false, misleading or deceptive statements or misrepresentations, whether oral or written. If any provision of these Payments Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision will be struck and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.
16.2 No Waiver.
Subject to any limitation expressly stated in these Payments Terms or the Terms, or any document, policy or standard incorporated into them, Airbnb Payments’ or a Member’s failure to enforce any right or provision in these Payments Terms will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed between the relevant parties in writing. Except as expressly set forth in these Payments Terms, the exercise by Airbnb Payments or a Member of any of its remedies under these Payments Terms will be without prejudice to its other remedies under these Payments Terms or otherwise permitted under law.
16.3 Assignment.
You may not assign, transfer, or delegate this agreement or your rights and obligations hereunder without Airbnb Payments’ prior written consent (not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed). Airbnb Payments may assign, transfer, or delegate this agreement and any rights and obligations, at its sole discretion, with thirty (30) days’ prior notice (or two (2) months’ prior notice (for Members contracting with Airbnb Payments UK) provided that this would not reduce your rights or benefits under these terms.
16.4 Notices.
Unless specified otherwise, any notices or other communications permitted or required under this agreement, will be in writing and given by Airbnb Payments via email or Airbnb Platform notification, and depending on your notification setting, messaging service (including SMS and WeChat). The date of receipt will be deemed the date on which Airbnb Payments transmits the notice.
17. Additional Clauses for Users Contracting with Airbnb Payments UK
This Section 17 will apply if you are contracting with Airbnb Payments UK. To the extent that there is any conflict between this Section 17 and any other provision of these Payment Terms, the provisions of this Section 17 shall apply
17.1 Payment Service User
The Payment Services include the payment collection service provided to Hosts contracting with Airbnb Payments UK. The payment collection service constitutes a “payment service” regulated under the Payment Services Regulations and for these purposes Airbnb Payments UK treats Hosts as the “payment service user.”
By agreeing to these Payments Terms you as a Host have consented to Airbnb Payments UK’s payment of each Payout to your chosen Payout Method. Hosts may change a Payout Method up to one (1) day before the time agreed for the Payout as set out in Section 3.3. Airbnb Payments UK will be deemed to have received the Host's payment order to the Host on the same date Airbnb Payments UK agrees to initiate the Payout in accordance with Section 3.3.
Airbnb Payments UK will endeavor to ensure that Hosts based in the UK will receive each Payout by the end of the business day following Airbnb Payments UK’s initiation of the Payout.
17.1.4 Communication.
Airbnb Payments will provide the Host notice via email when we initiate each Payout. We will also provide notice to a Host’s registered email address if the Payout is returned to us because of an error. It is your responsibility as a Host to ensure that you provide us with a current, accurate, and valid email address.
17.2 Diverted Payouts and Complaints
If you as a Host believe or become aware that a Payout properly due to you has been or may be diverted without your authorization (“Diverted Payout”) because your password or other credentials to log into your Airbnb account (“Credentials”) have been lost, stolen, or misappropriated, you should notify Airbnb Payments UK without undue delay. As a Host you may be liable for losses relating to any Diverted Payout arising from the use of lost, stolen, or misappropriated Credentials (including the loss of a mobile phone on which you have installed the Application) or where you have failed to keep your Credentials safe, up to a maximum of £35. Provided that you notify us of any Diverted Payout without delay and at the very latest within 13 months of the date of the payment, you may be entitled to a refund of that payment.
If you as Host claim not to have received a Payout properly due to you via your chosen Payout Method (including where there has been a Diverted Payout), Airbnb Payments UK will (if requested by you without undue delay, on becoming aware of the unauthorized or incorrectly executed Payout and in any event within 13 months of it happening) make immediate efforts to trace the payment and will notify you of the outcome. Subject to Section 17.2.3, unless we can prove that (i) the Payout was received by you via your chosen Payout Method, or (ii) we made the Payout correctly using the Payout Method information you provided but the information you provided was incorrect, we will refund the amount. Where you have given us incorrect information, we will not be liable for the defective or non-execution of the Payout, however, we will make reasonable efforts to recover the Payout funds.
You must use your Credentials in accordance with these Payment Terms, and take all reasonable steps to keep your Credentials safe. As a Host you may be liable for losses suffered by Airbnb Payments UK in attempting to trace and recover a Diverted Payout (up to a maximum of £35) arising from the use of lost, stolen, or misappropriated Credentials including where due to the loss of a mobile phone on which you have installed the Application or where you have failed to keep your Credentials safe. You will not be liable for losses suffered by Airbnb Payments UK in attempting to trace and recover a Diverted Payout where the loss, theft or misappropriation of your Credentials was not detectable by you prior to the Diverted Payout (unless you acted fraudulently in connected with the Diverted Payout), or where the loss suffered by Airbnb Payments UK was caused by acts or omissions of Airbnb personnel or a service provider. You may however be liable to Airbnb Payments UK for all losses relating to attempted tracing and recovery of a Diverted Payout if we can produce reasonable evidence that you acted fraudulently or where you failed to use the Airbnb Platform and/or Payment Services in accordance with the Terms or these Payment Terms (including the obligation to keep your Credentials safe). Except where you have acted fraudulently, you will not be liable to Airbnb Payments UK for any losses incurred in respect of the attempted tracing and recovery of a Diverted Payout arising after notification by you of the loss, theft, or misappropriation of your Credentials or of the unauthorized use of your Credentials, where we have failed at any time to provide appropriate means for such notification, or where we do not require strong customer authentication, where required.
Any complaints about the Payment Services should be made to Airbnb Payments UK. If you are not happy with the outcome of a complaint and you as a Host have received regulated Payment Services from Airbnb Payments UK, you may also be able to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman. All complaints to the Financial Ombudsman Service are subject to the rules of the Financial Ombudsman Service, including in relation to eligibility requirements. The UK Financial Ombudsman Service offers a free complaints resolution service. You may obtain further information regarding the Financial Ombudsman Services and contact details at: http://www.financial-ombufsman.org.uk.
18. Additional Clauses for Users Contracting with Airbnb Payments UK
The following paragraphs also apply if you are using the Payment Services as a representative (“Representative”) acting on behalf a business, company or other legal entity (in such event, for purposes of the Payments Terms, “you” and “your” will refer and apply to that business, company or other legal entity).
You accept the Payments Terms and you will be responsible for any act or omission of employees or third-party agents using the Payment Service on your behalf.
You and your Representative individually affirm that you are authorized to provide the information described in Section 2.1 and Section 3.2 and your Representative has the authority to bind you to these Payments Terms. We may require you to provide additional information or documentation demonstrating your Representative’s authority.
You represent and warrant to us that: (i) you are duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the country in which your business is registered and that you are registering for receiving the Payment Services; and (ii) you have all requisite right, power, and authority to enter into this agreement, perform your obligations, and grant the rights, licenses, and authorizations in this agreement.
If you are using your Payment Method for the benefit of your employees or other authorized third-party in connection with Airbnb for Work, as permitted by your account, you authorize Airbnb Payments to charge your Payment Method for bookings requested by employees at your company or other permitted third-party.
For any Payout Method linked to your Airbnb account, you authorize Airbnb Payments to store the Payout Method, remit payments using the Payout Method for bookings associated with your Airbnb account and take any other action as permitted in the Payments Terms in respect of the Payout Method.
If you handle, store or otherwise process payment card information on behalf of anyone or any third-party, you agree to comply on an ongoing basis with applicable data privacy and security requirements under the current Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard with regards to the use, access, and storage of such credit card information. For additional information, including tools to help you assess your compliance, see https://www.visa.com/cisp and https://www.mastercard.com/sdp.
19. Contacting Airbnb Payments
You may contact Airbnb Payments regarding the Payment Services using the information below:
Airbnb Payments UK Ltd. | Please contact Airbnb Customer Service if you need assistance with updating your personal or business information or if you would like to make a complaint about our Services. Airbnb Payments UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as an Electronic Money Institution with reference number 900596, with registered office at 280 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4RB, United Kingdom. |
Airbnb Payments Australia Pty. Ltd | Please contact Airbnb Customer Service if you need assistance with updating your personal or business information or if you would like to make a complaint about our Services. 58 Gipps Street Collingwood VIC 3066 Australia |
Airbnb Payments will provide a copy of these Payments Terms on request. If you have any questions about these Payments Terms, please email us.
Review the previous version of this page.
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