

Rates and availability on Airbnb are synced through your software provider. There are a few cases where changes made directly on Airbnb might override the rates or availability sent via your software.

For example, the most common causes for price differences are promotions and discounts. If you set a promotion or discount directly on Airbnb, the same pricing will not be reflected within your software. Review any promotions or discounts you set directly on Airbnb to ensure they are set as you intend.

To check your price and availability settings, log in to your Airbnb account on a desktop computer or mobile device. This feature is not available using the Airbnb app.

  1. Go to Listings and select a listing.
  2. Click or tap Pricing or Availability at the top of the page.
  3. If you’ve not made any updates to your pricing or availability directly on Airbnb, but the information isn't correct, contact your software technical support team so they can investigate. If necessary, they will contact Airbnb's technical support team for further investigation.

Please note: Airbnb can block your calendar if you haven’t provided all the information required for your account.


