




9:45 Punto de Reunión Calle La Mar 229 (restaurante Nakary) frente a la puerta principal del Real Felipe Callao. 40 min para control portuario. Pago de derecho de ingreso a la reserva natural de islas Guaneras adultos 11 soles. 10:30 Zarpe hacia las islas del Callao. Observamos al inicio el fondeadero de yates, buques de guerra y mercantes en la bahía del Callao. Durante el trayecto pasamos por el bajo “El Camotal”, mar abierto. Pasamos por la isla San Lorenzo, de ricas historias que vienen desde la época precolombina. Vemos lanchas en faena de pesca, diversas colonias de aves guaneras y de pingüinos de Humboldt. 11:30 Llegamos al punto más alejado, la Isla Palomino, que alberga una gran colonia de lobos marinos (leones Marinos), donde podemos nadar con trajes de neopreno con libertad entre ellos, gracias a la ausencia de depredadores, es un momento inolvidable lleno de emociones. 12:35 Se inicia el retorno a través de acantilados e islotes de impresionantes formas. Se sirve un snack antes de arribar al embarcadero. 13:00 Arribo al embarcadero. Fin del tour náutico. Otros aspectos destacables IMPORTANTE ENVIAR DATOS COMPLETOS AL HACER LA RESERVA En efectivo se paga en embarque 11 Soles la tasa de conservación y protección a las islas.
We are going to pick you up from your accommodation or meeting point and with our expert local guide, we'll take you to a fascinating walking tour around our historical center. We will visit the highlights of the Historic Center of Lima such as the San Martin Square, Plaza de Armas, Jiron de la Union (main pedestrian street), Government palace (panoramic view), Cathedral (panoramic view), Pasaje Santa Rosa, Convent of Santo Domingo (panoramic view), cherry of the cake is to visit inside the " Convent of San Francisco and its awesome catacombs"! Our historical center is considered a World Heritage Site protected by Unesco since 1991 because of all the colonial buildings the city has. Lima also stands as one of the oldest capital in South America as it was founded by the Spaniards in 1535 and became the "City of the kings", the most important city for the Spanish Viceroyalty in the whole continent! After this great day! we will leave you at your accommodation. Notes: Recommend to wear comfortable clothes and shoes, sunglasses, sunscreen, and a hat, take a bottle of water with you and a spare battery for your camera. This experience includes pick up and drop off from Miraflores, Barranco and San Isidro.
Discover the rich and vibrant Peruvian cuisine, we will cook the most popular Peruvian dishes: Lomo Saltado and Causa. A fascinating mix of Peruvian flavors and cooking techniques. Together, these dishes offer a true taste of the diversity and deep flavor of Peruvian food. For cooking, we use ceramic pots, just as our ancestors did (Incas). In this way we will keep all the natural flavor. Causa: A refreshing and versatile dish that combines yellow potato, yellow pepper, lemon and various fillings that can range from chicken and tuna to seafood, all decorated with avocado. Lomo Saltado: Stir-fried beef, onion, tomatoes, and chili peppers, traditionally served over French fries and accompanied by rice. Chicha Morada: Prepared with purple corn, pineapple, lemon juice, cinnamon, and cloves. Vegetarian and vegan options available. Option 1: 2:30 pm: Meeting on your Airbnb/accomodation and heading to school. 3:00 pm: We started the participatory class with our cheff 5:00 pm: end of class . Option 2: 6:00 pm: Meeting on your Airbnb/accomodation and heading to school. 6:30 pm: We started the participatory class with our cheff 8:30 pm: end of class . Notes: - Please, let us know if you have allergies or have food restrictions. - This experience includes only pick up from Miraflores, Barranco and San Isidro. The return is not included, but we will help you to catch a cab.
Our fully hands-on cooking class in Cusco starts at San Pedro Market (at door number 1), with a visit to this historical market. We will try some of the most exotic fruits of Peru and the traditional food of Cusco ( fruits, cheeses, chocolate). After that, we will walk to our cooking studio (a traditional house from 1930). You will learn to cook 03 main courses and 02 cocktails. We start preparing the most delicious cocktails with fresh fruits with Pisco (bought in the local market we visited). Then, we cook and eat 03 Peruvian dishes: Cebiche, Causa Limeña, and Quinoa Tamal. Our class is fully hands-on and you will take part in all the preparation. Our welcome drink is Chicha morada, and water bottled is always available. The dessert is traditional Peruvian Picarones. After the class, we will also send you the recipes, so when you come back to your home you can enjoy it with your family and friends. Notice: The Peruvian Cooking Class and cocktail Experiences are in the morning and in the afternoon. * In the morning from 10:00 to 14:00 * In the afternoon from 15:30 to 19:30 **Our dishes are easy to be converted into vegetarian, so if you are vegetarian or Vegan this is the perfect class for you. ** All our dishes are seasoned with pink salt from Maras. Knowing your food requirements is very important. Kind regards! Chef Jesus
This is a UNIQUE anthropologist experience, you will have the opportunity to be part of the daily activities of locals that live in the real Lima, it is a rich cultural experience you will always remember! You will get the opportunity to see how a large majority of Lima's population truly lives in happines ambience and community system. At Haku Tours, we want you to see 'the real' Lima. While you slowly make your way to the base of the hill, our guide will explain a little about the community and its developments, the urbanization projects, politics, religion, and how Haku helps in the area. Gradually, you will begin your journey up the famous "yellow stairs", pause for a few pictures of the amazing views in greater Lima, get a glimpse into homes, and interact with neighbors and families we meet during this local life experience. During the tour, we will also visit a local daycare center and the friendly families from this nice community. Remember this tour is about to know people, who will share with you their culture, traditions, beliefs, and thoughts. Notes: If we can visit the Shanty Town communities is because we have asked permission from the local leaders. This experience includes pick up and drop off from Miraflores, Barranco and San Isidro.


The Paracas Ica Day Tour is a must-visit destination for anyone who loves nature and adventure. Located in the southern part of Peru, this tour takes you on a journey through some of the most spectacular landscapes in the world. The tour starts from Lima and takes you to the Paracas Bay to do the Ballestas Islands Boat Trip, where you can see an incredible array of wildlife, including sea lions, Humboldt penguins, sea birds and dolphins. Also, you will see “The Candelabro” (Candlestick), an enormous and mysterious geoglyph carved on the slope of a hill. Transfer (1-hour bus ride) to Ica City. The lunch will be at a restaurant housed inside a nearby winery in Ica (included). You can try wines and the famous Peruvian brandy known as "Pisco," which is produced by distilling fermented grape juice into high-proof alcohol, thanks to the region's sunny atmosphere. The last stop is the Huacachina Oasis, a picturesque lagoon surrounded by towering sand dunes. The oasis is said to have healing properties and many people come here to relax and unwind. This is followed by a high adrenaline experience that you will never forget the dune buggy tour and the sand boarding activity. The day tour is in shared service and includes transportation, tour guide, Ballestas Island boat tour, winery visit, lunch, buggy dune tour and sandboarding. Don't miss this once in a lifetime experience !!
You’ll discover the beautiful neighbourhood of Barranco during this 4-hour tour. Taken along through a variety of restaurants and small businesses you’ll try some of the most traditional and classical local specialties. During the tour, you will taste 14 flavours of fruits, drinks, and dishes and also meet small entrepreneurs. You’ll learn about their story while enjoying the best Peruvian dishes. We will make sure you get immersed in Peruvian history and culture, as every bite has a story to tell. Ceviche, lomo saltado and pisco sour will be prepared in front of you. Other things to note Also, we can adapt the menu to vegetarian, gluten-free and vegan diets. The activity starts at 09:39, 11:00, 15:00 or 17:00, is led in English only and lasts 4 hours. We will need you to send us your passports numbers and the date of your entry to Peru for tax reasons.
9:45 Punto de Reunión Calle La Mar 229 (restaurante Nakary) frente a la puerta principal del Real Felipe Callao. 40 min para control portuario. Pago de derecho de ingreso a la reserva natural de islas Guaneras adultos 11 soles. 10:30 Zarpe hacia las islas del Callao. Observamos al inicio el fondeadero de yates, buques de guerra y mercantes en la bahía del Callao. Durante el trayecto pasamos por el bajo “El Camotal”, mar abierto. Pasamos por la isla San Lorenzo, de ricas historias que vienen desde la época precolombina. Vemos lanchas en faena de pesca, diversas colonias de aves guaneras y de pingüinos de Humboldt. 11:30 Llegamos al punto más alejado, la Isla Palomino, que alberga una gran colonia de lobos marinos (leones Marinos), donde podemos nadar con trajes de neopreno con libertad entre ellos, gracias a la ausencia de depredadores, es un momento inolvidable lleno de emociones. 12:35 Se inicia el retorno a través de acantilados e islotes de impresionantes formas. Se sirve un snack antes de arribar al embarcadero. 13:00 Arribo al embarcadero. Fin del tour náutico. Otros aspectos destacables IMPORTANTE ENVIAR DATOS COMPLETOS AL HACER LA RESERVA En efectivo se paga en embarque 11 Soles la tasa de conservación y protección a las islas.
We are going to pick you up from your accommodation or meeting point and with our expert local guide, we'll take you to a fascinating walking tour around our historical center. We will visit the highlights of the Historic Center of Lima such as the San Martin Square, Plaza de Armas, Jiron de la Union (main pedestrian street), Government palace (panoramic view), Cathedral (panoramic view), Pasaje Santa Rosa, Convent of Santo Domingo (panoramic view), cherry of the cake is to visit inside the " Convent of San Francisco and its awesome catacombs"! Our historical center is considered a World Heritage Site protected by Unesco since 1991 because of all the colonial buildings the city has. Lima also stands as one of the oldest capital in South America as it was founded by the Spaniards in 1535 and became the "City of the kings", the most important city for the Spanish Viceroyalty in the whole continent! After this great day! we will leave you at your accommodation. Notes: Recommend to wear comfortable clothes and shoes, sunglasses, sunscreen, and a hat, take a bottle of water with you and a spare battery for your camera. This experience includes pick up and drop off from Miraflores, Barranco and San Isidro.
Discover the flavors of Lima following the footsteps of a Peruvian, taste the most incredible delicacies of our gastronomy: Sweet, Salty, Sour and Spicy. The experience also includes walking around Central Market and China Town, the very local side of Lima; we want to make sure that you get in touch with the real culture and traditions of the Peruvian Capital. The tour ends in the Plaza de la Muralla with a good taste in your mouth after trying exotic fruits and enjoying the local music. Snacks are included in the tour. *Please be aware that on Sundays, many vendors are closed. While we strive to provide you with a variety of snacks, please understand that it may not always be possible.* Snacks: - Choclo con queso - Papa rellena (depends on the day) - Ceviche (depends on the day) - Siu mae (depends on the day) - Chicha morada - Lucuma - Anticucho - Picarones - Exotic Fruits
Muy temprano por la mañana nuestro transporte realizará el recojo para empezar este maravilloso Tour en dirección rumbo a los pueblos de Mollepata y Soraypampa. Viajará por 2 horas hasta el poblado de Mollepata, lugar donde tendrá el delicioso desayuno por unos 40 minutos aproximadamente. Luego del desayuno continuará su camino hasta Soraypampa por aproximadamente 1 hora, allí descenderá del vehículo y nuestro guía dará todas las indicaciones necesarias para la caminata, tendrá 10 minutos para prepararse e iniciar la caminata. La caminata a la Laguna Humantay durará 1 hora y media aproximadamente observando el bello paisaje hasta llegar a la bellísima laguna turquesa. Tendrá tiempo suficiente para disfrutar de la magia del lugar, descansar y llevar una ofrenda a los Apus. Finalizando la visita volverá hasta nuestro vehículo el cual lo llevará hasta Mollepata donde tendrá un delicioso almuerzo buffet. Luego del almuerzo viajará por aproximadamente 2 horas hasta Cusco donde nuestro transporte lo llevará hasta el centro de la ciudad. Otros aspectos destacables Tener 2 dias de permanencia previa en Cusco para aclimatarse y hacer el tour sin problema.
TOUR FULL DAY: Salida 4:00 am - Retorno 10:00 pm Muy temprano por la mañana desde las 4:00 am pasaremos a recogerlos a su hotel para empezar este maravilloso viaje. Viajara por 2 horas hasta llegar a la estación de tren ubicado en Ollantaytambo lugar donde abordara el tren de la empresa “Perurail” que los transportará desde Ollantaytambo hacia el poblado de “Aguas Calientes” cuyo viaje tendrá una duración de 1 hora y 40 minutos. Aguas Calientes: Al llegar al pueblo de Aguas Calientes nuestro guía oficial los estará esperando para conducirlos a la estación de buses, donde tomara el bus hacia el Parque arqueológico de "Machu Picchu" Ciudadela de Machu Picchu: Al llegar a la ciudadela empezaremos con la visita guiada, el cual tendrá una duración de 2 horas aprox , para conocer los puntos principales y unas fotos maravillosas Luego descenderá en bus hacia el pueblo de "Aguas Calientes" donde tendrá un tiempo para apreciar el pueblo y explorar el lugar Retorno: Por la tarde a la hora indicada abordara el tren de retorno a Ollantaytambo donde lo espera nuestro personal para retornarlos a Cusco y luego a su hotel llegando a las 10:00 pm(hora aprox.) (IMPORTANTE) Los Meses de Mayo, Junio las entradas a Machupicchu se agotaron. Por lo cual debemos viajar un día antes y pasar la noche en Aguas Calientes. De esta manera aseguramos tu ingreso a Machupicchu . Preguntar disponibilidad
Discover the rich and vibrant Peruvian cuisine, we will cook the most popular Peruvian dishes: Lomo Saltado and Causa. A fascinating mix of Peruvian flavors and cooking techniques. Together, these dishes offer a true taste of the diversity and deep flavor of Peruvian food. For cooking, we use ceramic pots, just as our ancestors did (Incas). In this way we will keep all the natural flavor. Causa: A refreshing and versatile dish that combines yellow potato, yellow pepper, lemon and various fillings that can range from chicken and tuna to seafood, all decorated with avocado. Lomo Saltado: Stir-fried beef, onion, tomatoes, and chili peppers, traditionally served over French fries and accompanied by rice. Chicha Morada: Prepared with purple corn, pineapple, lemon juice, cinnamon, and cloves. Vegetarian and vegan options available. Option 1: 2:30 pm: Meeting on your Airbnb/accomodation and heading to school. 3:00 pm: We started the participatory class with our cheff 5:00 pm: end of class . Option 2: 6:00 pm: Meeting on your Airbnb/accomodation and heading to school. 6:30 pm: We started the participatory class with our cheff 8:30 pm: end of class . Notes: - Please, let us know if you have allergies or have food restrictions. - This experience includes only pick up from Miraflores, Barranco and San Isidro. The return is not included, but we will help you to catch a cab.
Our day will start when we pick you up with a 4x4 from your Airbnb at 6:00am or 1:00pm. We will be heading the road to Punta Hermosa neighborhood which is located south of Lima. It takes 55 minutes to get there. Punta Hermosa is one of the most beautiful areas where to live by the ocean. Here is where we get all the equipment to do sandboarding and you will get a short briefing about what are you going to do the next 1.5 hours in Chilca sand dunes. Back on track again you need to be ready because here is where the real FUN starts. Make sure you are using the seatbelt for your own safe and now we ride through sand dunes of different sizes and difficulty levels. It is so much fun going up and down in the middle of nowhere. You will have stunning views and plenty of time for pictures. After this adventure with the 4x4 you will be doing sandboarding first the small and then the large dunes. I will be with you all the time and taking pictures and making videos while you are having your best time in Lima. I will drop off you at your place around 1:00pm or 7:30pm. you will never forget this experience with me.
La experiencia comienza con el recojo de los respectivos alojamientos 3:50am para luego dirigirnos en nuestro minibús por un tiempo de 3 horas al poblado de Japura donde disfrutaremos nuestro desayuno buffet antes de comenzar a manejar los cuatrimotos, después del desayuno les damos todas las indicaciones para la conducción de los cuatrimotos con dirección a la montaña de colores por un tiempo promedio de 01 hora y 20 minutos el trayecto esta dentro de un paisaje único, lleno de montañas y animales altoandinos; a lo largo del camino tenemos varios paradas para tomar fotos o filmar videos hasta llegar al lugar al estacionamiento para los quads ubicado sobre 4700 m.s.n.m.(15485 fts); en este punto tenemos opcion : *Caminar por 45 mints a 01 h. después de haber disfrutado la montaña de colores retornamos por el mismo camino para tomar nuestras cuatrimotos para volver a la base de los cuatrimotos y disfrutaremos de un rico almuerzo buffet para luego retornar a la ciudad del Cusco en nuestro minibús por otras 3 horas; finalmente los dejaremos en sus alojamientos o lo mas próximo posible. ¡Vive la experiencia que no te la cuenten!
We leave from Cusco between 4:00 to 4:30 am in a our transportation with a blanket on your seat, so you can sleep stay warm while driving for 1.5 hours to the head to the breakfast point, then we will continue to the start point of the trail. At the beginning of the hike you can choose either hike, ride a horse or motocicle (offered by locals) which is an additional cost of $29.00 USD ROUND TRIP that you can pay directly to the horse men and locals. Once we get to the top we will enjoy the view of rainbow mountain. We also know the best spots for pictures of you and the landscape, we will make this magic journey an unforgettable experience for you. This experience includes: TRANSPORTATION, BREAKFAST, LUNCH, TOUR GUIDE, 1 WALKING STICK, BLANKETS AND ENTRANCE TICKET. We will be back around 3:30 pm in Cusco.
Nuestro recorrido inicia a las 8:30 PM y nuestros guías se quedarán contigo hasta las 00:30 AM, nos encontramos frente a la puerta principal de la Iglesia del Parque Kennedy, nos pueden reconocer por los paraguas y los collares amarillos con el logo de Bar Crawl Lima, esperamos unos 15 minutos por las personas confirmaron asistencia al recorrido e iniciamos. Atención: no aceptamos el ingreso al tour de personas pasada las 9:00 pm. La estancia en cada bar tiene una duración aproximada de 45 minutos y cada bar cumple una función diferente. En el primer bar, la idea es conocernos mejor entre todos los asistentes y generar un buen vínculo. Durante el segundo bar comenzamos los diversos juegos que hemos creado para pasar un gran momento e irnos preparando para el tercer y cuarto bar que suelen tener música bailable. Nuestro recorrido termina en el cuarto bar alrededor de la medianoche. donde el grupo puede quedarse a disfrutar. Cabe mencionar que durante el recorrido, se ofrece 1 shot gratis en los tres primeros bares, así como descuentos especiales exclusivos para el grupo de Bar Crawl. Las bebidas que decidas consumir en el recorrido van a costo de cada uno. Otros aspectos destacables: No se puede asistir en sandalias/ shorts / gorra / joggers Por lo demás, solo vengan con la mejor vibra y a pasarla bien.
Having previous experience riding horses is not a requirement, you just need to love these noble and beautiful animals "Spiritual experience", Small groups (Max. 05 People). PM me if you have a larger group. After picking you up from your accommodation, the first step is to get to know our horses and especially connect with them. Finally learn the basic instructions in order to feel comfortable and safe to guide them along the way. We will take you on a horseback ride through the mystical and hidden areas of the city that belong to the Sacsayhuaman National Park (not Sacsayhuaman archaeological site). Inkilltambo, Temple of the Moon (fertility temple), Amaru Wasi (where formerly rituals are performed to be healed) and Chuspiyoq (Inka's face). We will try to get to know about the Andean worldview, the nature-human relationship and the principles of Andean culture. You will be surrounded by nature, beautifull views, Eucaliptus forest and if we are lucky wild animals that live freely in the area. Please, Keep in mind that we will take short walks so you can know the Huacas (Inca temples) and the mysticism that surrounds them (because our horses are not allowed to access those protected areas). After finishing our experience I will take you to your accommodation. Please Feel free to write me if you have additional questions or queries.
Nuestra experiencia comienza con el recojo de nuestro hotel entre 4:00 a 4:30am donde tomaremos nuestra movilidad que nos llevara rumbo a la localidad de Tintinco donde podremos tener un delicioso desayuno andino, seguidamente tendremos una hora mas en la movilidad hasta llegar al punto de inicio de la caminata, la duracion de la caminata es de 1.30 aproximadamente, luego al llegar tendremos una explicacion del guia y las respectivas fotos, despues descenderemos por la misma ruta para llegar a la movilidad y regresar al mismo lugar para tomar nuestro almuerzo y regresar a Cusco a las 5.30pm
In this program we will visit one of the newest natural attractions of Cusco "The Rainbow Mountain". The tour starts early in the morning, we will stop by your hotel in Cusco between 04:00 and 04:30 am. To travel by car for approximately two hours to the south, until we reach the district of Cusipata - Paucarpata where we can have breakfast, then we will travel by car for 1 more hour until we reach the checkpoint and start the walk, the walk will Last approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, we will observe the typical flora and fauna of the Andes, among which the presence of Llamas and Alpacas stands out. Upon arriving at the Vinicunca or Rainbow mountain viewpoint (5036 meters above sea level), our guide will give us an explanation about the orography, ecosystem and color of the mountain, we can also take advantage of the moment to take souvenir photos and admire the beautiful landscape, then we will return along the same path to the point where we started the walk where our transportation will be waiting to take us back to Cusipata, where we will enjoy the lunch. After lunch we will begin the return trip to the city of Cusco, arriving between 4 and 5 pm. The drop off plce will be near the Main Square of Cusco.