




Learn how to make the typically "French Croissant", the "Pain au chocolat" & the "Pain au raisin" :-) During this interactive cooking lesson, you will be hands-on in the kitchen and, equipped with an apron and all the utensils you need, you will learn how to make the "French Croissant" the "Pain au chocolat" & the "Pain au raisin"! You will be in control of your creations from start to finish, from the moment you lay eyes on the recipe for the first time to the moment you take your creation out of the oven. I will be at your side to guide you and teach you, with full explanations, the techniques you need to guarantee your baking will be a success! At the end of your experience, we can taste what you have baked and chat about your trip to Paris and I’ll also be happy to give you my culinary advice, recommendations and opinions.
Esta é uma experiência perfeita para você que deseja ter belas fotos por um baixo custo e conhecer novas pessoas. Aproveite o momento para se divertir, conhecer pessoas e ter ótimas lembranças! Garanta sua vaga pois nossos horários esgotam rápido! Nesta experiência você fará um pequeno tour fotográfico. Se desejar algo especial e exclusivo é possível reservar um horário diferente. Nos mande uma mensagem. - Esta é uma experiência compartilhada. Cada horário atende até máximo 6 pessoas. Caso você queira uma experiência privada, reserve para um grupo privado. - Cada tour tem duração de até 1 hora. - Faremos uma caminhada e parar em alguns pontos para que cada participante seja fotografado, enquanto o restante do grupo espera por sua vez. - Se você estiver acompanhado precisa fazer a reserva de cada uma das pessoas que estiver com você, inclusive crianças. - Cada pessoa terá direito a escolher 5 fotos. Mas você pode comprar fotos extras se quiser. - A entrega será feita no máximo até 5 dias após a experiência, enviadas por um link online. Se houver alguma dúvida, nos mande uma mensagem. Vamos adorar ter você com a gente!
This photo session in Paris is offered to couples, for engagements, weddings, elopements, families, surprise proposals and individual pictures. It will be the perfect souvenir of your stay during the Olympics Games 2024. We'll meet at this address : middle of Bir-Hakeim Bridge. Then walk around to go to the perfect spots. In an hour we do several spots and we include the Eiffel Tower, the Seine River and a Parisian Street. We will guide you during the experience and help you with the poses to get natural lifestyle pictures. To have an idea of the pictures you can get, check our insta: _parispics_ The experience will always be private! I recommend booking a photo session in the morning (crowd...)! Also, bring a second pair of shoes (to be able to walk). After the experience, I will send you a link to a private gallery to choose your best pictures (20 MAX). I will edit them and send them 3 days after your selection. Alex will host in the morning experiences. We offer professional make up and hairstyle services, the help of an assistant (during the session) or a professional videographer if needed. If you would like a taylored experience (more hours, more locations or have a specific request outside of this experience ) please send us a message.
Paris Speakeasy Adventure: Uncover the City of Secrets. Paris, the City of Lights, has a clandestine side that beckons night owls . Our one-of-a-kind Paris Speakeasy Tour takes you on a captivating journey through the hidden gems of Paris nightlife, introducing you to iconic speakeasy bars. While Paris boasts an array of secret bars, we've carefully curated a selection that embodies the spirit of the Parisian night life. As much as we'd love to explore them all in one night, time constraints prevail. However, fear not! Our guides will discreetly share the locations of other secret bars, ensuring your Parisian adventure doesn't end here. Our experience is designed to cater to a diverse range of guests. Whether you're a teetotaler, a solo traveler, part of a couple, enjoying a family outing, or celebrating a bachelor/bachelorette party, our Speakeasy Tour welcomes all with open arms. The advertised tour duration is 2 hours, but there's no rush. Feel free to linger at each speakeasy, savoring the ambiance and crafted cocktails at your own pace. If your preferred time slot appears fully booked, fret not. Our speakeasies are spacious and accommodating, so drop us a message, and we'll make room for you. Join us on this enchanting journey through the hidden world of Paris Speakeasies. Let's raise a glass to secret soirées, whispered tales, and unforgettable memories.
Why walk with the crowds & stand in line when you can ride a bike & skip the line? Join us to ride, taste & explore on this truly memorable day trip. Escape the crowds, explore the Château, gardens & discover secret places seen by few tourists and even unknown to Parisians! We take the train to Versailles, hop on bikes to explore our beautiful town & award winning food market to & shop like a local for a French picnic lunch. We ride through the breath-taking Royal Gardens, admire Louis' fountains, indulge in market treats whilst hearing all the gossip & scandalous tales of the French Royal Family. Having worked up an appetite we lay out our authentic French picnic lunch by the Grand Canal. There is no better place to picnic & relax in the sun! Post picnic we Skip the Line to explore the Château: State Rooms, King's bedroom & Hall of Mirrors. We are proud to be one of the few tours licensed to guide inside. Be prepared to taste local food & picnic like a royal in the sun! If you are looking for a unique experience, out of the city, away from hoards of tourists, and want to make the most of your time in Versailles- look no further than this day trip. GOOD TO KNOW: -We Skip the Line & guide inside the Château: we do not abandon you with an audio guide. -30€ entry tickets to be paid on the day (card only) -Fountains: Sat & Sun. -Picnic at guest's cost.


Join me for a hands-on Bubble Tea Master Class, where together we'll make boba (tapioca) from scratch step-by-step. This activity is in part a tea tasting featuring hand-selected seasonal teas from around the world. You'll have the chance to create your own unique bubble tea blend of your own. This unique experience will transforms a simple beverage into a craft alongside a small group of food lovers in the heart of Paris. Most importantly, you'll end the evening with your own a homemade bubble tea! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rejoignez-nous pour un cours pratique sur le Bubble Tea, au cours duquel nous fabriquerons ensemble, étape par étape, du boba (tapioca) à partir de zéro! Ce cours est en partie une dégustation avec des thés de saison sélectionnés dans le monde entier. Vous aurez aussi la possibilité de créer votre propre mélange de bubble tea. Cette expérience unique transformera une simple boisson en un art en compagnie d'un petit groupe de gourmands au cœur de Paris. Et vous finirez avec un bubble tea fait maison comme vous n'en avez jamais bu!
Après 5 ans à partager nos bonnes adresses food sur Insta @nantesfoodie, on vous en fait découvrir une petite sélection, le temps d'une balade gourmande à Nantes (centre ville ou île de Nantes). - 6 dégustations à partager, plutôt orientées “street food” - du salé et du sucré - des petits groupes de 9 personnes pour passer un moment privilégié Infos importantes : - Régime alimentaire spécifique ? Nous contacter en amont :) - Le food tour sera maintenu si il y a minimum 4 réservations - Ne mangez pas le matin avant le food tour ! Le lieu et la date de rendez-vous vous seront communiqué 24H à 48H avant la date du food tour.
Création de bougies naturelles fleuries
Je vous propose un atelier de création de bougies naturelles décorées avec de belles fleurs séchées. Après vous avoir laissé choisir les fleurs que vous souhaitez utiliser, je vous expliquerais comment fabriquer votre bougie à la cire de soja, délicatement parfumée. Vous aurez l'occasion de repartir avec deux bougies que vous aurez réalisées vous même. Vous pouvez amener vos propres contenants, ou utiliser ceux que je peux vous offrir. Une activité relaxante, créative et à la portée de tous.
No Diet Clubがお届けする、ラクレットチーズ堪能ツアー(冬版)
NOT YOUR BASIC FOOD TOUR ! (Unlimited cheese) ⚠ Hygienic measures : group of 10 people maximum. Hydroalcoholic gel before and after each tasting ! Food is life but safety first Grab your ski suit (just kidding) and get ready for the best raclette you've ever smashed in an authentic raclette restaurant in Paris ❄ A nice melted cheese wheel (YES the one you scrape on your sexy potatoes), a selection of amazing charcuterie, some truffle ham, sexy potatoes, salad and pickles, the ultime french comfort food. Unlimited cheese so no breakfast before please :) Because is not enough, We'll then go to an Alsatian spot to share an authentic flamekueche, perfect for winter We'll walk for 20 minutes and will burn about 2,5 calories. :)
A travers les siècles, les Parisiens ont rarement été des parangons de vertu: viens les découvrir sous leur pire jour au cours d'une expérience historique immersive ! Des recherches sur la pierre philosophale aux princesses meurtrières en passant par les drôles de modes alimentaires, tu vas trouver que tu es finalement bien sage… Suis nos silhouettes costumées dans un voyage temporel immersif pour découvrir avec humour la vie de sept Parisiens qui, selon l'Eglise, mériteraient d'être privés de dessert ! Attention, en cas de privatisation pour plus de 10 personnes, un surcoût de 20€ par personne sera appliqué.


Bienvenue dans ces lieux chargés d'Histoire que sont les secteurs du débarquement en Normandie ! C'est avec un énorme plaisir que je vous propose plusieurs choix possibles, il y en a pour tous les goûts, toutes les bourses, en couple, en famille ou entre amis. - TOUR COMPLET / UNE JOURNÉE : Vous serez pris en charge par mes soins, à Bayeux, à l'endroit qui vous arrangera à 8h30 et en petit comité (8 personnes grand maximum) pour une visite agréable et personnalisée. Nous partirons ensuite pour notre 1er RDV avec l'Histoire : - Ste Mère église. Visite de la première ville libérée par les americains le 6 juin. - Plage Utah Beach - Drop zone 101eme Airborne - Pointe du Hoc - Cimetière américain de Colleville - Omaha Beach, plage la plus meurtrière le 6 juin. - Retour à Bayeux vers 16h30 Prix : entre 100 et 110e par personne ou 550e pour un tour privé. TOUR COMPLET AVEC VOTRE VEHICULE (Tour similaire en utilisant votre véhicule avec un prix forcément adapté et revu à la baisse : 350e pour un tour privé TOUR SUR MESURE : Construisez votre tour sur mesure avec une liste de lieux que vous aurez decidé de visiter. Il arrive parfois même de pouvoir marcher dans les pas de votre aïeul si ce dernier a combattu pendant la bataille de Normandie. - DEMI-JOURNÉE (Seulement accessible hors saison d octobre à mars) Pour toutes informations : ME CONTACTER via la messagerie Airbnb.
Farewell lumps, sad creams, runny mayonnaises or failed sauces. French sauces may seem tricky but you'll soon become a real expert and will impress your guests with those delicious recipes. Discover the secrets of the French classics : Bechamel, Aïoli, Béarnaise, Anglaise, Pâtissière... We'll learn and practice together with precious and precise tips. Be assured you will be able to reproduce it perfectly back home, as I focus on making my cooking classes simple, entertaining and clear for you. 5 gourmet style courses, using those recipes will be served with fine Champagne, including the famous "Croissant du Palace". A tasty lesson indeed ! Enjoy and relax, recipes will be sent by email. - Adieu grumeaux, crèmes en berne, mayonnaises et sauces ratées. Les sauces et crèmes françaises peuvent sembler difficiles mais vous deviendrez bientôt un véritable expert et impressionnerez vos invités avec ces délicieuses recettes. Découvrez les secrets des classiques français : Béchamel, Aïoli, Béarnaise, Anglaise, Pâtisssière... Vous progresserez grâce à des conseils précis et précieux. Vous pourrez aisément reproduire ces sauces à la maison car ma priorité est de rendre mes cours simples, divertissants et clairs pour vous. 5 tapas utilisant les recettes du cours seront servis accompagnés de Champagne, dont le fameux "Croissant du Palace". Une leçon bien savoureuse ! Recettes par mail !
Take a tour of a Provençal truffle plantation, learn how truffles are cultivated and truffle dogs are trained, and go on a hunt for France's elusive "black gold" with professional hunters who know all the tricks of the trade.  Tours are followed up with fresh truffle hors d'oeuvres, Champagne and a tasting of our organic olive and truffle oil, truffle salt, truffle honey with truffle ice cream. Other things to note Our clients either bring their own car, rent a car or hire a chauffeur/driver to come to our property. We don't have public transportation to our place. Uber & taxi are not available to drive you back.
Step into your own movie scene as we explore Paris, where iconic films have left their mark. Picture yourself amidst legendary cafés, romantic bridges, and hidden passages, each with its own cinematic story. In this exclusive photoshoot, I'll be your guide, weaving tales of Parisian charm and cinematic history. Whether you're a couple, family, or celebrity, this experience is tailored for you. No need to worry about posing; I'll capture natural and stunning shots. Join over 2000 satisfied participants. Check out more examples on the tagged section of my Insta: cinematic.walks. This private experience is customizable by indicating the number and age of participants when booking. Choose between day or night sessions. Daytime offers movement and joy, while night sessions are moody and dramatic. Please note, night sessions are not possible with minors. Indulge in the magic of Parisian cinema as we create memories to last a lifetime.
Join me at the charming village of Châteauneuf du Pape at 10:00 AM for an immersive journey through time and taste! Meeting on public parking Baron Leroy street (go up to the sign⛔️) parking on you right hand side . Being a medieval village if you cannot find this public parking please contact me. I’ll come and get you .


Learn how to make the typically "French Croissant", the "Pain au chocolat" & the "Pain au raisin" :-) During this interactive cooking lesson, you will be hands-on in the kitchen and, equipped with an apron and all the utensils you need, you will learn how to make the "French Croissant" the "Pain au chocolat" & the "Pain au raisin"! You will be in control of your creations from start to finish, from the moment you lay eyes on the recipe for the first time to the moment you take your creation out of the oven. I will be at your side to guide you and teach you, with full explanations, the techniques you need to guarantee your baking will be a success! At the end of your experience, we can taste what you have baked and chat about your trip to Paris and I’ll also be happy to give you my culinary advice, recommendations and opinions.
Esta é uma experiência perfeita para você que deseja ter belas fotos por um baixo custo e conhecer novas pessoas. Aproveite o momento para se divertir, conhecer pessoas e ter ótimas lembranças! Garanta sua vaga pois nossos horários esgotam rápido! Nesta experiência você fará um pequeno tour fotográfico. Se desejar algo especial e exclusivo é possível reservar um horário diferente. Nos mande uma mensagem. - Esta é uma experiência compartilhada. Cada horário atende até máximo 6 pessoas. Caso você queira uma experiência privada, reserve para um grupo privado. - Cada tour tem duração de até 1 hora. - Faremos uma caminhada e parar em alguns pontos para que cada participante seja fotografado, enquanto o restante do grupo espera por sua vez. - Se você estiver acompanhado precisa fazer a reserva de cada uma das pessoas que estiver com você, inclusive crianças. - Cada pessoa terá direito a escolher 5 fotos. Mas você pode comprar fotos extras se quiser. - A entrega será feita no máximo até 5 dias após a experiência, enviadas por um link online. Se houver alguma dúvida, nos mande uma mensagem. Vamos adorar ter você com a gente!
This photo session in Paris is offered to couples, for engagements, weddings, elopements, families, surprise proposals and individual pictures. It will be the perfect souvenir of your stay during the Olympics Games 2024. We'll meet at this address : middle of Bir-Hakeim Bridge. Then walk around to go to the perfect spots. In an hour we do several spots and we include the Eiffel Tower, the Seine River and a Parisian Street. We will guide you during the experience and help you with the poses to get natural lifestyle pictures. To have an idea of the pictures you can get, check our insta: _parispics_ The experience will always be private! I recommend booking a photo session in the morning (crowd...)! Also, bring a second pair of shoes (to be able to walk). After the experience, I will send you a link to a private gallery to choose your best pictures (20 MAX). I will edit them and send them 3 days after your selection. Alex will host in the morning experiences. We offer professional make up and hairstyle services, the help of an assistant (during the session) or a professional videographer if needed. If you would like a taylored experience (more hours, more locations or have a specific request outside of this experience ) please send us a message.
Paris Speakeasy Adventure: Uncover the City of Secrets. Paris, the City of Lights, has a clandestine side that beckons night owls . Our one-of-a-kind Paris Speakeasy Tour takes you on a captivating journey through the hidden gems of Paris nightlife, introducing you to iconic speakeasy bars. While Paris boasts an array of secret bars, we've carefully curated a selection that embodies the spirit of the Parisian night life. As much as we'd love to explore them all in one night, time constraints prevail. However, fear not! Our guides will discreetly share the locations of other secret bars, ensuring your Parisian adventure doesn't end here. Our experience is designed to cater to a diverse range of guests. Whether you're a teetotaler, a solo traveler, part of a couple, enjoying a family outing, or celebrating a bachelor/bachelorette party, our Speakeasy Tour welcomes all with open arms. The advertised tour duration is 2 hours, but there's no rush. Feel free to linger at each speakeasy, savoring the ambiance and crafted cocktails at your own pace. If your preferred time slot appears fully booked, fret not. Our speakeasies are spacious and accommodating, so drop us a message, and we'll make room for you. Join us on this enchanting journey through the hidden world of Paris Speakeasies. Let's raise a glass to secret soirées, whispered tales, and unforgettable memories.
Go off to explore the lovely medieval village of Saint-Emilion, listed as World Heritage Site by Unesco, and visit two wineries (a top winery classified Grand Cru Classé and a family-run estate Grand Cru) during a 5 hours guided tour with me, a fun & knowledgeable local guide speaking English. Your tour includes 2 wineries visit (introduction about the history of the estate and technical informations about how to make the wine), 5 wines tasting minimum in total and a French aperitif (cheese, cured meat & bread at the 1° or 2nd winery) OR sweet specialities from Bordeaux macaroons from Saint-Emilion & cannelés depending on the day of the visit. I will drive through the vineyard of Saint-Emilion in my van and we will visit together the famous medieval village dating from the Middle Age. The wine tours are in English & French. I offer 2 wines tours : morning (8.30am-1.15pm) & afternoon (1.30pm-6.30pm) The meeting point is in Bordeaux at : 1 place de stalingrad, in front of LCL Bank (with a beautiful view of the bridge :)) Make sure to have breakfast or lunch before ! (only small portions of cheese, cured meat, chocolate & crackers will be served at the first or second winery OR Macaroons & cannelés in the village of saint-emilion).
Excursion demi-journée Kayak, Calanques
Nous vous proposons de découvrir, en kayak de mer, les calanques de la Côte Bleue au départ de l’Estaque à Marseille et en allant dans la direction de Carry-le-Rouet. Au programme, une belle balade sportive sur l'eau et de la bonne humeur ! C'est une expérience pour tous, une excursion demi-journée de 3h avec 2h15 sur l'eau. Prévoir un maillot de bain pour une baignade dans les eaux cristallines de la calanque ou nous nous arrêtons pour la pause. Le tour du matin est conseillé pour les débutants, la mer est plus calme. Déroulement de votre journée : - Accueil à la mise à l’eau de l'Estaque. - Formalités & Briefing (explications des règles de sécurité, présentation de la zone de navigation et du parcours, point météo) - Distribution de l’équipement personnel (kayak, gilet, pagaie, sac étanche) - Mise à l’eau, que l’aventure commence ! Vous pouvez nous demander un petit sac de stockage des détritus afin de pouvoir ramasser de potentiels déchets flottants. Notre matériel est récent (2022 à 2024). En cas de mauvaises conditions météo, l'activité pouvant présenter un risque, pour votre sécurité l’excursion sera donc annulée. Nous avons un diction dans le milieu « la mer ne s’achète pas, nous devons nous adapter à elle ». Pour tout renseignement par téléphone contactez-nous en tapant SUD KAYAK sur internet. Partageons la nature, créons nos souvenirs.
Why walk with the crowds & stand in line when you can ride a bike & skip the line? Join us to ride, taste & explore on this truly memorable day trip. Escape the crowds, explore the Château, gardens & discover secret places seen by few tourists and even unknown to Parisians! We take the train to Versailles, hop on bikes to explore our beautiful town & award winning food market to & shop like a local for a French picnic lunch. We ride through the breath-taking Royal Gardens, admire Louis' fountains, indulge in market treats whilst hearing all the gossip & scandalous tales of the French Royal Family. Having worked up an appetite we lay out our authentic French picnic lunch by the Grand Canal. There is no better place to picnic & relax in the sun! Post picnic we Skip the Line to explore the Château: State Rooms, King's bedroom & Hall of Mirrors. We are proud to be one of the few tours licensed to guide inside. Be prepared to taste local food & picnic like a royal in the sun! If you are looking for a unique experience, out of the city, away from hoards of tourists, and want to make the most of your time in Versailles- look no further than this day trip. GOOD TO KNOW: -We Skip the Line & guide inside the Château: we do not abandon you with an audio guide. -30€ entry tickets to be paid on the day (card only) -Fountains: Sat & Sun. -Picnic at guest's cost.
Leave your map behind and follow us, your English speaking show-people, who will take you on exploration of 30+ Top Paris Sights. You will hear about and possibly meet some the legends of one of Europe’s best-loved cities. Included in the tour; the best place for photo's of the incredible Eiffel Tower, we'll take a lively stroll through old Montmartre where Van Gogh and Pablo Picasso once lived, then upwards to the Sacre-Coeur for the best panoramic view of the City of Light. The show continues down with a view of the Champs Élysées and the majestic Arc de Triomphe and who can forget... the Moulin Rouge. We will experience a beautiful slice of French culture in the Latin Quater where you can pick up a snack (not included) from a nearby street market filled with patisseries, fresh fruit markets, cafes, fromageries (cheese shops), chocolate and wine shops and anything else you might like. After that it's back on the trail. For over a 1000yrs the English have annoyed the French. We will be able to give you our personal insights on how to avoid certain embarrassing mis-understandings. Making this a super original experience. Other things to note Please bring an umbrella if the forecast indicates rain and wear a comfy pair of shoes, as we'll be on foot most of the time (with lots of breaks to chat and rest). Bring a camera and drinks.
Bonjour, ”Paris is party “ Despite Paris reputation as a place designed for couples, the city has a high number of singles and in that respect tends to cater solo travellers. Do you love unique cocktails and ready to meet other free spirits like you from different cultures in company of a local host? Meet people that will give you a taste of different mindsets, way of thinking about life. It will also let you think more about the place you call home and how life is there compared to the life of others. While traveling alone and living in a new city,we often want to meet new people, whether it’s locals or other travellers and explore the city in company of a local. We will be meeting around the 3rd district and walk to one of my favorite cocktail bar. We will do 3 bars all walking distance from each other. Interact through conversation,game and enjoy a memorable evening in Paris. This is a special experience to us because you will meet people from all over the world with different cultures ,way of thinking, personalities and most of all form a deep connection .And that is what we love ,meeting new friends and bringing people together. We welcome all;Non-solo travellers,Introverts NO DRINKS AND FOOD INCLUDED. Your guide Dahdet,Chloe,Patrick &Vicky
Feminists in the City awaits you at the Louvre for a feminist visit! We go through key art works, retracing the history of women and feminism across the centuries. From the Victory of Samothrace to Mary the Virgin of the Renaissance to Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, we will discuss the place of the "second sex" in the art world. May you be a woman, a man or else, the visit is open to all! Private groups only, no more than 6 people. Please check the language of the scheduled visit. We have tours scheduled in French and others in English. Please choose your reservation date accordingly. Once you booked your experience, make sure you get your entrance ticket. The Louvre is free for under 26 year olds from the EU, guests with disabilities, art students and their plus one.
Le canyon de Galamus est une activité parfaite à réaliser en famille ou entre amis. Il est adapté aux enfants à partir de 7 ans s'ils savent nager et qu'ils mesurent au moins 125 cm pour 25 kg. Après vous avoir accueilli sur le site et fait connaissance, nous passerons à l'étape de l'équipement. Une fois paré de nos combinaisons et matériel nécessaire à la pratique du canyoning nous pourrons commencer la marche d'approche vers l'entrée du canyon. C'est une marche très facile qui nous fait traverser les gorges par la route et nous donne le temps de mesurer sa profondeur vertigineuse. Une fois entrés dans le canyon, nous commencerons par marcher dans la rivière pour rapidement trouver les premiers toboggans et vasques d'eau turquoise. Le parcours permets quelques sauts, toujours évitable si on ne le sent pas. Cela prendra environ 2 heures pour faire le canyon. Le chemin du retour un peu raide mais pas trop long ( 20 minutes) nous feras passer non loin de l'ermitage de Galamus qu'il sera aussi possible de visiter après l'activité. De retour sur le parking où nous nous sommes garés nous pourrons nous remettre au sec avant de prendre le temps d'échanger sur cette formidable expérience.
You will start your multi-sensorial experience by discovering and smelling the history of perfumery, the influence of the French Riviera, some of the most mysterious ingredients, and its modern, provocative tendencies. With our help and your new-found knowledge, you will then be able to create your own formula, while learning some of the tricks of the trade. You will enjoy our friendly, educational and amusing workshop while discovering our collection of rare fragrances. This initiation to perfume-making will serve also as a future tool to help you better understand, and more intelligently choose, your perfumes. We are happy to inform you that we have adapted our Atelier to host you in the safest conditions possible, respecting personal distancing and complying with all necessary sanitary recommendations. Other things to note If possible, please avoid applying perfume, scented body lotion or scented sun screen before the workshop.
Learn how to make the iconic French "Macarons"! In the 16th century, it was the favorite pastry of the famous French Queen Catherine de Medici. Since this day, many pastry chefs had and continue to have fun with this recipe, like Pierre Hermé or Cédric Grolet. Today, you can come and learn how to bake your 2020 version macarons ! During this interactive cooking lesson, you will be hands-on in the kitchen. Equipped with an apron and all the utensils you need, you will learn how to make your own macarons step by step, also picking the flavour of your choice ! You will be in control of your creations from start to finish, from the moment you lay eyes on the recipe for the first time to the moment you take your creation out of the oven. I will be at your side to guide you and to teach you, with full explanations, the techniques you need to guarantee your baking will be a success! At the end of your experience, we can taste what you have baked and chat about your trip to Paris and I’ll also be happy to give you my culinary advice, recommendations and opinions. Other things to note Maison Fleuret will do its best and make sure you have a great time during your experience. To do so, we guarantee a maximum of 6 attendees per experience ; it will not be possible to come with an extra guest, or stay as an observer without having booked.
Les passages du quartier du Palais Royal
Paris sans ses passages couverts ne serait plus Paris. Ils furent les témoins de la vie de notre capitale du début du XIXème siècle. Leurs construction s'est étalée de la fin du 18eme siècle jusqu'au second empire. En 1850, il y en avait une cinquantaine dans Paris. Il m'en reste à peine 10 aujourd'hui. Au cours de quatre balades, vous découvrirons la plupart des passages couverts parisiens avec leurs histoires et leurs ambiances. Les passages que vous visiterez lord de cette balade sont les plus connus et les plus beaux entre élégance et désuétude. Vous évoquerez un riche passé littéraire et artistique et vous irez sur les lieux du premier passage couvert au monde. La visite est effectuée en français uniquement.
NO DIET CLUB ニースで最高のグルメな食べ歩き!
ALL FOOD IS INCLUDED ! :) ⚠ Hygienic measures : Hydroalcoholic gel before and after each tasting ! Food is life but safety first. ❤️ Nice is a beautiful city between mountain and sea with the most delicious and rich food culture. (if you love olive oil and chickpeas) You'll discover the authentic Pan Bagnat (literally the best of the city), some amazing socca (a savory chickpea crêpe), the famous pissaladière (old-fashioned onion and anchovy tart), "melt in your mouth", artisanal macarons with typical and natural flavors (lemon from Menton, roses from Grasse) and more. The best home made ice cream of the city is also on the No Diet menu :) All food is included of course but drinks other than water are extra. (Nissart lesson included too !) (VEGETARIANS ARE WELCOME <3) Insta : @no_diet_club ▶ What this tour is about ✔ - Many tastings to share - Culinary specialties from Nice - A nice walk around le Vieux-Nice - What locals actually eat - Lots of fun - Funny/bad jokes - Pictures and souvenirs - Smiles - A list of serious recommendations in Nice - New friends from all around the world ✌